SWELLING IN THE KNEE | Why You Get It & How To Treat It With Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Chris Raynor

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Swelling in the knee is very common post surgery and post injury. Today, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Chris Raynor talks about the different types of swelling in the knee, and how and why you might get it #swellinginknee #drchrisraynor #swollenknee

Yes, there ARE different kinds caused by different mechanisms. He also discusses some very straightforward ways of dealing with this swelling once you know why you have it.

Time points:

General types of knee swelling 00:21
Effusion swelling 00:49
Swelling in soft tissue 2:03
The importance of full knee extension 3:42
Exercises to regain full knee extension 5:25
Apparent knee swelling 8:17

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This guy is incredible. Excellent presentation.


Dr. Raynor - I have suffered with my right knee and although I was told that I need a replacement I have gotten by for over three years with semi-annual injections through the VA. I have asked and asked about the inability for my swelling to be reduced and have had some livable pain but can get by. The VA has just said basically get over it. I saw your episode regarding swelling and now believe that you have showed me the way. My bad knee had a noticeable problem with the needed hyper extension and I have been using your advice on remedying this through PT and the results are incredible. Swelling down and pain free! Thank you so much. All I can say is the results are incredible and I my knee has aged minus 20 years. Thank you again. You are a genius.


Amazing. Learned more from this video than I did from my physical therapy sessions; and this was free.


Thank you Dr C, you may have helped me when my doctors couldn’t


Thank you Doc for the information. Really appreciate it. I knew that extra fluid is causing the swell in my knee


I have bad knee & watched many videos yours is the best explained video and I will try all the exercises you showed in you video.


My knee swelling since last November till today I haven't recovered. Thanks God I saw this video, I done the first workout it really works. It relies felt good


Great comments throughout this feed and kudos to Doc for just brilliantly explaining in technical and layman's term so anyone can understand and gain from his expertise! Thanks!!!


Soo...after not being in the gym for years and gaining a lot of weight, i finally went and was listened to a song that caused me to become over enthusiastic on the treadmill....and here i am. 🤷


This is sooo incredibly helpful. Thank you! I went to the doctor with hip/leg/knee pain and was diagnosed with sciatica. My doctor told me that my knee would improve when my sciatica improved and prescribed physical therapy. I couldn't find a therapist right away, so started taking self-measures for the sciatica. But my knee got so much worse, with pain and swelling, etc. Eventually, it started to improve, but some swelling still persists. Anyway, now I realize it's probably been a lymphatic issue (as opposed to a meniscus tear, which so many online sources cite as the cause of outer knee swelling) - and now I have a game plan! Thank you soooo much!


Great information… you hit it out the park in describing my condition and how it happened. Been taking physical therapy and you’re right on point with how to approach PT. Thanks Bro…. Respect


Thank God I found you. I have been having a swallow knee pain for one year now after an aerobic exercise


I fell on my knee about 2 weeks ago and I can’t start therapy until 2 weeks from now. I’m trying to understand his to help myself and this is helpful thank you


Excellent info and recommendations from Dr. Chis Raynor. Thank you.


Thank you, Dr. Raynor. I always learn from your videos. You also have a video with 5 exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee, which I’ve found useful. I had an MRI in 2005 for extreme pain. Usual suspects, torn, worn meniscus, bone spurs, arthritis. I was told I would need replacement when I got older. Also had ruptured discs in my back. But I was 290lbs. I opted for gastric bypass. I still get pain, but I have full extension. I also practice getting up off the floor using the back of my thighs and glutes. The mobility exercises are great. Love this channel


One of the best explanations out there. Thank you


Best explanation yet, after viewing lots of videos 🎉 thank you 🤗


My right knee looked like the picture. Now, i know why... thank you!


The best video explanation hands down 🙏👏


Wow. Probably the best video I have seen on the subject. Many videos only give the how but yours explains the why. Thanks so much.
