How much money does my YouTube channel make in 2022?

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I thought that lots of people would be interested in the sort of money that your views of my videos make me on YouTube.

I hope you all find this interesting and insightful!

OUR VLOG CHANNEL: Charlie & Rob - As We Are


If you would like to send me anything, then send me an email to get my address!

#youtuber #money #reactionchannel
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Hey Rob. This is really interesting! I've never seen another YouTuber actually show this stuff. A lot of them make side comments about their audiences and talk about views etc, but none of them actually show exactly what they earn, beyond saying that they don't earn as much as people think, and how it all works. You're the first one I've seen that has actually show that. I hope this video does well for you. You might get a lot of new people watch this who are interested in exactly how much a channel of this size earns. Well done!! 🙂


The most honest video made by any youtuber ever!
Onya Rob!


Interesting info Robbo, we don't always agree on everything🤣🤣, but I like your no BS style of content, and I thoroughly enjoyed you vlogs from down under, and looking forward to seeing you and Chaz back here next year, 🇦🇺👍🏻👍🏻


You better cuddle that bloody cat Rob. She's starting to form a plan I think


Great to actually hear the breakdown and statistics of a YouTuber and what you can earn. Great honesty and loyalty to your subscribers Rob. Keep it up mate


Omg this is very honest, not much of that on utube....and breaking it down and explanation was perfect for my curiosity tbh. Always wanted to know how it worked. TY.


Hey Rob! I think you are the best Australian reaction channel out there! The interactivity you and Charlie bring are unmatched and your almost daily life updates, real life vlogs and live streams give you a human personality and the ability to communicate unlike other reactors who seem to be almost robots. Top that off with being the only reactor to come to Australia off the back of having a reaction channel is spectacular. As one of your younger generation viewers (18 - 24) I can resonate with you and your content much more than others, even though a lot of your content is targeted to older audiences. Also, your genuine nature goes a long way, it's something that a lot of the world doesn't seem to have at this current time, always a refresher to see.


15.7% watching subscribed isn't really that bad. I've seen much bigger channels do worse. You are right, usually thumbnails and good video ideas are more important than equipment, though it helps. What I like about your channel is that you contribute, discuss and question the videos, and not just watch and sort of react.


Thanks Rob for this interesting information. Has it ever occurred to you that the audience you have from all the other countries apart from Australia could also be Australians? There are lots of ex-pat Aussies living in those countries.


Thanks for sharing Rob… when I was your age I was in to photograph, back in the film days. Started a wedding photography business as a side hustle, which paid paid for all my equipment. Did it for 20 years, but time was my problem and doing lots of travel work. I’m still working, as an engineer, but plan to retire soon. Then, plan to do the obligatory 12 month trip around Australia in a caravan - will take lots of photos and possibly vlogs.

Keep up the good work…


You provide very good content Rob. Very open and honest in providing this detail. Your down to earth approach resonates with many Aussies. Don't feel guilty about others thinking you are wasting your earning from YT on whatever. It's your money to do what you want with. You deserve more views and subscribers. Be good to have another channel maybe with Charlie (for more earnings and cross feed from your other channels) but understand it is quite time consuming and have to feel comfortable making them. Making 10 to 20 minute clips is ideal as any more is too time consuming for many and there's plenty that rattle on for half an hour or just for the ad revenue but bore the heck out of viewers which many don't like. Negative for watching or following overall. Nothing wrong with the occasional longer clip.
Classic Pixie in this 1 with the constant taps on your arm to get attention. Obvious you give her a lot of fuss.
Keep up the good uploads. (Can ditch the rugby 1's though !!). Only the best sport in the world required called AFL.
Maybe the Swans year next September.


Wow that's pretty good. Lot of work but if you enjoy it then it's not really work.


To keep the channel growing fresh content is key here.I have noticed some you tubers basically returning to old content and throwing a few different opinions in and changing the title of it, bit of clickbait .


Don’t always comment but i do watch your reactions and hit the like button. I enjoy your channel!!!! Cheers


I always wondered how this all worked. I found this video very interesting. So thank you.


Great video and an in-depth video! I've just started doing more reactions, and understanding the ins and outs of everything and learning as I go is very rewarding. I appreciate this video! Liked!


I’m from Australia and love watching your channel and yours and Charlie’s vlog


I'm just here for the cat! Love Pixie! Lol! Interesting and commendable video Rob. When you break it down, your annual salary is about 20 grand AUD which is below minimum wage here in Australia so it's nice to hear you do this because you love it and not for the money.


Thanks Rob. This is really interesting for those of us thinking of starting a YouTube channel. Most people won’t share any of this info so it makes it really hard to decide.


Thanks Rob, very informative, have thoroughly enjoyed your vids over the last year, and the banter.
