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WHO YOU DON’T SEE (usually)
Director: Bailey Petracek
Editor: Vida Robbins
Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson
Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek
Production Designer: Cassie Vance
Art Director: Erin Kuschner
Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis
Prop Master: Luke Brau
Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa
Audio Mixer: Scott Neff
Audio Utility: Dina Ramli
Director of Photography: James Hull
Camera Operator: Eric Wann, Macy Armstrong
Videographer: James Hull
Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes
Director of Production: Amanda Barnes
Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia
Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander
Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian
Post Production Manager: Luke Baker
DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran
IT: Tim Baker
Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs
Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano, Monica Ravitch
Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones
Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla
Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe
Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers
Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn
Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia
Operations PA: Katie Fink
CEO: Alessandra Catanese
EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker
Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis



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“You’re not allowed to commit arson just because a firefighter will put it out” is my favorite quote omg


for the pool lady story, the putting an 8-year-old in charge of the 5-year-old reminds me of the john mulaney joke "it's like putting a horse in charge of a dog"


As a lifeguard many parents overestimate their kids swimming abilities. I’ve had so many conversations where parents are like “oh they’re usually a great swimmer” “they don’t need a lifevest, they’re on the swim team” No, being in a calm pool under under predictable conditions is very different than falling unexpectedly into a wild community pool. Also a lifeguard’s job isn’t just to save someone who’s already drowning, it’s to prevent incidents from happening in the first place


that one woman being like "yeah my 15 year old daughter is a super genius and my husband can't handle all her swag so i grounded her" is CRAZY


Knowing that girl was using all her mental and physical gifts to launch a full blown attack on her step-dad is the best thing I've ever heard.


That woman FULLY believes her 15 year old daughter is smarter than her husband AND expects a teen girl to manage a grown man’s emotions.


“Henry isn’t old enough or skilled enough to be a life saver”. You don’t know me, Shanye


That “uninvited” trip story was one of the most insane, world-bending things I’ve ever heard. I don’t even know where to begin with that rat’s nest.


"I don't accept the break up" is one of the most unhinged things a person can say.


No I totally get the OP in the second story. Saying "can we, members of your family, use your pool" is not the same as "can we have a party in your pool" even slightly


The trip guy is SO comfortable trying to control OP. Uninviting her to the trip she was a part of without asking and just never telling her until she brought it up; “I don’t accept the break up”; straight up denying that she feels uncomfortable about his friend and couldn’t handle their relationship. He sounds like someone who would escalate to full on overt gaslighting in a couple more months. I’m glad OP is out and that he gave up


My mom once grounded me for fighting with her and I ended up grounded for a whole vacation over it. The family friend on vacation with us took me aside and told me my moms behavior was unacceptable and she would never go on vacation with us again and that it wasn’t my fault my mom would pick fights with me and punish me when I’d push back. It was the first time I considered how my mother treated me and a real eye opening conversation. I was 13.


As someone with adhd and anxiety - the idea of my space suddenly being a party pad when I didn’t have a chance to prepare and clean it for that purpose just fills me with panic. I used to have a partner that would do this but being a dude raised in dude culture he would never care what the house was like while I would feel intense shame and guilt for every single mess in the house. It might be some patriarchal nonsense that women have some of their self worth tied to cleanliness and housekeeping - but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a real layer to life.


courtney looks like she’s about to SHRED the bagpipes


I love how Shayne acknowledged Courtney's anecdotal response to the pool story and provide a rebuttal using his own personal experience. Even if your kids are good swimmers, that doesn't mean accidents in the pool can't happen.


jessica publicly asking to go on the trip so that OP would feel bad saying no, was criminal behavior


The family not only overstayed their welcome but brought others with them to the pool. If you’re going to use someone pool, you go for a few hours and bounce.


The story where the boyfriend chose to go on a trip with his friend instead of his girlfriend is insane. Him not realizing how disrespectful and sus that situation was is disturbing. I'm surprised it ended relatively amicably, and I hope the OP learns to value herself more. She put up with a lot and deserves better.


As an introvert who has to emotionally prepare to be around people, I super identify with OP from the unplanned pool party. She wasn’t moping, she had stuff to do and did not plan to be around so many people on a work day. I would be super frustrated if my husband invalidated my hesitancy to be down with an impromptu party that lasted for hours at our own house. I appreciate the comments about needing to communicate and set boundaries. That whole section was interesting to hear y’all’s takes lol, I appreciate Shayne having OP’s back as an introvert lol


I disagree with Courtney's take on the second story with the pool. OP said she felt bad that the house was dirty, and she didn't clean it because she wasn't expecting so many people to be over. It wasn't supposed to be a party, so I don't see why OP can't be upset about it? And OP probably didn't want to make everyone else feel bad so she stayed inside and cleaned the house. Probably felt self conscious about the house being a mess around other guests and kids. It doesn't matter that one family was coming over, it's that they knew it was OP's work night, they brought 3x the amount of kids, and then they got mad that she wasn't enjoying the party that they threw at her own house??
