Are 5G cell towers safe? Local health expert weighs in

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Are 5G cell towers safe? Local health expert weighs in
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Don't believe this. Lady.

It causes more than cancer.
I lived right next to three towers. Got cancer, woke up with a radiation burn. I am grateful that I have always slept all covered up with just the tip of my nose and left arm sticking out of the bed.
May 1, 2020 I woke up with a blister on my nose and my left arm with a burn going all the way up..
The apartment I lived in was electrically grounded to the ground. I was. Living in a microwave. I was only getting two hours of sleep, I was suffering from migraines and after a. CT scan. The towers had shrunk my brain.
The owner purchased an EMF reader. In my bedroom it read 1800 where it was supposed to be. 03. Right outside my bedroom on the patio it read 2600. So please don't say they don't cause harm.

Get your facts lady. I'm living proof. There are more people suffering than you think.


No testing yet, i live 2 blocks from one. Everyone here is having health issues. We are all guini pigs😢


Completely false. My uncle works at comcast, and he got radiation poisoning from the towers. He got headaches, bloody noses, etc. He checked the radiation there, and it was extremely high.


They are focusing on the wrong problems.

Anxiety/depression/suicide is more common near these 5G towers and anxiety can manifest as blood pressure increase, chest pain, panic/mania, and other issues.


Didnt realize medical doctors were suddenly experts on biomedical engneering.
Didnt realize we follow appeal to authority fallacies now.


Here's another symptom no one is talking about, specifically 5G headaches induced by the emitted microwave frequencies. So microwave heating of confined moist air such as that found in a (commonly) blocked frontal sinus cavity (forehead above the eyes) will increase the pressure within that sinus cavity leading to headaches; now if those conditions persist on and off over a prolonged period of time ranging from months to years it will eventually and very likely lead to lower forehead and glabella bone deformation specifically expansion -creating/leading to the appearance of an enlarged brow ridge. I have already started to notice this change in people I know.


“No evidence” means we know it exists but no one has yet to prove it.


I doubt seriously that doctor has spent much time researching and was just going by what the cell tower companies say. Notice they only got one opinion and i bet nobody was surprised by what she said either.


Cellphone radiation is about 1/2 watt,  WIFI is about 1/10 watt. probably strongest electric magnetic wave in residential neighbourhood is Amateur Radio Operators.  in US, Amateur radio operators are allow to have radio wave up to 1500 watts, which is 15, 000 times more than typical WIFI.  about twice as much as typical Microwave Oven. except Microwave Oven are inside of metal case.  if you see tall tower and large antenna in residential neighbourhood,  they are most likely Amateur Radio Operator.


She's looking straight to the right I mean left which means she's lying 😂😂😊


Belive it or not... they bould 5g tower next to our apartment and my sleep is super shitty ever since. it has to be something!!


What about the cell tower near a alimentary school that gave the whole kindergarten class room cancer


The wavelength frequency and type is completely benign. It actually might be good for you commoners. These experts had better be on board and keep perpetuating our talking points.


Our neighbors try to stop AT&T cell tower will be built next to our houses (60ft), next to daycare center, we have 65 houses and more than 110 people signs the petition. We just want them to move far away to our houses, however, City of San Jose, California, won't support us. They favored AT&T.


I have one in my backyard and they put one at the end of my daughters driveway. We have seven now on my little block. I have pass them everyday all seven of them.


It's never been tested don't shoot me shit.


Living by these high capacity electrical lines isn't even safe, and they let these pricks run them right by or over people's homes, in some areas, especially Republican ran.


They are focusing on the wrong problems.

Anxiety/depression/suicide is more common near these 5G towers and anxiety can manifest as blood pressure increase, chest pain, panic/mania, and other issues.
