Time to Tell My Bigfoot Story - Eerie Marble Mountain Experience

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I decided it's time to come out and tell my Bigfoot story. While on a pack trip into the Marble Mountains in Northern California, I had a very eerie experience. Was it an encounter with Sasquatch? The remote Marble Mountains Wilderness Area is in near the Small town of Willow Creek, California. Willow Creek is known for being the Bigfoot Capital of the World. Right after there were reports of Bigfoot sightings in the area, we had a very eerie experience deep in the Wilderness.

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Great story. I live in Northern California and have been to the Marbel Mountain Wilderness several times on our horses. I have ridden that exact same trail and camped at one of the same lakes that you showed in the picture. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


A great story well told. The photo's confirmed the remoteness for sure! Thank you.


You are a gifted presenter.
Yes, I used to listen to and enjoy Art Bell’s radio program. Good times.


I use to listen to art bell every night. I remember those big foot shows. Be careful out there.


I used to send out an ungodly roar on the road way above Steelhead fisherman camped out drunk on the Cedar River, hootin' and hollerin', in Washington State way back in 79'. You would not hear a peep the rest of the night. Funny as hell...😆


the silliness of all the long shots of you walking towards the camera, with your gift of story telling (and your, shall we say humble candor)...so good. keep trying new stuff, i loved it


The editing in this video is amazing. My heart swells with envy. You walk in the most beautiful country I have ever seen. God bless you .


Great story, Thanks! Loved the big trees especially those huge Madrones!


I couldn't sleep one summer night and was sitting on my couch in front of an open window. When I heard the most ungodly scream, like a banshee, almost female like, from outside in my front yard. I literally just froze and so did my dog sitting on the couch with me. She would have barked if it had been a person or most animals. But she didn't move or make a sound, just kept her ears up and at attention, very unusual for her. I live in the Midwest so I assume it was probably a bobcat. But I have listened to bobcat sounds online and they didn't sound anything like what I heard. I will never know what it was other than scary and I didn't sleep well when I finally went back to bed. Kept thinking a female Bigfoot was gonna break down my door.


More of this please... So entertaining. Thanks for sharing.


I live in your neck of the woods my whole life. Not related to this story, but a good friend of mine lives right next to marble. He has guided hauled hunters and their gear in for week deer hunts for most of his life. He showed me pictures 20 years ago of wolves in marble and tracks. Most people have never seen wolves there. But i believe he saw them and their teacks there. Ive been all over the Real northern California mountains for 50 plus years. Ive never seen or heard anything that i would say was a sasquach. But you never know whats out there. Thanks for all the awesome great logging, forestry, country livin videos. You have a great talent there.


You my friend, had a Bigfoot encounter! Thanks for the story!


Great story.

I loved the Marbles when I thru hiked the PCT.


A friend of mine who is as honest as they come told me a similar story.
He an a friend were deer hunting in a wilderness area in the Cascade Mountains of Washington. They heard a strange howling noise in the distance, and it continued as whatever was making it got closer. They never saw it, but he said is was obvious it was something very large because of how loud it was. They finally got in their tent, guns at their sides.


Great story Michael! I don't know what I'd do if I heard a sound like that?! My son and I were hiking last month on the northern end of Dry Creek trail in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. It was a nice sunny day. The trail was not well maintained and we were bushwacking through brush taller than our heads. Suddenly we were brought to a complete halt by a very loud crashing sound further up the trail. It was so loud it made the ground shake. We stood stark still listening. I told my son if it continues it's either a bear or big foot! No further sound was heard so we continued on our way. We concluded after some discussion that the most likely source of the noise was a dead tree falling. The wind had come up pretty hard and we were hiking through a burned area. Sure enough on our way back we saw another tree come crashing down, as well as several large branches. Like you, we were miles from anywhere, so knew we needed to stay allert. There are more ways to die in the woods than you can shake a stick at. We were not packing any heat, so if it had been a big foot I guess our goose would have been cooked! My cousin and his wife were packing last year in the wilderness with their mules. They were on some very dangerous terrain when her mule was stung by a hornet. The mule went nuts and bucked her off over a cliff. She hit a rock and had her head nearly crushed by the tree she slammed into. Her husband had to get the mule out of the way then try to get her back up onto the trail. He thought she was dead. She to her credit she never blacked out. He was losing it so bad she had to calm him down and instruct him on how to bandage her up and help her onto his mule. He had to take her several miles back before they could get cell service to have emergency people meet them at the trailhead. She road out of the woods, him leading the mules. He looked so bad the emt's thought he was the one injured. She survived, but had several broken ribs and had to have brain surgery. She in the end had to give up her job, which was being an emt. They said it was a miracle she survived, and when I saw her soon after she came home, I could believe it. The mule also was unhurt, but not long after they sold it. It just brought back too many painful memories of that terrifying time. She still goes with her girlfriends wilderness trekking with their mules, but my cousin refuses to go. He can't see how she can still stand to do it?! It so shook him to his core he says he just can't do it. The feeling of utter helplessness being that far from assistance thinking she would die any minute just destroyed him on a level and he never wants to go into the wilderness again. Stay safe out there folks, whatever you do!


I've been in the Marble Mountains many times over the years going back to the early 70's. I swear we saw Bigfoot tracks in the snow one summer. We had no camera back then. We know bear tracks and this was no bear.


Truly remote out there - love it. Awesome story, thanks


Humboldt is my neck of the woods and grew up on 160 acres surrounded by the kings range conservation. I've heard some crazy sounds and wouldn't be surprised if the big guy is real.


That was a good story!

I was in the Shawnee Forrest earlier this summer and just settling into camp. It was about dusk. Right inside the tree line some animal let out a terrifying scream of some sort. It was like nothing I had ever heard. I grabbed my phone and turned on the recorder so I could record this thing. It never uttered another sound. That one call was the only call. It left me baffled.


Thanks for the interesting story and let's face it you spend enough time out in the wilds soon or later you will hear or see something you can't easily explain.
