What is the Mark of the Beast?

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Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, answers the question, "If the mark of the beast is not a physical mark; how does this relate to what is said about buying and selling in Revelation 13:17?"

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For more information on the mark of the beast, check out the following articles…


WONDERFUL explanation. Way overdue and way too little is heard accurately in churches today. Thanks so much, Hank!


Not a physical mark. It's a conscious choice that you make and you will know that you are making this choice. It's an issue of Worship....who you Worship.


It is becoming difficult to move and work within many circles even now just because you are Christian.


One of the most misconceived ideas we have ever taught people is that during the end of the world, people who don’t believe in Jesus will have to bear the mark 666 on their foreheads.

At the same breath we teach people those who believe in them will have the name of Jesus tattooed on our foreheads.

Let me show you the verses.

Revelation 13:16-17
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 22:4
They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.

Dear friends,

May I show you something. The mark 666 is not a mark that is visible to the physical eye. It is a way of saying who you submit to.

Turn to the passage which spoke about the departure of the Lord from the Holy Temple. You will find a plausible explanation that the mark is not a visible mark detectable to the human eye.

Ezekiel 9:4-6
and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”

As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion.

Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark.”

You can see that the mark here is only visible to the spiritual world.

In the year preceding the destruction of Jerusalem, Titus laid siege in Jerusalem.

No one could enter or leave the forfeited city without the permission of Rome.

The king who ordered the massacre of Jerusalem had been Nero Caesar whose name in Hebrew spelt out in gamatria 666.

That’s how they could not buy and sell without the mark.


When I first started listening to Hank we both had hair. Lol


That's true but with the that device (RFID-Chip) they be able to control all economy worldwide through.


I especially appreciate the reference to the mind here, that is, how we think. It really does matter. Thus, Hank, the entire reason for your ministry... to clear up matters that are formed by doctrines that have us mixed up in our thinking about the teachings of Christ. The mind is given too little importance in some Christian circles. We really need to hear this.


Basically we don't know and making literal assumptions is something we should not do with God's word. Just keep your focus on the Lord and live your life in a manner as if He is coming back any time.


Agreed !! Romans 6:16 “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” - end quote. Man can but serve one Master and, he to whom man submits, ie: heart aspirations and desires which become visible extensions of the character, will reveal clearly, to which Master that man / woman has chosen to submit. The True follower of Christ will not be deceived, for their heart yearns after the Holiness and Righteousness which is imparted only through obedience to Christ through the written Word, in Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body.


I agree. Following this confusion and helping it along is the mark.


His response to the mark is very confusing.


Hi everyone, I am not sure why the accusation cames up frequently here what Church Hank belongs to while I understand it says something about a person. But if you want to seriously think or talk about something one can not just accuse the other side of belonging to a particular organization that usually is a sign that the person doing it doesn't know how to counter the topic at hand, furthermore this teaching from Hank has nothing to do with the Church he belongs to now because he converted to this Church in 2017 and he wrote a whole book on this back in 2008 (The Apocalypse Code) when he didn't even know that the Orthodox Church existed, so I really don't understand why the accusations about the church he belongs to, and for the record I don't think any other explanation makes very much sense so I stand with Hank, and also I m an orthodox christian as well, converted on January 5th 2019. Thanks hope we can all thank of the words of Jesus blessed our the peace makers for there's is the kingdom of Heaven.


Brilliant! Thanks for speaking this deeply ignored truth!


How about the mark in Ezekiel ch 9? Was not that a physical mark?
Was the Blood mark in Exodus a physical mark?
So the mark in revelation is not a physical mark?
Not so sure about that.
Could have happened in 1 st century?


Please how do i get your book. i have followed you for a time and i really like your few. I was told the pope and many leaders today re the dragons from hell fire. please i want more of the truth since i am not deep in history.


The mark of the beast is a Sunday law that will be enforced by law in America and the world the 1st beast in rev 13 is the Roman catholic church system its mark of authority is Sunday whereas the seal of God is the seventh day sabbath which is Saturday its about worship this is symbolic not literal the forehead represents the decision making and righthand represents works we will have to make a choice when the time comes to either keep God's commandments or the traditions of men


Everyone from Gorbachev to Pee Wee Herman has accused of being the Beast, as far as I am concerned that the beast was Nero!


I’m not convinced he is right on this. Revelation says it will be a mark in the right hand or the forehead, and without it you can’t buy, sell or trade anything.
How would one know without something physical to show that you are a Christian.
Some of his answers are super vague and is no real answer at all.


Jaredontv - I don't get it either.  Sounds pretty physical to me.  I can't follow Hank on this one.  I think he also doesn't believe in the pre-Trib. Rapture. 
