The Less You Seek, The More You’ll Find | The Happiness Paradox

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The less we try to think about a blue elephant, the more likely this creature persists in residing in our thoughts. Imagine the blue elephant represents our unhappiness – our dissatisfaction with life – hence the color blue. Obviously, no one likes feeling blue, and when we experience it, we’re likely to try getting rid of it. But the more we try to push it away, the bigger the blue elephant seems to become.

Video: The Less You Seek, The More You’ll Find | The Happiness Paradox

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#backwardslaw #happiness #reversedeffort

00:00 - Intro
01:53 - The elusiveness of happiness
04:55 - Disappointment & meta-emotion
09:09 - Doing without expectation
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This is how I found my wife. I spent my teenage years trying desperately to find someone, but that was too much pressure to put on a new relationship. Once I focused on being a good person, and finding good people, she naturally came into my life and we naturally found each other.


I love this quote from Rumi - "When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it"


"If you seek it, you won't find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness."


"You have enough. You are enough." I think everyone needs to hear that


Being in constant pain since 3 years Made me realize how happy my life was back then. Enjoy your life as much as possible and be gratefull for what you have, dont take your health for granted! Money, Status, career dont mean anything when you're Not healthy!
Brothers and Sisters plz pray for me.


This is by far the single greatest piece of advice for living a happy life.


Sometimes in life, we have to go with the flow of things, instead of chasing and trying to force things.
I had a friend who wanted to become a successful YouTuber and YouTube became all he focused on, releasing high quality videos everyday with the goal of making it by 2023 but before 2022 ended he got burnt out and quit.
There's nothing wrong with working hard, I want to become a successful self improvement YouTuber like my friend but I learned, I can't try to force and expect it to happen within a certain amount of time and just let it happen when it happens


"The desire for more positive experience is a negative experience and paradoxically, the acceptance of negative experience is a positive experience itself"


My cure for depression is gratitude. I look at that which I take for granted, and Express gratitude for it.
Before long I just feel better.


We must all learn to give without expecting anything in return and we must learn to receive without expectation.


True Happiness is letting go of your IDEAS of what Happiness is. Just like you can't THINK your way out of Problem Because The Problem is Thinking.


*I SUFFERED LONG COVID FOR 2 YEARS* in just - very depressed - I decided I could either be miserable and in pain OR happy and in pain

When I decided to ignore the pain and be happy - the pain diminished 80%


Once you understand happiness is a result, the more it makes sense. Thanks for another great video. Ordering your new book now.


I'm reading this man's books. You would never believe the personal struggles he has gone through to get to the point of making these astonishing, profound, and practical videos! This is the second channel on YT that has been life-changing for me. That is why, unlike some cynics, I don't relate to YT as "social media" but as education and inspiration.


Based on my life experience, I KNOW this is true! I can think of countless examples in my life where this was the case. My best memories came from not pursuing happiness but kind of just letting things happen without pressure or expectation. You can have a desire but don’t make it the focal point in your mind at all times or the pressure to obtain it will increase simultaneously pushing it away from you. I’ve tested this so many times and it always happens the same!


“ Happiness should not be Pursued - it must Ensue .. !! “ ... How true. Why waste my days chasing happiness, it’s fickle. Contentment, a Quiet life and living uncluttered seems a good start to happiness.


Happiness depends on our ability to appreciate good things and accept bad things in life.


I did a once in a life time trip with my wife to Bora Bora last year and stayed in a 5 star resort. I could tell there were couples there who were quite used to traveling that way. I told my wife that I feel blessed that I’m not rich and that I won’t be able to afford this trip again in my lifetime because the pleasure of the experience was that much more


It is so true. I was helping Cuban veterinarians fight homelessness of animals for seven years. I was just elated with each of their successes. It was the happiest time of my life.


I ordered the books of einzelgänger and I can’t describe how much it changed my life only by few pages
