Top 10 Hardest Bosses in the Souls Series (Including Elden Ring)

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Today, we're talking about the top 10 hardest bosses from all of the souls games by FromSoftware. This includes Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. While we wait for Elden Ring's DLC, I thought now would be a good time to discuss who I think deserves the top 10 in terms of difficulty because the bosses all have unique movesets and designs that set them apart from each other.

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0:00 - Intro
0:14 - #10
1:25 - #9
2:36 - #8
3:41 - #7
4:54 - #6
6:04 - #5
7:19 - #4
8:18 - #3
9:18 - #2
10:23 - Honorable Mentions
11:06 - #1

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I remember having the Sister Friede fight being constantly at the back of my mind while I was chilling on a beach. I couldn't beat her before we left for a vacation 😂


Bro actually predicted ER DLC difficulty


I'm a bit surprised Mist Noble didn't make the list. That boss is brutal. Took me hours to beat..


I love how you used blood grease on Radagon, despite his complete immunity lol


Really surprised to not see Owl (Father) and Isshin Ashina on this list. Also, I don't think it's fair for Sekiro since it is the only game in the series that allows You to fight the already-beaten bosses and since most people end up mastering them, they don't realise how hard they ACTUALLY are 😅


I remember malekith took me two evenings to get down, but once I got it and had finally beat him, I was suprised to notice I only used one flask and that was on the first stage. Felt otherworldly afterwards. Malekith remains my fav fight from Elden ring to this day


The fact that he predicted the elden ring dlc 😂


Radagon/ Elden Beast and maliketh are also massively effected by if you have holy resist. If you do, they become so much easier, if not then yeah brutal.


Kalameet is often forgotten in this kind of lists. It's the boss that took me the longest in DkS1 and personally, i think he's the hardest DLC boss.


Radagon is my favorite fromsoft boss ever. Plenty or room to punish his attacks, the whole fight is about timing, jump mechanic incorporated beautifully, also he is incredibly cool and challenging


I'm surprised that Laurance isn't on this list because he is such an endurance test with a massive health pool and the damage of being hit by a flaming truck. Easily Bloodborne's toughest boss, even harder than Orphan of Kos.


Malenia was EASILY the hardest for me! I still don’t know why everyone says waterfowl dance is the only thing that makes Malenia hard! I find a lot of her sword combos to be incredibly hard to predict and she can kill you in two to three hits with nearly all of her attacks. Also she is the other fight along with Midir where summoning can actually make the fight harder due to her healing from hitting the spirit ashes.


I still can’t believe how right he was about people getting absolutely destroyed in the Elden ring DLC. We all really get humbled from it did’t we?


I’m now realizing that when this guy starts to talk he starts off with a high note then ends his sentence with a low note. This happens every time he speaks.


I think the Maneaters deserved a mention. The narrow bridge with no rails. A second Maneater enters the fight. The fact they have ranged magic, and their freakin dash!


Funnily enough the way Isshin was described in this video is how I would describe Malenia at this point. She turned me into undead sashimi some 70 times when I attempted her solo in my second playthrough, and I had to get every move down just to stand a chance. In my recently finished 4th playthrough she was a first try win with a nearly hitless Phase 1. And that was after choking on Mohg and the Fire Giant.


When Melania does that thrusting attack I just want to mikiri counter it


It’s been dope seeing your progress with making videos and compilations dude. you got me into all the other souls games after elden Ring just based off watching your boss rankings 🙌


The big Sekiro bossfights seem to be the ultimate difficulty out of all the games. Demon, Isshin, and Owl Father are all just so intense, you only beat them by getting the most gud, and white knuckling them. To me anyway. Obviously stuff like Maliketh and Midir and Friede are pretty close behind. Super glad you mentioned Fume Knight and Blue Smelty, cause the boss combined with the bossrun are genuinely difficult. And Artorias is also genuinely difficult. I just beat him with a dagger only build with the Bandits Knife and damn if it didn't take like 15+ attempts, all long arduous fights.
