How Safe Is 5G? - BBC Click

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We look at the backlash to 5G technology.

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Watching this from inside my microwave oven..


Note the industry spokesman talks about how it has been tested but not that it has been tested for harmful health effects.

There has been remarkably little research but even if there was the industry would ignore it just as they are doing with the overwhelming evidence from studies showing harmful effects from EMR like 3G and 4G


Plus please also remember company’s pay for scientific data and test precisely because they can then manipulate the outcome it is in their vested interest to do so.



India’s radiation exposure limit (9.2 watt/m2) for mobile towers was changed to 0.92 watt/m2 in 2014. Countries like Russia have (0.2 w/m2) and China has (0.4 w/m2). In USA, Canada and Japan, however, the radiation exposure limit is much higher (12 w/m2), ” he said. The fact hat these limits exist means that radiation IS harmful... but as these limits vary by 60 times from lowest to highest means that people in some countries are almost certainly being exposed to damaging radiation... limit should be the same everywhere!


A propaganda video brought to you by Whitehall and the telecom corporations £££


Makes sense, I mean why would a corporation lie about possible health issues?


I am a software architect with a degree of Information and Communication Systems. Even though, yes, there is no evidence that 5G frequencies cause any obvious harm. However, there is also a lack of proper scientific research to prove otherwise (that it's safe and have no long term side-effects). And after watching this video I can tell that corporations looks a bit shady about the topic and trying to avoid addressing public's concerns. yikes..


they can use different waves if they need to which are not for phones but good for mass control!!


Friendly neighborhood millimeter wave scanners.
Tested on keeping away wild pigs at the South Korea Olympics


Challenge: Would the presenter like to take a live blood analysis before and after holding a 5G phone for 10 minutes to show what it does to his blood? This would clarify exactly what the issue is, which is that phone radiation compromises the electrical balance of the human cell. This is the precursor to all disease. Are you up for this challenge? It would help you to understand the real issue here. Offer is open to Howard Jones too, who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Or.. would this be an inconvenient test for the BBC’s corporate sponsors?


With the actual limited range in the 5G specification, why is it that none of the potential providers already installing it into their office spaces?


Great to see the representation of disabled individuals in media!


Those ladies leading the movement are just irrational and anxious from menopause
The way that one lady flailed about "lab rats or whatever you call them" it was a panic
Reminds me of when somebody asks elizabeth warren a question that she didn't have a prepared answer for
Obviously a terrible and inevitable hormonal shift that is interfering with their logic and listening skills


The fact that they want to roll it out without independent testing. Must be bad otherwise they wouldnt try to avoid

In the same ballpark as 2g 4g? a ballpark is big.

There will always be people with enough sense no question what bug corporations are doing.

This is a propaganda video.


It may be fast, but do we need it? Some of the bands they are intending to use will be very close to that of the natural harmonic of water . Where has it been tested and who has the results, were the tests performed by independent laboratory?


Key word there was ballpark" vague, what does that cover? If it's the same" technology, why does it have to have a completely different delivery system of millions small antennae?


The BBC programme on ‘What will the future of 5G bring’ was quite good and covered some interesting areas needed for discussion. However it didn’t cover any aspects of safety.
Having looked at many studies of various spectrum and RFR-EMF to be honest BBC, your programmes around this to date, has been nothing but shoddy.
I realise you are in the pockets of the big tech billionaires and Government, to the point our licence fees don’t cover for you bothering to give us a neutral overview, at least looking at the various studies, who undertook them, were there conflicts of interest, where did studies conflict and not just for humans, but on various life forms.

Regarding RFR from mobiles, you also have to take into account latency, which was not initially considered. There has been a rise in gliomas, brain cancers, schwannomas, thyroid, cancers involving the side of the head and certain breast cancers where a phone is carried in a bra, and don’t carry it near your man’s not great for
Mobile phones like iPhones, will include its safety recommendations and SAR details under General settings/ Legal and regulatory, which include not too hold it to the side of your head, where possible to use speaker phone and the wired earphones and to preferably not carry it directly on your person.

“Around the world, countries are taking strong action to reduce wireless radiation on children. In addition countries like Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Israel, Russia and China have set RF exposure limits 100 to 10, 000 times less than the USA.”

“A study assessed prevalence of EMF-related and EMF-nonrelated symptoms, anxiety, depression, somatization, exhaustion, and stress in people with MP-related symptoms or EHS versus a population-based sample and a control sample without EMF-related symptoms.”
“Austria is the still the only country with a written suggestion to guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems, . Apart from this, EHS is not recognized as a specific diagnosis in the rest of the world, and no established treatment exists.”
“Conclusion: It seems necessary to give an International Classification of Diseases to EHS to get it accepted as EMF-related health problems. The increasing exposure to RF-EMF in schools is of great concern and needs better attention. Longer-term health effects are unknown. Parents, teachers, and school boards have the responsibility to protect children from unnecessary exposure.”

Interestingly insurance companies will not underwrite liability policies for RFR EMR because they think the risk is too high. Lloyds of London risk assessment team, one of the largest insurers, made this decision as did Swiss RE and others then followed suit.
“The Electromagnetic Fields Exclusion (Exclusion 32) is a General Insurance Exclusion and is applied across the market as standard. The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage.” CFC Underwriting LTD in London, the UK agent for Lloyd’s
“Electromagnetic Fields are defined as a “pollutant” by insurance companies and often require special coverage as a “pollutant” in policy enhancements.

It doesn’t help that the FCC in the US is, as Harvard University's Centre for Ethics called it "the most captured agency in DC, acting more like an industry cheerleader, than a regulator."
And even the International standards, ‘Being a member of ICNIRP is a conflict of interest in the scientific evaluation of health hazards from RF radiation through ties to military and industry. This is particularly true since the ICNIRP guidelines are of huge importance to the influential telecommunications, military and power industries.”
As mentioned there are countries that choose to set their levels much lower than ICNIRPs recommendations and ban or lessen wireless around schools. In the US the levels are much higher than most countries. The UK currently just uses ICNIRP.

So that aside, we now have to currently undertake the effort of removing all Huawei 5G equipment by 2027, after the security meeting in the US, which was convened after the recommendation of a British security report, while waiting for the US or whoever, to approve or develop their own competitive alternative, by which time we’ll call it 6G and see what other ex broadcasting, come military, space spectrum can be pinched - while awaiting the needed studies from totally independent bodies. We actually have many studies already, but not all of them are ‘business friendly, ’ we also have some studies on millimetre waves, but some of these are classified with the military, so we are needing new independent studies in this, focusing on the auctioned spectrum which is, and could later also be 5G/6G, looking at human, insect, animal and even bacteria. And we also need to take into account latency.
While I keep hearing reference or comparisons to sunshine or pickles (pickles are also apparently classified as possibly carcinogenic, as is RFR, , re: IARC an independent of The WHO, for frequency range of 30kHz-300 GHz, although some want this upgraded to probable) studies on this are not looking at the spectrum of sunlight or studying pickles, otherwise you might as well compare it to the Active Denial System, or a Directed Energy Weapon and DDT.


here is some evidence on the harm associated to 5g MMW tech, and why it is concerning, this is just tip of the iceberg: 5G Millimeter waves (MMW) will be combined with current longer wavelength frequencies that are mostly used today, to create a cocktail of artificial frequencies that humans have never been exposed to. MMW are absorbed by anything that contains water. The 5G frequency bandwidth is much shorter and a much higher frequency on the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (6-300GHz), this results in broadband towers needing to be placed much closer together to compromise for the shorter, faster frequency expressed through the 5G bandwidth, with “small cell” antennas planned to be placed about ever 250m. although 5G penetrates only the outer layers of skin tissue the mix in vibrations from the lower frequencies we are already familiar with will have a mix of skin and body penetration. The mechanism of harm from non-ionizing radiation emitted from wireless technology is Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which leads to oxidative stress in nearly every bodily system, which is associated to diseases like cancer. The FCC doesnt account for the measures of the heat effects of MMW tech or any wireless technology on the human body because they have been bought out by the telecommunication industry.

In a more dated paper written by Russian researcher Zalyubovskaya (1977) declassified in 2012,
alarmingly expresses evidence from research conducted on both humans and animals that reveal
multitude of harmful effects due to the exposure of MMW, describing structural changes and
alterations in skin, internal organs, bone marrow, tissue respiration and more. Authors also
explains how MMW do not go past the skin but act in a different way to the electromagnetic,
chemical soup that is the human physiology, inducing harm in an alternative manner to multiple
bodily systems

In a fascinating article written by physicists in 2018, they demonstrate evidence suggesting
human skin sweat ducts have high susceptibility to absorb the sub tHZ frequencies associated
with the MMW in 5G wireless technology. Sweat glands in skin tissue act as antenna receivers
for 5G wavelengths, showing a significant increase to the heat absorption of MMW. This article
also discusses possible harm and its implications to human beings since we are essentially
electromagnetic in nature

High intensity MMW wavelengths have been used in military applications for methods
non-lethal crowd control and crowd dispersal in what's known as “active denial systems' ', with
evidence indicative that the bandwidth used can burn the skin's tissue.

The first large scale study on potential genetic alterations connected to MMW radiation used in
wireless devices by Le Quement et al (2012), observed non-thermal skin genome effects of
60ghz exposure, and found differential expressions of 5 different DNA transcripts showing that
this technology may damage and modify genetic expression within the human being, influencing
communication between cells in the body.

I can keep going, on and on and on.


If you live in the UK file a freedom of information act with your council and demand to know what their 5G plan is! You can find a foi template at saveusnow website. 
Also sign the delay 5G in the UK till its tested petition. Find at petition.parliament.
Sorry can’t leave links here.


5G brings little to no benefits for most users. Yes, you can download a full 1080p movie in less than 10seconds instead of 2mins on 4G, but it doesnt really matter since you cant consume content that fast (streaming starts almost instantly).
Furthermore the amount of antennas will be doubled (and with it EM pollution) since 5G only has a reach of half of 4G, and cant pass concrete as easily. Funny enough, 5G doesnt mean that there will be better coverage across under-covered areas because of the aforementioned inferior reach and the fact that providers only care about securing coverage in dense metro areas where high ROI is assured (same problem as with 4G).
The main advantage of 5G is lower latency (reaction time) and the argument often brought forth by the industry is simply “autonomous driving”. A point which is unfortunately often just propagated by the media without challenging it. The fact of the matter is that autonomous vehicles, like any critical system, can never be depended on an outside control source to work flawlessly, at least not if it wants to receive regulatory approval. Otherwise imagine if all autonomous cars are controlled through 5G and coverage is unavailable for just a few seconds: all those cars will be uncontrolled. Autonomous cars need to be able to function standalone only with onboard computation (as is Tesla’s & Google’s approach).
The same goes for the other argument 5G providers, especially huawei, are pushing: 5g for cloud Ar / vr. This means that all sensor data, including camera live feed, is constantly pushed to huawei and Co for server processing in return for sending you back a nice virtual. Do you really want to give a company such 24/7 monitoring capability into your life?
The better and private approach is on-device execution (like Apple does) and which requires no connection at all.
Unfortunately, 5G has become somewhat of a fetish in the industry with everyone just jumping on the bandwagon, and no one really (want to) challenge it critically: for tech firms there’s just too much money to be made, techies who work for such firms, and tech journalists who are mostly always in favor of new tech just because its novel.
5G is mainly just a marketing ploy by telecom providers & device manufactures to sell you another “next big thing” and get you on a more expensive data plan - no matter if you need it or not.
In reality, for most to all applications present and in the near to mid future, a combination of 4G (if coverage was broader - which again is nothing 5G will fix) and devices that use data & run algorithms directly on device is the faster, more reliable & most secure way.
Btw: on-device functionality also provides better longterm usage - What happens to all your smart devices that have all their code running on company servers, if those companies stop serving you or run out of money - you will sit on a lot very dumb IOT devices now. (as recently happened with a certain smart door bell firm).
