Is WOW worth Playing in 2024? (World of Warcraft)

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In this video, we're going to review whether or not you should still play World of Warcraft in 2023.

Since the game was first released in 2004, World of Warcraft has been one of the most popular games on the internet. In this video, we're going to talk about the game and see if it's still worth playing in 2023. We'll also give you a review of the current state of the game, so you can make the best decision for your own gaming experience! Is WOW Worth Playing in 2023?

Anyone who is even remotely interested in the future of the MMORPG genre should at the very least be aware of what Blizzard has in store for the world in 2023- a full-blown expansion sized patches for their wildly popular World of Warcraft.

In this video, I'm going to give you a detailed review of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the upcoming expansion for the game scheduled for release in 2023. I'll discuss the new features and content that will be available, as well as give my thoughts on whether or not you should invest in the expansion when it releases. If you're a fan of World of Warcraft, then this video is definitely for you!

World of Warcraft is the most popular most played MMORPG on the market in 2023, lets talk about it.
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0:00 Should You Play WOW in 2023
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3:27 Should You Play WOW in 2023 Continued
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Leveling is the process I always enjoyed most in WoW. The atmosphere, the inimitable music, the gorgeous locations and the story you participate in and travel through. It might be confusing for new people, but if they take away ability to level through the previous expansions, I'd likely just stop playing the game.


When WoW became a 2nd job, that's when it died.


Never thought I'd see someone suffer the same terrible drop rate I did back in my raiding days. Always the last one geared in our little static. Great video, as ever. :)


I’ve only played for a year and I’m still overwhelmed by how much there is to do.


Great video! I just wanted to add that technically Dragonflight has less solo content than the past few expansions because almost all of the endgame open world content requires groups now—which was confirmed by the devs and the game itself calling it “group content” and adding tools to help automate group finding. So what Dragonflight really has a lot of is open world content that necessitates group play but is more accessible to solo players than the instanced group content. However, the leveling experience in Dragonflight is indeed soloable other than a few optional dungeon quests.


Imagine if they removed the monthly sub fee…. Be good to see the world more populated again. Sad going into goldshire and seeing a ghost town.


Watching this video, I was intrigued about returning. But when I found out it’ll cost about $70 for the expansion and game time, that’s kinda hard to swallow… kinda shitty that they don’t include game time with a $50 expansion when I may only get about 40 hours of fun, seeing how fast you level in that game.


The massive problem in accordance to wow is the playability for new players. Learning rotations and how everything works, along with the lore and how boring it becomes early game. That’s the massive issue for wow, great at keeping its current fan base, but horrible for attracting new players.


my opinion is that it really hold up even though its a really old game. I think its creative, fun, and there is something for everyone to do. I love how much you can customize and its not super competitive. Something I wish they could do better though is dialogue. I think most people can agree that some text to speech would be nice instead of having to read it in a small little book. Thats my opinion on WOW


I used to play this game since 2008 but the reasons I stopped playing are:
1- No more free time to play as before
2- i must pay subscription fees after buying the expansion
3- lost the track on the lore
I stopped at MOP expansion and lost track of the lore

They should let us buy the expansion only and play and remove the monthly subscription.


This was such a good put together video! I don’t play WOW but I’m going to get it and try it. Best video I’ve seen in a long time! Great job with keeping me entertained.


I haven't played since Warlords and it had just barely came out. I FINALLY got my own desktop that is built well enough to run WoW without lagging and high quality graphics and I am so excited to get back into it. This video was informative and well done. Thanks for this!


Great video with a fair review. Watching you fly around it really makes me want to play again.


I played through BC, Lich King & Cata. When Pandaria came out I quitted and never came back. I was in a top 3 Server Guild and a hardcore PvE & Arena Gamer. Then Adulthood hit and I never had enough time to keep up with my people there. But I miss this game so much it’s unbelievable after nearly 10years of not playing I still dream sometimes about this game lol. I would love to play again but it’s inevitable that I become addicted if I start … anyway there exists no better game than wow. Thanks blizzard for all those amazing memories, soundtracks, stories & funny nights raiding and pushing us to become better & better. I made great friends there too kinda crazy lol


I picked the game up in December for the first time and it’s been a blast. I got hooked on the dungeons and just got to ksm in M+. Excited to play more


My wife and I have contrasting perspectives. I enjoy story while she prefers gameplay and socializing, I read the entire quest and story, she accepts the quest and checks her quest log to see what her goals are. We both played WoW together for years but dropped off when life got busy. Now we're reluctant to come back because we have to start all over if we play the new game but the legacy servers might be really enjoyable for nostalgia.


Great too I've been on and off (more off) for a very long time with a love - hate relationship with them, quite similar to my feelings towards R*...

I'll give it one more try now that you reminded us about it...


I’m giving wow a chance after all these years of being curious. I’m currently hooked on ff 14 because I can play solo all day or do dungeon and trials all day with tons of people. I like having options


It's so sad to see what World of Warcraft has become. I remember WotLK era... levelling up felt so fresh and exciting. Maybe it's all in my head... maybe I'm getting old... I don't know. It just doesn't feel the same anymore. It feels like you're forced to skip everything and only focus on the end-game. But isn't the journey what counts?!
