PERFECT Mind-Reading Trick Explained! (Mentalism Tutorial)

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YO! Today's Magic Tutorial, by popular demand is an easy mind reading effect which you can easily do right away! Whether you're beginner or advanced, this technique feels like true mind reading!

This is a very old principle in magic and we're going to cover the basics so you can make up your own routine and perform it how you see fit!

Special thanks to Jeremy for sitting in on this one, go show him some love if you like Hockey!

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Chris Ramsay
CP 50011 BP. Galeries Des Monts
St-Sauveur, PQ
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This is another great method taught by Chris. Though, for anyone saying, it felt obvious that Chris was writing down the person's answer, I too felt that, but I have seen this done in a slightly different way that gets rid of that issue.
Use the same force, but tell them you will get to that later (Or force a specific card and ask them to remember it for later.
Then ask the first question, but ask them to "Think about it". ie, "Think of a 3 digit number", then write your prediction of it (You actually write the card you forced). Ask them for the number, and when they say it (i.e. 128), you can act kind of disappointed like you didn't write the correct answer. That way you have your "prediction" written BEFORE they announce their answer.
Then ask the second question, again using the word think, "Think of a person's first name who is important to you"... You write your prediction while they think... You stare into their eyes, use all the mentalism patter, "Say it over and over in your mind", "Really concentrate on it", then you write down 128 (or whatever number they told you on the last question). Then ask them for the name. Again, feel free to look disappointed.
Then you ask them to remember that card, or say you're going to make a prediction about the card they cut to. Then you simply write the name they said a moment ago.
You now mix the cards a bit, and ask them for the number (going back to the "first question", then the name, then the card, all while showing your correct predictions.

Just a thought on improving the method's timing.

Thanks again Chris for being awesome! Even in a 2 year old video!


I think the timing works better if you say... "Think of a number. Now let me write down my prediction". It would help reinforce that one thing has ended and another has started. Otherwise it kind of feels like you are writing the answer from the last question before you ask the new one.


when I tried this the first time I kinda butchered it and they were like did you mess up? I looked them In the eyes and said "the illusion went perfect."


Thanks for watching, guys! Sending out good vibes to all of you!


I think this works better when you ask the question and get them to "send you the answer" mentally. You then write the 'answer' down and then ask them what their answer was. That flow works better


He named his son

"Ma *son"*


Am I the only one who thinks this is so obvious, I mean you clearly are writing what the person said afterwards.


Thanks Chris, can your magic work on the Maple Leafs? You need to make them appear in the Stanley Cup Finals


Wait so this is the trick?
"Name a person close to you"
*writes down Janet*
"Oh look, I predicted Janet"?


Little tip with this one. With the 'number', write the card then pretend to scribble it out. Have one of the cards have a scribble already. Ask them to think of a two digit number, pretend to write, then say 'actually think of a three digit number' while pretending to scribble. Then ask what the number they were thinking of was. On an off beat ask what the number they thought of was, and give a knowing smile. When you write the number of the pre scribbled card, write the two digit number OVER the scribble. Also, number the cards in their supposed order. So write 3 when you write the card at the beginning etc. A lot of this one comes down to acting and believability


When you know magic so well that you know how the force works before the tutorial... I had no idea what chris was going to do but I just memorized the top and bottom card.


I love you Chris, you are my inspiration keep up the good work i wish you all the best in your life! <3


I can`t even imagine how you predict the card in your performances, the last one for example in the Barber shop when you revealed it with the app. Sick


Am I the only one who binge watches some of Chris' content from a couple of years back!


There is another trick you can do with the 1 ahead thing. You place all cards on the table facedown except 1 which you palmed or hidden somewhere and you tell them "do you believe you are a psychic or do you believe you are lucky" Ex. you hidden a ace of spaces in your hand. What you do now is you tell the spectator to pick 1 card out of the face down card that you think is the ace of spades. They choos a random card and they hand it to you. You peek at that card and tell them "oh you got it right" but dont show them. Since you peeked at the card they gave you, you use that for your next card they choose facedown. Ex. when you aced them to pick the card they thought was ace of spades, they picked king of hearts, you then ask them to "pick a card that you think is the king of hearts." which means at this point you have both ace of spades and king of hearts but the spectator thinks you only have 1 card which in reality you have 2 since you palmed one or hidden one. You can do this as many times you want. Once you decide to end it, you jut take the card they choose and hide that card and show the card you hidden in the beginning. Ex. you palmed/hidden ace of spades. You ask spectator to choose a card they think is the ace of spades. they dont know what they choose since its a facedown card however you do know what they choose since you look at it and say something along the lines of "wow" or "dang your good" or "you got it right". however you dont show them. you looked at the card they choose and saw it was a 3 of clubs. you then ask them to do it again. this time you tell them to choose the 3 of clubs. They pick one out and you do the same thing. This time you end it at the 3 of clubs. to do that you simply look at it and say you really are a a psychic or you really are lucky, you take out the ace of spades which you had hidden and you show that with the 3 of clubs while you hide their card that they choose when you asked them too find the 3 of clubs.
Its pretty hard to explain but thats the gist of it. It only works once and usually only works with a friend. not a street magic or something that is done frequently cuz its pretty obvious if you do it more than once


Have to give props for changing the thumbnail from your to you're, that instantly brought a smile to my face!


oldies always get suprising reactions, love the track aswell.. never a disappointed as always a pleasure bro love the vlog 😉


I’m a hockey player and super into magic. Howtohockey was actually how I started playing, and Chris is why I got back into magic. What a coincidence 😂


As soon as you said it's the one ahead principle I figured it out on my own. I saw you tell him to do the criss-cross force and since you showed him the card I knew what you were talking about. I haven't even watched the rest of the video and I'm gonna go perform it.


Literally, I keep looking at your hat more than anything. It's quite distracting!
