How Much Money Does My Small YouTube Channel Make?

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Today I am taking you through the backend of my side hustle to show you how much money do I earn from YouTube with under 10k subs. I'm showing this for anyone else that wants to do YouTube as a side hustle to make extra money. It is possible and it does take a lot of work and I hope this video will give you some perspective on what is possible in income from YouTube.

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M1 FINANCE: "Invest in partial shares of stocks like Tesla."

🏦CIT Bank - Great savings account to earn high interest:

🎓Refinance Your Student Loans & Save Money

YouTube Coaching & Budget Coaching:

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DISCLAIMER: Denis Trufin, including but not limited to any guests appearing in his videos, are not financial/investment advisors, brokers, or dealers. They are solely sharing their personal experiences and opinions; therefore, all strategies, tips, suggestions, and recommendations shared are solely for entertainment purposes. There are financial risks associated with investing, and Denis Trufin's results are not typical; therefore, do not act or refrain from acting based on any information conveyed in this video, webpage, and/or external hyperlinks. For financial or investment advice please seek the counsel of a financial/investment advisor(s), and conduct your own due diligence.

DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinions and comparisons.
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Denis straight killing it! 2019 is going to be HUGE!!!


Your transparency is why people (including myself) LOVE your channel. This year you're going to grow and I'm so excited to see how your side hustle gets bigger and better!


Thank you for your transparency! Awesome job Dennis!!


Super helpful video, Denis! Thanks for sharing your details.


Awesome job! $1, 800 from ad revenue isn't bad at all. Your doing better and better every single month and I really think your going to kill it in 2019!


Came over from Our life on a budget's video. I love that you share your journey because its so powerful if you just stick to it! Thanks for sharing!


Awesome Denis! You're killing it man excited to see your growth this year!


Dennis, this was a super fun video to watch! I love seeing your financial progress with YouTube!


Wow Denis! As a small channel not yet monetized, I really appreciate the transparency. I’m definitely learning as I go, videos like these are such a huge help and inspiration!❤️👏🏻👏🏻😊


so good to see all your hard work is paying off...


December was a great month! Thanks for being transparent and sharing!


I remember back on the day this wasn’t allowed by the TOS if YouTube or Adsense. Thanks for sharing! I’ve thought about doing this myself about my channel. Just wanna say the Amazon Affiliate income for myself is a huge chunk for me as I’m a tech/camera channel. I made like $1, 200 from YouTube ads last year (June to Dec) but about $2, 000 from Amazon Affiliate links from March - December. Hoping for a big 2019 like yourself!


one of the best looks of how much small tubers get paid I have seen. Thanks


I cant wait to start making money like you


Thank you very much for sharing this, it's very interesting seeing how much you've made through you're affiliates aswell as your ad revenue!! I'm not monetized at the moment for ads but made a little over 300 for an affiliate with a share trading app here in NZ. I'm excited to see your growth over this next year :)


Great Video! I imagine your growth is way different now as you have 3x the audience!


I really enjoyed this breakdown and it was very informative. I'm really hoping to start earning some money again on YT, and I'm hoping that can happen this year. I do see consistent growth, but it feels VERY slow right now. It is my understanding that YouTubers tend to grow almost exponentially over time. In December I started doing 7 videos a week and have tried to keep that up in 2019. It's a lot of effort, but I really do love the "job" even though I don't get paid for it right now. Even just an extra $1, 000 in a year can make a difference for me and getting out of debt!


Congrats on the growth man been watching since before you hit 1k subs keep it up!


Love the transparency! Congrats on your growth! 🙌🏽 One of my goals this year is to get my channel monetized. -Akeiva

P.S. We call our community the same thing 😂 #WealthBuildersSquad


Your hard work is definitely paying off sir. Keep up the good work and keep crushing it. I definitely need to get my numbers out there too.
