The Mark of the Beast in 10 Minutes... Everything You Need to Know Before It Is Too Late

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The book of Revelation describes a time when the vast majority of people in the world will receive a mark… a mark that will directly impact the rest of their life… and only a few know what the mark is.

The mark of the beast is NOT a vaccine, SSC, Tattoo, or computer chip. The Bible gives facts and clues to determine what the mark is, who it comes from and who will have it.

The mark of the Beast is first mentioned in the book of Revelation, chapter 13 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name.”

Let’s break down this Scripture to identify 7 facts about the mark, then we’ll put these facts together with some additional scriptures and identify exactly what the mark is.

But before we get into it, if you are new to this channel, we make these videos to explain Bible topics in an easy to understand way. We believe the Bible is the foundation of truth, and everyone can benefit from it. So give us a like, and help spread the Word.

Now, back to the mark…
Number 1 - the mark is the sign of a coming world-ruling government led by a powerful political leader.
There are two different beasts described in Revelation chapter 13.
The first beast, described in verses 1-8, comes up from the sea and has seven heads, and ten horns (Rev. 13:1). This beast, as explained in other TW videos, represents a revival of the Roman Empire. There will arise an individual who will receive great power, a throne, and authority from Satan the devil (Revelation 13:2, 12:9). This leader will be worshiped by the world, will blaspheme God, will war against God’s saints, and will lead a powerful world-ruling empire in the not-too-distant future (Rev 13:4-8).
Those who receive the mark will be adherents to this system—the final end-time revival of the Roman Empire.
Number 2 - The mark is used by the Beast to identify those who will not conform to its system & rule of law
This end-time revival of the Roman Empire will have the power and ability to control who can and cannot engage in commerce. “...No one may buy or sell except one who has the mark....”
Therefore, someone who refuses the mark will stand out, and will be excluded from engaging in normal business, trade, and employment. Anyone who does not conform and obey the Beast power will be penalized & persecuted. But those who accept the Beast power, and obey it’s form of government, authority, and control will take on the Beast’s mark.
Number 3 - A large portion of mankind will receive the mark.
We see that people “both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,” take on this mark, or sign. This sign will be popular, mainstream, and accepted by a major portion of the population. Only a small number of people will refuse to conform and reject the Beast’s politics, religion, morality, and influence.
Number 4 - “He” who “causes all… to receive the mark” is a deceptive false Christian prophet with great power.
Beginning in verse 11, the Apostle John recalls seeing in vision a second “Beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.”
In the Bible, Jesus Christ is described as “the lamb of God” (John 1:29) while Satan the devil is called “a dragon” (Rev 12:9) Therefore, this second beast appears Christ-like on the surface—he looks like a lamb, but speaks like Satan the devil. This symbolizes a coming false Christian prophet who “performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven” (Rev 13:13). It is this antichrist (1 John 2:18), empowered by Satan himself (2 Thess. 2:9, Rev. 16:13), who will lead a false Christian Church.He will use his power and influence to persuade nearly everyone on earth to worship the first Beast (13:14). It is “he” who causes the people to receive the mark. Therefore, it is this false Christian power, not the civil government, which requires people to take on this end time identification!This means the mark is directly connected to a false Christian Church with profane practices & beliefs
Number 5 - the mark is on the right hand or forehead
The Bible does not say this mark has to be a literal image or imprint on the hand or forehead. Rather, in the Bible, the hand is used to symbolize action and strength, while the forehead is used to symbolize thinking and will.

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Don't let any man decieve you. Study yourself approved. Pray for wisdom discernment and revelation. We are seeing the birth if the mark.


This short video is very helpful specially to share as many people prefer short but meaningful messages. I have shared the booklet which gives the same message, but many don't prefer to read. Praise God for His wonderful ways. Thank you 'Tomorrow's World' !!


This series of videos are so clear and informative. SO STRAIGHT AND TO THE POINT, not just a bunch of cherry picked sentences taken out of context.


This was the most powerful video to date in my eyes for this whiteboard series. Keep up the good work!!


I really Love the way you guys take the information and break it down into simple and easy ways to understand it. Keep up the Great Work and God Bless You All.


The last part of this answered my largest question on the Sabbath....Thank You...


I am glad I don't attend church on Sunday anymore. It's good to read the scriptures. I've made the right choice, and now my life is so much better.


Thank you for the explanation, this answered many questions I had






Great message! Just wanted to add that a couple of other signs are mentioned in His word, the first was given by God back in Ezekiel's day...Ezek. 9:4 "Go throughout the city of Jerusalem, ” said the LORD, “and put a mark on the foreheads of the men sighing and groaning over all the abominations committed there.” And the second is one that the apostle Paul wrote about in 2 Cor. 1:21, 22 "Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, 22 placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come." Interesting times in which we live!


This is so plain. Praise God and open the eyes of his peoples. Thanks for this needed message.


Great teaching on the mark short and to the point good job I shared it with one of my brothers who does practice worshiping the beast system


There must be a physical mark that enables the ability to know those adhering and those opposed to the system.


I'm confused. If we can only buy and sell using the mark, the mark must be something physical, yes?


God bless for years of your true Gospel and your spreading the words around the world🙌


Yes folks, the Mark of the beast is really Sunday worship, and it WILL be enforce, just like in ancient time.


I want to ask this question then…. as a Christian I love going to church to worship and fellowship… totally getting what you are saying about ‘keeping Gods Sabbath’…. is the church to stop having church on Sunday and go back to worshipping and fellowship on Saturday?
I don’t understand this part of it…. Am I already disobeying Gods commandment?


True Christians are saved by Grace through faith. And not of our works…..Ephesians


Sounds like money to me. So many people worship money. Spend all day evert day trying to make more money.
