Top 10 Hardest Final Bosses in Video Games

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These bosses made reaching the ends of their games ridiculously hard. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most difficult final major enemies in gaming history. Naturally, there may be some spoilers ahead. Also keep in mind we are only going with canonical final bosses, and not those found in follow-up DLC. Our countdown includes The Radiance from “Hollow Knight” (2017), Mike Tyson from “Punch-Out!!” (1987), Vergil from “Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening” (2005), Sans from “Undertale” (2015), and more! If there’s a punishing gaming antagonist you’d like to punish us for forgetting, challenge us in the comments!

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If there’s a punishing gaming antagonist you’d like to punish us for forgetting, challenge us in the comments!


Beating Isshin after 8+ hours and countless tries was one of the most satisfying moments I've ever had in gaming. Truly a test of pure skill.


I been tryna beat mike tyson for 30 years.


In my first playthrough of Sekiro I thought Isshin was insanly hard, but now he feels very easy and so beautifully done by FromSoftware.


I've played a lot of bosses, played DS 1, 2 and 3. but the Glock saint is one of the bosses that I truly thought the battle was hopeless, and I couldn't beat him... until I practiced hard, and now I beat him for fun


Ishhin is such a great fight. One of my favorites to master. Radagon would be a better fight if elden beast didn't exist. But isshin is just perfect.


No other boss took any where near the time Isshin took me. A solid 6 hours worth of attempts. When I finally beat him, I was try to calm my breathing, while trying not to throw up, and trying to stop my shaking hands. All the while feeling a sense of triumph I never felt before. I loved this boss fight


beating the pantheon of hollownest was one of my most proud gaming achievements, such a crazy run you got to be so perfect for especially for Absolute Radiance


Love the way Vergil was right after Senator Armstrong


Ishin the sword saint is definitely the hardest most technical boss ever in gaming. Not exaggerated either, 4 bosses with each phase needing a new tactic and no coop or cheese. Insane.


Radagon and Elden Beast is a hard fight compared to other games. But if you defeated every boss before, they are rather easy on comparation


I still regard Mike Tyson to be the toughest challenge when I was a kid. I still remember when I beat him the first time. Punch Out is such an amazing game.


Vergil's last fight (DMC3) in Dante must die is hell.

Isshin is hard but is so good to fight agaisnt him, I remember I decided to fight him inmediatly once again after I defeat it for the first time

A good contender is the last boss from onimusha 3.


Hats off to whoever was playing Mega man. They took no damage!


Isshin definitely deserves the top spot.

Hesitation is defeat


I played Splatoon 2 DLC, Hollow Knight and Cuphead sequentially.

The Radiance was a big reason for my fortnight of horrifically bad RSI in 2017.


I’m proud of myself! I actually beat Virgil in DMC 3! Now, Mega Man 7; I still haven’t beaten that Wily and 7s my favorite of the original series.


Honorable mentions:
The General - Kaiser Knuckle/Global Champion
Akuma - Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Jinpachi - Tekken 5
Alpha-152 - Dead or Alive 4
Shao Kahn - Mortal Kombat 2, 3, and 9
Tageri - Ikaruga
Queen Larsa - Mushihimesama Futari
Zatsuza - DoDonpachi Daifukkatsu
Inbachi - DoDonpachi Saidaioujou
Bloody Jitterbug - DeathSmiles (just unlocking him is a monumental chore in itself)
Egg Viper - Sonic Adventure
Onslaught - Marvel vs. Capcom
Emperor Devil Gava - Super Contra (arcade version)
Living Brain Organism Searle - Contra III: The Alien Wars (especially on Hard, where you fight his true final form while hanging from your escape plane)
Sweet Tooth - Twisted Metal 4(whoever designed his Henchmen special attack was a sadist)
Alexia - Resident Evil: Code - Veronica
God - Silent Hill 3 (particularly on the Hard and Extreme difficulties)
Dark Fact - Ys 1 remake (lord help you on Nightmare difficulty)
Galbalan/Demanicus - Ys III: Wanderers from Ys(especially the SNES version) and Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Arem - Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys
The Wheel of Fate - House of the Dead 3
The World - House of the Dead 4
The Guy - I Wanna Be The Guy
The Star - Furi
The Devil - Cuphead


Hardest final boss fight for me was Shadow Queen in Paper Mario the thousand year door. She has the highest hp of any normal boss, can boost her attack and defense, absorb your hp, drag you into the shadows to damage you, slap you with her hands or send a stamped of smaller hands at you, zap you with dark lighting, a breath attack that can cause a number of negative status effects and has a very deviating charge attack that can hit for about 30 hp of damage.


My brother told me the secret so Imma tell you too, to defeat isshin: on first life, the moment he attacks dodge and use ichimonji repeat that, second round: use the umbrella shield, when he’s about to jump bring it out, he’ll jump you then use his gun then try to jump on you again the moment he jumps, shift a little and attack him with the umbrella and always keep your distance to make sure he jumps, same goes for the third round, except this time there’s lightning the moment you see the lightning sign if he’s mid air jump and counter if he’s down counter again, repeat until he dies
