50 American Foods Banned In Other Countries, i wonder why..

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50 American Foods Banned In Other Countries, i wonder why..

Discover the shocking truth behind why 50 American Foods are banned in other countries. Learn about the hidden dangers and dark secrets exposed in this eye-opening video. Watch now to uncover the disturbing facts that will leave you speechless!

#AmericanFoods #BannedInOtherCountries #FoodSafety
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It's quite surprising to learn about foods banned in one country but not in others. Factors like food additives, production methods, or health concerns could contribute to these bans. 🚫🌍


I worked for a year in my younger days at the National Canadian dairy commission. It was illegal for Canadian restaurants to buy American cheese and any milk products. Please don't take this as an insult, but it is the truth, but American product quality is horrendous compared to many country. The amount of SALT, FAT, CHEMICALS, SUGAR, DYES, HORMONES and STEROIDS use in American food is scary. Even Canadian meat is banned in Europe and many country because we also use lots of steroids, hormones and chemicals too. Brazil meat is extremely much better than any meat I ate my entire life, as in Brazil, they barely use any unnatural ways to raise all their cattle.


Greed in America no matter who gets sick. Shamefull.


I wonder how many of the foods have to be eaten in super large quantities to be harmful.


Mac and cheese home made using a recipe from the Old West the dish is not even yellow orange number 13. lol. Also froot loops in the UK comes in less colors, and the loops are a little bigger.


If we had free countries people could sell whatever they wanted, with a full list of ingredients it should be up to the consumer what they purchase. The government interference is insulting and oppressive. Eating pizza is bad for you too, but it's not some random bureaucrats job to be your food babysitter.


This video may be a bit biased against the American food industry. As there is also a list of foods that the US has banned that are used regularly in other countries. But i would say the US probably outpaces other countries in its "shady" practices with food and the regulation around food. I am often in close proximity to some of this industry with my job as a food brokerage worker myself. Theres a lot of cutting corners with these big companies. IE: relabeling terms, half truth marketing, lobbying the government, etc. It's a pretty deep rabbit hole. And a lot of Americans are in the dark about it.


Many of the products listed here are available in the countries where the American versions are banned. I can get a local version of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes in almost every country of the world. You are mentioning the American versions.


Are good???? 1 croissant contain 55 percent of daily lipids based fat. I Croissant, 55 percent on average you daily amount of lipids fat. Yeah, that sure sounds healthy. So check the facts before you brag them up. To make them you add layers of butter, or worse margarine. Talk about something that will cause your ldl to go sky high. Bad bad recommendation.


I can’t eat Fruit Loops. I get jittery, flushed, and sometimes break out in hives. # for Skittles, but am okay with M&Ms, odd? Of course, I don’t eat more than a dozen M&Ms at once. Instant mashed potatoes, don’t eat at all, just don’t like them. I buy free range chickens from a local farm. Don’t like Little Debbie products. I might do the Dew on a really hot day in summer, but rare. Fresh salmon, like from the Salmon River, literally. I drink raw milk, cow and goat from our animals. Don’t eat red meat. Don’t drink Gatorade because it’s easy to make your own electrolyte replacement from fresh ingredients. Don’t buy snack crackers from store, but Saltines okay. Never heard of Doritos Lite. Olestra gives you terrible gas and explosive diarrhea, plus it has a nasty aftertaste. Don’t eat drumstick ice cream. Some pop tarts are okay, usually an off bran. Lucky Charms, same problem as Fruit Loops, plus, don’t taste good. I bake my own bread. Not into salsa. Fanta? Don’t like it. Make my own biscuits and rolls. Papayas? No thanks. If we eat pork, it’s from our neighbor’s farm. American cheese? If it’s real, we eat it, but not cheese food or highly processed dairy. Bran muffins? Sometimes. HFCS, just no! Coke? As a treat if we find it made with sugar. No bleached flour. Don’t eat processed, pre made foods. Artificial meat products I can’t eat due to soy allergy. Why not pick your own apples? Don’t buy sausages, only get fresh from neighbor’s hog. Don’t eat Jello because we don’t like it. Don’t like creamer, prefer real milk or cream. Corn? Grow our own. Olene? Same problem as Olestra. McDonalds? No, thanks! It doesn’t rot, literally, just turns to rock. Doesn’t use fresh foods. Chewing gum? No good for teeth plus is impolite habit. Humans aren’t supposed to chew the cud!


We have chemicals in our food and Europe has Germans , Russians and the French. I'm O.K. with the Chemicals in the food because Chemicals in the food have never started a World War and the Germans , the Russians and the French have started two of them so could you please pass those delightfully delicious Chemicals please.


I live in Ireland and we can get pretty much everything on this list! Px


That food was cooked by none cooker, something you wouldn’t give your dog. Because they wouldn’t eat it


American Fresca is different than European Fresca.


Other countries have it going on!👍🏻


Well done, Vintage TV 👍 You had to do a lot of research and quite a lot of talking. Thank you for not using synthetic speech!!
