Jordan Peterson | If you pathologize your life, you pathologize your society

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From 2017 Personality and its Transformations Lecture 13 Existensialism Solzhenitsyn
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2:12 If you live a pathological life, you pathologise your society, and if enough people do that then it's HELL.


that was inspiring, i feel like every tiny thing i do has a meaning and i give everything i do meaning, my drs diagnosed me asd adhd and bpd but they are labels to make me less important so they can be sanists and make me think like them, I DO NOT THINK LIKE ANYBODY ELSE, is that reason to give me these labels? they who label me have are experts in 1 thing which is sad, im mentally ill because im an expert in many things and im interested in taboo things like the nature of reality and dreams and the paranormal and because of certain beliefs i have and i wont mention them now because itas irrelevant, IM MENTALLY ILL lol so what about religious people? just because i have my own beliefs, im not suicidal i dont have homicidal tendancies, yet the system said im autistic, just because school didnt interest me, because i read a hell of a lot though, i always knew a lot was not true, so i was diagnosed with adhd and they say i have learning iddiculties because i didnt do my exams lol but i went college and i came top in the whole college at math english and IT, it didnt interest me in school but in college they made me feel more important and treated me like a grown up, so what would my teachers say today about me doing so well in college? its like education is controlling us to think a certain way, because they believe people like me arent important so they teach us to think we arent because we have labels attached to us, and then niobody wants to employ us, we get taught that the rich are more important, we get taught religious education and astronomy and evolution yet they clash and it makes no sense to be taught religion and evolution so we think everything was a big accident, ive learned a lot of things by not paying attenting in school lol im now 39, obviously still have those labels but i have fibromyalgia so cant work any more so i have more time to think about things, and i know everything i do and say is important, someone will learn something from me my actions speak louder than words, the system is run by psychopaths that want us to believe we arent important unless we make money, we literally live a real life THEY LIVE, sorry if i seem muddled, but i know what im saying and i know other people will get where i am coming from, society pathologizes us with labels, they make us believe that adding a label to us makes us less important, we are all important if we choose to be :)


I know Jordan Peterson has a distaste for nihilists.

I could argue the term nihilism is pathological as it is a very much a blanket term for someone who may be depressed. After all they say depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain that definitely could be a reason why a nihilistic opinions could take shape.

I would take the side of the fact that a nihilistic person has seen how others with rapidly formed intentions can affect people in unrealised ways that have negatively impacted the development of individuals and taken away from who they are personally. They’ve seen how that effects negatively developed people with disorders & want to insulate they’re own actions because of the weight of they’re decisions until they are aware they can act with a certain possibility they’re actions affect others in a positive way. It is entirely the empathetic need to place the momentum of their decisions in a place for the better that can paralyse these developments of decision.

I would argue that it’s Heaven in some ways. There is duality through the lot of perspective so there is never any reason to make a definite decision on anything.
Just take care of what is and you’re doing a better job. You accept more responsibility your neglecting the neglected.

Pathologisation is a two sided coin. Just like most of the dual parts of life.
