These American Foods are BANNED IN GERMANY (Yes, seriously.)

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The surprising (and legal) reason why you probably shouldn't plan to serve a meal of USA bread, chicken, citrus soda, and American apple pie while in the European Union... and some fun facts about Germany!

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4 German Foods are ILLEGAL IN AMERICA

Episode 76 | #food #american #americanpie #apples #mountaindew #americaningermany #traveleurope #usa #americanabroad #foodsafety | Filmed September 14th, 2022

👉Quick Jump to Your Favorite Topic:
00:00 Intro
01:04 Don't Do the Dew
04:37 ....There's chlorine in WHAT?!
08:44 Un-American Apple Pie
12:09 Don't Break the Bread in Germany
15:49 The Most Important Part of the Video
20:17 On the Next Episode


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Originally from the Midwest of the USA, we moved to the #blackforest in 2013 and quickly embraced #expatlife. As American expats living in #Germany, things weren't always easy, but we've grown to love our life in Germany. We started this #travelvlog​ to share our experiences with friends and family, and to help those who are interested in moving overseas! Whether you are interested in moving abroad, working abroad, studying abroad, raising a family abroad, or just want to #traveleurope, we're here to give you a first person look at what lies ahead. 😊🎥🌎
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The EU: "Prove that this additive is safe before you use it."
The US: "Prove that this additive is dangerous before we ban it."

I know which one I prefer.


I’m really proud of our European food regulations


As a german, i love food safety, so i strongly agree with the precautionary principle. That said, the EU obviously uses regulation to protect its agricultural industry from cheap imports. On the other hand I see the US attitude to regulation as an example for the US to always put profits before people.


The key thing about chlorinated chicken is *not* that it is chlorinated – we eat salads that have been washed with the same chemicals without any concern – the issue is that USAlien chicken *has* to be chlorinated because it has been kept in such unsanitary conditions that it is dangerous to eat _without_ the chlorine.


I actually like much the EU approach “better safe than sorry” where stuff is deemed unsafe unless proven safe.


EU hold the benchmark for food safety in the world. Often foods get 'more save' because the foreign producers want acces to the European market. They have to change the products and so their whole productionline and ingredients! Europe is the continent with the most strick food laws in the world. So thank you EU for making indirectly our food (and the world) less toxic👌😉


Or in other words. The US is more business friendly rather than consumer friendly in their approach to food safety. Who would have


I have moved to Germany from the USA, this is also my first time coming to Europe. I can easily say that all the food here tastes much more fresh than American food. Everything isn't overwhelmingly sweet too, it's really nice and I prefer it this way.


While travelling in the US and buying a lot of my food in the supermarket I have to say: many things tasted disgusting, like chewing on chemicals.


I'm watching twitch streamers from the US for many years now. They often talk about what fast food they had that day and almost never prepare their meals themselves. So far alone this one streamer had four food poisenings. In contrast in my 40 years in Germany I only know of one person that had problems and that was because he ate a potato salad with eggs which were too old.
Honestly, I would be scared to go out eating in the US.


While it may seem draconian to food manufacturers, the EU policy of erring on the side of caution seems a more prudent approach. There are plenty of stories told by US citizens that spend considerable time in Europe, how they lost weight and felt better during their stay, and then felt sick for a while when returning back to the states. That may only be anecdotal evidence, but still evidence that there IS a difference between EU and US food!


I very much like European food standards even if they go to far sometimes.
Every time me and my parents go to North America, we break out in acne and gain weight, eating the same things we do back home.


The more important question is: do we have to import cheap chicken? Oversweet soda? US American apples? I don't even buy Chilenean oder New Zeeland Apples. And there are enough chicken farmers and apple farmers (and everything else) in my region to buy regional (and seasonal).


Another point - perhaps already mentioned in some comments - is that a lot of foods in the US contain high fructose syrup either as a substitute for genuine sugar or added for the purpose of being a preservative that extends shelf life. I think it is one of those reasons why many foods are sweeter in the US. Also, if I'm not mistaken, that is one of the contributing factor to the obesity problem. There a timeline correlation between increasing obesity and the presence of high fructose syrup in various foods.


Never trust a bread that can be kept in the fridge without tasting terrible. Never trust a bread that can sit on the counter for weeks without molding.
I never had Trouble eating bread untill i was in America. It tastes bad, way to sweet, i was bloated, my belly hurt, felt terrible.
Bread should be stale in 3 days and mood within a week. Keeping it in a fridge makes it stale in a day. Not? I pass.

American laws are in favor of companies. European laws are considering the environment, people and the animal.


Thank you very much for your contribution. I have been following your channel for quite a while. As someone who moved to the US from Germany for four years, I find the food comparison very interesting.
It is well known that Germany has the strictest food laws in the world, some of which even exceed the regulations of the EU. But what struck me most in the USA is what the FDA apparently allows in food. When American cheese has to be labeled as "cheese flavored" at the counter or even $5 pasta tastes like you're biting on plastic, you question the FDA system and the so-called approach of "proves." After 2 months in the USA, I almost felt compelled to shop expensively at Whole Foods because I couldn't be sure what I was really getting on my plate anywhere else. Even though I love the USA, this is where I feel there is catching up to do on the US side.


I am still hesitant to call the carbohydrate sponge that is sold in American supermarkets "bread"


Seems to me that Germany is very health conscious, and prefer organic, as in REALLY organic to things on the food that is not food. I'm with Germany on this.


Another great post.
Apples: 😁
Apples in US supermarkets look pristine, polished and enticing. They taste of nothing!
In EU supermarkets they mostly look gnarled, patchy and small (in comparison). But they have heaps of taste.
For me, regardless of the biological or chemical prohibitions, I'd go for European apples any day.


I've heard about 2 unrelated people who traveled to Australia and Ireland. They each lost weight outside the US without changing diet or activity level. They each attributed it to additives in American food.