How to Build Muscle with Fasting | The Ultimate Guide

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How to Build Muscle with Fasting | The Ultimate Guide - Thomas DeLauer

1) Fasting & Catecholamine Response

Fasting increases catecholamines, which burn fat through the activation of HSL and Perilipin, and increase blood flow to muscles

2) High mTOR when Breaking Fast/Insulin & mTOR

Per a study in the journal Nutrients, “a postprandial increase of insulin and glucose acutely activates mTOR within metabolic tissues”

3) Foods that Boost mTOR

A study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise demonstrated in humans that ingesting essential amino acids shortly after working out increased mTOR activity

*Elevated protein synthesis from a workout occurs 1 hour after exercise and can continue 24-48 hours after*

A study published in the journal Clinical Science looked at 9 healthy participants, age 25-45, who led a sedentary lifestyle that supplemented with 4 grams of DHA and EPA daily for an 8-week period

The pathways which regulate protein synthesis (mTORSer2448 and p70s6kThr389) increased by roughly 50% (50% more active in the presence of higher omega-3 fatty acid levels)

4) Sodium, Fructose & Glucose for Enhanced Carb Absorption

Study - The British Journal of Nutrition

The ingestion of glucose:fructose was at an average rate of 2.4 g/min resulted in 65% greater oxidation than glucose only and very high peak oxidation rates of 1.75 g/min were reached

5) Fasting & Mitochondrial Density

To increase mitochondrial density you have to upregulate the expression of AMPK (for mitochondrial biogenesis) and force your body to improve its functioning

6) Training at the end of your fast - P70S6K

A study from the European Journal of Applied Physiology had subjects split into two groups that were trained on two occasions separated by three weeks - one of the sessions was performed on an empty stomach after an overnight fast

Found: Increased p70s6k phosphorylation during intake of a protein–carb drink following resistance exercise in the fasted state - fasted training group saw a bigger increase in p70s6k

7) MCT Oil at Night - Thermogenic Effect

Allocate MCT oil towards the end of your eating window to get more of a catecholamine response before bed

Study - European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

8) Caffeine & Glycogen Loading

Caffeine (combined with carbohydrates) following exercise can help refill muscle glycogen faster than carbs alone

Study - Journal of Applied Physiology

9) Grass-finished Meat

Animals that are fed green grass also store more vitamin A in their livers, which is why grass-finished beef is higher in beta carotene - the precursor to vitamin A

Vitamin A is useful because it supports protein synthesis - Vitamin A levels decrease as protein synthesis increases

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Let me save you 20 minutes:
1. Workout hard and in a fasted state
2. Break your fast right after finishing your workout
3. When breaking your fast, stick to lean protein, small amounts of lean carbs, a source of fructose (ie. an orange), and Omega 3


Everyone is complaining about how long-winded the video is, but I appreciate the explanations. I like hearing the stuff behind the stuff.


Dude, your videos are great. I struggled with type 2 diabetes control for 3 years now. I followed the suggested dieting plan given to my by my doctor, took the medication and still was unable to control my blood sugar and my diabetes kept getting worse. About 6 months ago I invested in a home gym, started watching your videos and switched to a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting on a 16/8. My diabetes is now in remission, I've lost 60 lbs, and I no longer need medication. I just wanted to thank you for your content. I started this journey at 420 lbs. Now I'm halfway to my goal weight of 300 lbs.


I love how you tell people the steps to take, but also include the science behind it for those that want to fully take control. I know a few people who get very precise with their workout and nutrition, and it seems like that gives them an extra edge


Intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting literally saved my life. I am 47 and look at my avatar. I am no huge bodybuilder, but I am strong and healthy. It takes a while to get used to the idea of not eating. I am addicted to it. I eat anywhere from 3-8 hours a day. I try to hit 18/6 most days and then I love to do a 48 hr or 72 hr fast at the end of the month. MTor is indirectly proportionate to longevity. I battle with wanting to be big and strong and wanting to live a long life. I am slowly turning towards longevity. The things that happen in your body when you don’t give it food is almost magical. It can heal just about anything.


Your ability to clearly and succinctly articulate the"why" behind the "what" is impressive. Appreciate you, brother!


As a 62 year old I learn so much from your blogs . I still work out some 40 years now . Working hard to make and keep muscle . Hardest thing at 62 is getting a good pump in my muscle when I work out . I always thought a good pump equaled a fuller stronger muscle over time .


There are only a handful of quality content creators on YT. You top that list, captain!


Im on a weight loss journey, your videos and your knowledge have being amazing, i learn a lot, Thanks!


So true brotha, the other day I was fasted for 17 hours when I started my workout and was able to dead lift 405 5 times then I broke my fast 20 hours and felt great! I’ve been fasting for 10 months now and it’s changed my life! I’m finding out that a protein shake mixed with oatmeal water ice, blueberries has been a great fast breaker for me! Then in about 45 mins I’ll have my first meal!


You are 100% right man. I train on an empty stomach and i have more stamina and power to lift. First it was hard, but now i am so used to it.


I have been doing all the things you have explained ! And it has been great for me! I am 57 years old! So I wonted to keep as much muscle as possible! I have been disciplined with my fasting and only eating howl foods and I have cut out sauger ! And I have been doing my work out 💪🏽 in the morning and having my food after that! And my last meal two or three hours after that! And I have lost fat and gained muscle! I haven’t lost much weight! But my body composition is so much better it’s incredible bro! It is so simple and so effective my brother! ❤


Mr. Thomas what I like the most about your videos back your talk with science & chemistry and that's what our body is made of! We know you are doing lot of research & hardwork before shooting any talks & videos! You are really doing a great job! Thanks a ton!


I've exercised/trained for my entire life, and this is the exact method I have come to that I feel my best at, and I didn't even really understand the science behind it until recently. Makes sense why, now that I have looked further into training while intermittent fasting


Eat most of your calories post-workout and you can build muscle with fewer calories


This guy takes everything that's complicated and makes it so simple I love this video


Thomas you answered all my questions in this one video! I eat everyday at noon and fast 23 hours. Got a Bowflex on the way. So know I know I need to work out around 11 then break my fast at noon. I just started 12 days ago at 257lb and I weighed this morning at 230! Great videos, Great content! You've been a blessing brother! I'm a subscriber and I share you videos with friends that I'm showing my path too!👊


This channel is something, I've been looking for since I'm on a keto.


I know this video is longer, but really appreciate the breakdown and science behind the explanation! Helps with the understanding of why it works, amazing content like always bro


I am a doctor. I have yet to verify everything you've said but I highly highly appreciate the explanations and rationale given for your course of action. Highly appreciated.
