The NEW Way To Sync Audio & Video With Time Code In Premiere Pro 2025!

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There's a new way to sync audio and video with time code in Premiere Pro! This video will show you every way you can sync your audio and video clips with timecode.

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0:00 The NEW way to sync audio & video with time code in Premiere Pro!
0:28 How to sync with METADATA Timecode
1:57 How to sync with LINEAR Timecode (LTC)

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This is a very welcomed change! Having to throw everything that is LTC into Tentacle software then export into Premiere was one of the many reasons I have been learning how to run Davinci 🤣 Looking forward to trying the multi-camera feature again instead of clipping on the timeline.


Ok so Matt, it seems like the deity PR2 and the Tascam FR-AV2 are the better option. I'm assuming you can change frame rate much easier. Can you please do a timecode video on these two recorders?


How does it work with mismatched framerates? I know this isn't the 'right' way to do things, but for our weddings we shoot 60fps all day, but then 24fps for ceremony and speeches. Our workflow has been using tentacles with the Tentacle Sync Studio app, using linear (audio) timecode and setting the timecode to 23.98. So even if we're recording in 60fps throughout the day, the LTC on the audio track is 23.98, which is what we always 'master' our films in. Tentacle sync seems to not care about the clip frame rate (we switch from 24 to 60 without having to think about changing timecode settings) and it just syncs up perfectly. Even if we have a multicam with 3 cameras, with one in 60p and two in in 24p, it still syncs them up because they all have the 23.98 LTC embedded on the left channel that it pulls from.
Again, I'm aware this isn't the correct way to do things, but this workflow DOES work and does sync with the Tentacle app, and it means I set timecode ONCE in the morning, and then any of my cameras can change frame rates and no one has to get a headache.

So I"m curious if this workflow is similar and could work in place of the tentacle app if you have cams with multiple framerates? Or if Premiere doesn't like that


IDUNO Matt...Though I appreciate your enthusiasm, to me, Premiere's synchronize feature already does the trick pretty well. RARELY do I have a problem syncing audio to video, & when I do, it doesn't take but a couple of seconds to fix. So to me, this is Adobe fixing a problem that really didn't exist. 🤷‍♂


Does this remove the need for round tripping to Resolve now when using the Rode Wireless Pro's TC?


Hi Matt! Is there a benefit to use embedded vs linear time code? Or vice versa?


Is there any way to use Premiere Pro, Premiere Elements, AE or another tool/plugin/platform to label each clip based on the faces that are in it? Similar to how the iPhone or Google Photos has a "People" section?

I currently analyze TV show analytics such as character screen time (i.e., how much time each cast member is the screen during each episode). As on now, I am using “Scene-Edit Detection” and then manually typing and naming the clip based on the faces of the cast member(s) that is shown.

Thanks so much!


Wow I was looking for a way to Use Timecode on A7siii, but at the same time have on camera mic recording as well and seems like it is now possible todo with deity devices?


Matt this is perfect! I just order some Deity TC-1 and the PR-2 devices to help with timecode for my videos and this video is just what I needed!


Thank you for the visual aid with TC. I'm so happy now creativity is flowing.


So with linear TC, do all the cameras, recorders have to be all the same frame rate still?

Or your TC1 & PR2 need too be the same frame rate still?

Thank you


Can we please get a 2024/2025 best 4k export settings video 🙏🏼


I recently tested this out with my GH5. I used an Atomos Ultrasync One to the Mic jack of the GH5 and got that familiar data tone you describe. After selecting LTC in Premiere, timecode appears in the metadata and it's in the ballpark of my other connected camera. It even syncs up with my other camera that was also attached to the Ultrasync via SDI. Unfortunately the two recordings are like 3 seconds off eachother. Thought maybe it was my GH5, so I tried the audio input of my HC-X2000 and same story. It actually syncs the files, and it moves them in the timeline to overlap each other. It's just that the overlap is always off by the same few seconds. Any ideas?


But what happens when you have a ton of files to sync? you have to go one by one? Thanks


So we still need a timecode device attached to record LTC timecode. The only difference is that it's plugged into the mini jack and we lose a Chanel?


Wow! It took them a few years but they finally added the feature. On a later version we expect to see a proper version, where, among many other fixes, a new user workspace will be present, despite the user switching among presets.


I used the same timecodes boxes and recorders you have in this video and changed everything like you said and when I select both video(with audio) and audio clips it wont even give me the option to sync with timecode. Thoughts?


Hey @whoismatt - I'm having a a weird Audio Issue since doing the update. When I drag a song into the timeline (Audio Channel 1) it only plays Mono-left. If i drag it to channel 2, it plays mono-right. If i drag it to channel 3 or 4, it plays nothing... And if I create a new 5th channel, it plas like normal in stereo. The same is happening with my in-camera-audio when I drag it in. I updated my drivers, restarted, and still am experiencing this. Anyone else? Am i missing something lol


Matt! Just be careful with the bleeding sound from timecode channel to "camera sound". Known issue and can ruin your in camera sounds if you need them.


I don't get why/how A7SIII and other modern mirrorless cams can't just sync timecode via bluetooth or usb cable or something
