The Art of Communication

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Chabad House presents a new 6-part JLI course The Art of Communication

Course Overview
The rise of the internet, mobile phones, and social media has completely changed the way we relate, interact, and communicate with one another—and it’s high time we reclaim this lost art.

In Jewish philosophy, communication is more than just a tool: it is who we are. Humans are defined as communicative beings with a communicative soul, and aligning ourselves with this soul is our raison d’être.

In Communication: Its Art and Soul, we contrast Jewish thought with scientific discovery to unearth the essence of communication and how to utilize its powers to better ourselves, our relationships, and all of society.

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It reflects the beauty of simple life activities we encounter everyday. Often times we fail to notice the joy in passing of each little moments that could bring meaningful warmth inside of us. Like a genuine interaction that could mend our monotonous disposition in life full of struggles, pain, and personal pursuits.


This was really great. Always wonderful to see how people can convey complex and important messages, without the use of a single word. Effectively 'communicated'!


I'm addicted to this content. I read a book with similar content, and I'm addicted to it. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint


beautiful video and message. personally rlly loved that u decided to drew the people lost in their cell phones as invisible


Communication is sharing, caring, love, understanding, it's the key to success we all need each other we were created to communicate .


One of my students told me that when he discussed his anxieties with someone close to him, like his wife or a close friend, then he found that the moment he started opening up to them, the anxiety decreased—even before he received any advice or support.
Togetherness definitely decreases anxiety. There is a saying in the wisdom of Kabbalah that “a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved, ” i.e. when we share a sensation, we divide it up, and in turn it becomes more manageable.
Since it is quite easy to see how sharing our experiences lessens our negative feelings, the question is why do we not use this ability more? Why is it so hard for us to share our fears and anxieties with others?
We are indeed afraid of opening our hearts, letting everyone see that we have certain fears and anxieties. That is, in addition to whatever fears and anxieties we hold within, we usually have additional anxieties about sharing them with others, that it might cause others to perceive us as weak. Since society in general values stronger, smarter, wealthier and fitter individuals, opening up our anxieties to such a society makes us vulnerable to exploitation. We thus need to seek a social environment that would not exploit us for opening up, but would rather give us a sense of faith and confidence that it can help us cope with any negative feelings.
A social setting that can guarantee faith and confidence in its members is one that actively draws itself to the upper good and benevolent force—the force of love, bestowal and connection. It is this very same force that awakens negative feelings in us, whether they be fears, anxieties or several other painful sensations, in order for us to draw closer to that force, and we do so by drawing closer to each other.
If we wish to connect with the upper force and let its perfect quality of love, bestowal and connection fill our lives with a sensation of faith and confidence, then we need to emulate such a quality toward other people—giving them a sense of faith and confidence, and for them to do the same toward us. By wanting to positively connect with others, we then start awakening the positive force dwelling in nature into the connections we create, and we then feel a new sense of faith and confidence wash away any anxieties that we might be holding within.


Kizil Tongco is my master from the riverside mountains because of how far I am in the Himalayas we go to the Yellowstone river to get fish and fry them for food we eat them and feed our whole village with this fish it reminds me of the times we had fun together me and kizil tongco


Last Christmas, I gave Mach Eayan Arias my heart
But the very next day he gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to Thomas Catenza


I understand the point that this video is trying to make but something that really irks me is that people are so ready to tell themselves that smartphones is the difference between having or not having human connection, or that it's an art we had and have now lost. I'm old enough to remember a childhood completely without cell phones even and to pretend that the level of human connection I shared with my parents was any higher than my siblings are now sharing with their children is pure crap. My parents were very loving but, like so many adults, not too interested in the things that interested us children. So they were just as spaced out as the people portrayed in this video, when us kids wanted them to make a snow man or play with legos or whatever. And they didn't need to look at anything to be distracted - they could just stare into space, and often did so rather than interact with us around things that didn't at all interest them.


Asking for permission to use this in my school project..thank you


Really great event and suppoting by great speakers. Good Job Nasyiah Jatim


very touchy
lot of times I felt alone even many more people around me coz everyone dying with mobiles These addictions kills the society
sorry if i hurts anyone


my college watched this in class for some reason


Beautiful, inspiring & touching video. Thank you ! We share a similar philosophy at UBQT, the new social media platform. Less screen time, more lifetime ☀


A great non verbal clip no words to say but 🥰😇


Communication is not an Art, it's a Science.


permission to use this video for my educational advocacy. thank you so much.


"Stay silent long enough and people won't even notice you"
-I forgot who said it


How will you describe the effects of gadgets into the human communication as shown in the video?


Permission to use this video on my presentation po about good communication. Thank you!
