How to Find Happiness in the New Year: 10 Ways To Be Happy! | XxSarahNicolexX

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New Year's Resolutions: How to Be Happy! | XxSarahNicolexX


HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends!!!! I hope you all enjoy this video, and I'd LOVE to hear your ideas on this topic in the comments! I love you all! xoxo

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I'm SO glad you mentioned laughing at yourself! I feel like too many people these days take themselves to seriously! another one I'd add is to forgive. bitterness and anger can really destroy you and add quite the burden. it doesn't mean you trust whoever hurt you again but that you're not angry at them :) also I love your idea of doing things that scare you, I want to get out there more and tell people I am starting doing makeup and also a channel :)


Yay!!! Loved this video! Every positive effort counts!! I've been doing a few of these for a few months, and I feel as though the world is giving back in amazing ways. I often remember the wise words from Grandmother Willow, from Pocahontas, when she dips her leaves into the water and ripples form. They will grow, but someone has to start them. This video is one of your ripples😉 You reminded me of a few important ones that I need to practice more: expect less/(often) & fear less. I would love to hear how you are doing with your goals in a few months! Wishing you and your family the happiest of New Years!


I absolutely LOVE you and your attitude! What really resonated with me was what you said about listening to family. My sister and I are gathering information to write a book about our parents. My dad was in the Air Force Band of the West in the 50s and they have been married for 58 years. We have learned SO much about little things in their lives over the last couple of years. What an amazing treasure trove we have unearthed! And, as someone who has been in makeup sales, artistry and training for 25 years plus, I appreciate that you make a Grandma in Oregon still feel relevant and on trend. God bless you and your family! Xoxo


you're amazing! such an uplifting message and definitely would make the world that much happier if every single person did just a few of these. I love your outlook xoxox


I really like your "educational" videos. your outlook and the way you explain your thoughts and opinions is so helpful. 2015 was a pretty crappy year for me and my family, so here is to a happier 2016!!!


I agree. Totally gonna do some of these MORE.


Absolutely love these! I believe I remember someone telling me that singing in the car creates something called "flow" in your brain that combats things like anxiety. I don't remember the exact science behind it but it's something it stimulates enough parts of your brain that it keeps your occupied essentially?? Something like that - love it! I appreciate these aren't the typical tips of losing weight and organization. Very unique and heart felt! Thank you for sharing them :) xx


God I can't put into words how much I needed this video ❤️ seriously your advice is really going to help and I'm really going to try to have less expectations, more enthusiasm and to be just nicer to other people X I'm going back to school tomorrow and to be honest I'm dreading it but hopefully with your great tips I might be able to survive 😁 your so inspiring, I mean it your are like the most genuine person on YouTube and you really seem to care about the welfare of your subscribers! Thank you so much 😘 lots of hugs and kisses from Ireland 🍀


Love this video! Agree with everything you said and do or try to do everything. Accept the singing but maybe I'll give that a go. Love to see this positivity and realness on YouTube.


absolutely loved this video!! I could relate perfectly with everything you talked about!! thank you for making this video!


i loved the tip about no expectations And the last one, love these types of vídeos from you :)


Thank you Sarah!! this what i needed to see and hear today. I was having such an emotional day .. because i think I'm a girl and just needed to cry to feel better. Thank you thank you again I LOVE this video and going to try all 10 suggestion at some point this year. Heres to 2016!! xoxo


Last year, I also made an effort to complement women more, which was a great thing to do--you're totally right!


Great ideas, thank you for sharing. Sometimes it's hard to really sit down and think about how to be happy, but it all comes from yourself so these are fantastic tips.


Ty, I already do some, love hearing stories, expectations is a good one, and trying new things....Hugs to You....


I love the idea of this video. Thank you for the advice! I'm going to try some of these!


I'm taking a page from Cinderella this year and I'm going to "Have Courage and Be Kind."


Great, great video!! Not the usual "get into shape" new years resolutions type of stuff. (not that its not important).
