Bigfoot at Bumping Lake | New 2024 Documentary | Audio Files

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Join us as we head to Bumping Lake, Washington, to gather evidence and stories from fellow bigfoot researchers.

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In the redwood forest in California, my two sons and I were camping next to a creek. My oldest son was playing next to the creek and was looking and talking to a young big foot, and when I noticed what was happening I called him into camp and the young big foot started running away up the creek bank and my son started running away with the young big foot, and I had to yell him back to camp. He told me that the young big foot was a girl and that they were trying to communicate with each other. He was 10 years old. He said she was pretty. We camped there all night and we heard the big foot noises most of the night. We were not afraid of being hurt.


Wow ... those are some of the Most Impressive Vocals I have ever heard. Very similar to those incredible Vocals by that couple in California who had their truck break down. You could hear Multiple individuals sounding back & forth as they got closer & closer. I can only imagine how Insanely loud they were in person.
My very up-close & personal experience happened many years ago as a kid. I was at a summer camp and chasing a group of friends up a dirt road. They were way ahead of me and I was running after them. I stopped running to rest & listen which direction they were going in. I look to my side and see this very Large thing up on a slight hill on the side of the road. It was motionless and I couldn't focus on what it was due to how still it was and the fact that it was bordering the woods and blended in so well. then it moved and I realized that I was looking at a very Large Hairy Man in profile looking in the same direction I was. I realize now that he was standing probably back in the woods a little bit and heard &/or saw my pack of friends run by. So he stepped out to watch them and was looking in their direction when I rolled up on him. I think he knew I was there but was hoping that I wouldn't notice him & would probably keep running. But I didn't obviously. Then it became obvious that I was staring at him so he looked so he stepped back a tiny bit and looked over at me. It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at. The moment that I realized that I was looking at a Big Hairy Dude it felt like someone poured a ( 5 Gallon ) bucket of Ice water over my head. It wasn't water obviously. I understand now that it was my skin & haor standing on end. A feeling I have felt since when I have been Hyper-Scared. But nothing to this level of intensity. He then turned & completely faced me which was SO SHOCKING that I felt like I was paralyzed.
Im not sure how long we stood there looking at each other ? Though Im sure it wasn't long I guess. After however long we heard my friends coming back down the road. He stepped back slightly again & looked in their direction. Looked back at me & then took one Big step back into the woods and pretty much was gone. I still stood there Shocked until my friends arrived. The funny thing is that when they got to me they didn't stop. They kept running and I quickly realized that I was about to be very alone again. Which snapped me Completely out of it and I RAN ! As in ... Usain Bolt ain't SHlT RAN ! It took me a while to understand the experience. My camp counselor told me that one of the other counselors has a Monkey Suit and not to say anything because he was planning on wearing it again and scaring everyone as a joke later. But that never happened. At the campfire that night they announced that that side of the camp that we were on was Off Limits due to reports of a bear. I know now that they played me perfectly. They kept me calm by saying it was just a guy in a suit. & kept me quiet by telling me a 'Secret" that he was planning on scaring everybody. Thenm the next thing I know it was over and my parents came to pick me up. I live in Seattle so no concerns about anything like that happening at home.
Looking back I know that it was CERTAINLY NOT some dude in a suit. It was HUGE and had very Black eyes. But what caught me is how little it moved but when it did it was so Smooth.
Anyway ... Sorry about writing the book but I don't get a chance to tell that very often.
Great Video ... Keep up the Great Work.


I don't need too believe, I KNOW. Three times, once on the beach in Oregon, once in the river bottoms of Oklahoma, and twice here in Colorado. Thank you for the honest approach and fearless approach too this all too real phenomenon. Be safe, they are territorial because they have young too protect.


I've spent countless hours on bumping Lake and hunting that area growing up. I had a scary encounter when I was around 10. I wondered off into the woods alone and came upon a creature on its hind legs. I turned and ran back to the lake where everyone was. They just brushed it off as a bear. Myself? I'm not so sure


I’m on the big island right now, Hawaii state. And I live in the jungles on the side of a volcano, and I hear females laughing every night around 3am. And these cryptic is called Menehune, original inhabitants of Hawaii. They are real people and they are showing their presence. I’m going to try to film them, with my body camera. I also hear them talking in the jungle when I’m working, and when I try to listen, they stop talking. But there still here. For sure.


I Live and Hunt in Georgia, I Hunt alone and I am in those Forests early. I park in the same spot every season. It’s secluded. About the 3rd year I started hearing a Growling sound close to me when I got out of my truck. Each time I hunted the growling sounded closer. I was a little scared but I refused to let it scare me away. I think this was its purpose with the growls. I never let it scare me away and I Stood my Ground. There is a Circular Bottom surrounded by some high ground. It was always heavily wooded and thick in there. The last time I hunted in that area I was moving around that bottom on the high ground. I heard a Log breaking over another log. It sounded heavy, a large Branch or log. It continued another 3 or 4 times. I stopped and set up there. I got the message and I Respect their Wishes. I take afternoon naps in those Forests and I am Respectful.


absolutely riveting guys thank you so much. The scenery, the excellent testimony and the general vibe of honesty and wanting to understand this creature really came across well.


Live in WA state but grew up in Idaho. Ran into a massive male. 25 yards away, broad daylight. And nearly 50 minutes of knocking that drew me to it's location. To this day, I think it was purposely luring me in. The conclusion was terrifying but I got out of there intact so I question it's intent. Changed my life...


The singing was so beautiful. Fabulous video, Sara.


Heard a story from a co-worker on a grow in NorCal that gave me the chills. Were going to a cave to go crystal hunting at night. They were stalked by one. Involved a Navy Seal who literately threw up. That’s how freaked out he was by what he saw


Amazing. I spent some time in Washington State. At a military survival school. I heard a few things during my time in the forest that I couldn't explain. Years later I think I found out what I heard. I will be following your channel. I'm a 75 year old retired vet, and this was back in the late 60's or early 70's.


These are the best stories I've ever heard
Encounters I wish no one would ever do
Thanks for sharing these


The Italian has a pizza oven while camping, awesome.


I had a great time meeting y'all at Bumping Lake! What a great group of folks. :) - Sonja from Packwood


So i got a apple orchard beside my house and behind that it turns into 2 fields that have been overgrown by russian olives. After that it turns to woods that run into a good sized national forest. We have a camp in the back field and have tons of game animals that travel through to the orchard. We have heard crazy things out there like whoops and song birds singing loud as shit at 2am a few times. 2 nights ago i was walking out from the camp to my house at around 3:30am with my cell phone flashlight and when i walked through my last gate into the orchard something told me to look to my left. I see deer out here all day everyday but this time there was 2 sets of the wildest green eyes ive ever seen. The brightest green eyes that went from bright green in the middle to white around the edges. They honestly looked like they were glowing but i didnt think anything of it at first glance. We looked at each other for about 30 seconds before i realized both set was taller than me and im 6ft. There is about 3ft drop to where they stood about 40yds away. My light sucked so i couldnt see anything but the eyes but the shortest set turned and moved away towards the field. They had to be at least 7ft in the air and i never seen them again. The other set was easily 9ft and never stoped looking at me but moved into the field also. What freaked me out was when i realized it crossed a 4ft fence making no sound at all and the eyes never changed hight. It didnt jump the fence or stoop over it just either floated over it or stepped over it like it wasnt even there. I kinda lost interest in going out to the camp at night for awhile now lol


Never been to Bumping Lake but I hear it's a hot spot. Barb and Gabby AKA Barb Shupe and her dod Gabby, who died of old age I think. She used to go there, maybe still. But she would get a group of people and all go. Including Bob Gimlin. They caught audio and made castings of prints and told of their encounters.
I really enjoyed this video. It was well done. I'll look for more. Thank You...from the Olympic Peninsula.


I used to hunt in southern GA and head out to my stand or blind in the wee hours in the dark, because I felt safe with my 270, and was a good shot. Back then, I had never heard of BF's or Sasquatches. I'm not sure what I would have done, but I am really glad I didn't have those experiences. 😱


Thanks so much I love the different stories people have to tell about their encounters, there are generally unique characteristics that differentiate them from other “big people”.


Those are definitely not wolves. Beautiful video and prints, too. Love your channel. Always share your work.


I’ve heard of a choir (?) of voices all singing in harmony- as if to be “Praising The Lord” is how my friend put it. Warmed my heart, and Blessed my soul to hear that!!!
