DNA Damage and Repair
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DNA provides the blueprint to create proteins, which are the building blocks of our body. Remarkably, we are subject to vast amounts of DNA damage everyday due to environmental agents and even the byproducts of metabolism. This DNA damage can occur in a variety of different forms. Most of the time our cells do a very good job of dealing with DNA damage and have complex processes in place to repair it.
Mechanisms of DNA Damage and Repair
What happens when your DNA is damaged? - Monica Menesini
DNA Damage and Repair
6: DNA damage and repair mechanisms | Molecular Biology| Biochemistry | N'JOY Biochemistry
DNA damage and repair | DNA damage response
Overview of DNA Repair Mechanisms
DNA Repair
DNA Damage Response
How DNA Repairs Itself (Proofreading, Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes, Mismatch, Excision Repair)
The DNA Damage Response | Repair the DNA or Commit Apoptosis?
Overview of DNA Damage
DNA Damage
Immunofluroescence Imaging of DNA damage and repair in Cancer Cells | Protocol Preview
DNA damage and its role in cancer
(Molecular Biology Session 8) DNA Damage & Repair
Targeting the DNA damage response
DNA Repair Mechanisms and Pathways
How can you repair DNA damage?
SOS Response and DNA Repair
Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair?
DNA Repair: The Body's D.I.Y. | Ed Miller | TEDxBrum
The Role of DNA Repair in Human Disease
Can DNA Damage be Repaired?
DNA damage repair mutations and poor chemotherapy response in bladder cancer