How to study after school when TIRED✨🥱 study tips, energy hacks, study motivation

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welcome back to another study tips video!! In this video I talk about how to study after school when tired and how to be productive after school, or, in other, words, how to actually get yourself to finally study after school even when you're deadly tired and just want to sleep xD In this video I go over a bunch of science-based energy boosting productivity tips like how to properly make to do lists and prioritize tasks, how to increase your energy levels, how to manage time as a student via a good study routine / nap routine, how to hack your biology to optimize energy levels, and more! I also talk about the main reasons for why you're always tired (and how to stop being tired)! Hope you find these study tips useful and they help you be more productive after school, even when you're tired and studying during exam season!:) best of luck with exams btw!! hopefully these study tips will help you prep for sat exams, ap exams, gcses, board exams, etc!

time stamps:
0:00-0:38- so you're ALWAYS tired
0:39-0:57- why you're always tired
0:58-3:56- bio hacks for energy
3:57-6:54- sleep hacks for energy
6:55-7:51- more bio hacks to boost energy
7:52-8:27- doom scrolling
8:28-10:50- active vs passive rest
10:51-12:08- psychological hacks
12:09-12:56- your environment matters
12:57-14:03- social aspects of tiredness
14:04-14:59- golden rules to remember

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About me:
If you're new, hi, my name's Estella! I'm a college student studying communications & psychology and I post weekly videos! I make stationery and study tips videos based on my own experiences in college, high school, etc. If you ever have any video suggestions or questions leave them in the comments!

code: studytosuccess1

social media:
instagrams: @studytosuccess and @estellastudies
tik tok: studytosuccess

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Рекомендации по теме

On a scale of 1-10 how energetic do you feel on a typical day? I would say rn I'm at around 8!:)


I am a Teachers pet (I admit it!) at school but at home, I am complete lazy, sluggish, tired, and not excited to learn. My grades have been slacking ever since this year began, and I really needed advice and motivation. This has helped me so much! I used to make excuses and say that "It's time for a break." and watch YouTube for hours and a day will go by, but now I realize there are no excuses and breaks can only be on weekends! Thank you! ❤♥


"I used to take 1-2 hours to get to sleep, MINIMUM!"
I feel you sis 😭


Currently watching this after school 😚✌🏻


💫Energy booster tips

✨️Biological problems
cold hands shortness of breath light headed = anemia
1:50 take iron tablets
2:00 eat iron stuff
2:07 get a blood test
2:40 sugar makes us tired
2:56 eat protein stuff
3:37 week before period energy decreases
Week after energy increases
Good quality sleep
4:17 try to observe how many hours u need
4:46 night owl or early bird
7:01 get sunlight
7:45 cold showers
9:22 move a bit during the weekend

✨️Physiological issue
11:07 burnout
11:45 have something to look forward to
13:24 have people that give u energy
14:10 listen to ur body


Fun fact: eye specialists also recommend 2 hours at least of natural sunlight (being outdoors particularly) to help combat eye strain, vision problems, and headaches from being on screens too much


I just want to mention that “resting” isn’t just sitting down. There are several types of rest and sometimes we need one that doesn’t involve napping.

Physical rest:
- sitting down
- getting a massage
- exercising
- dancing
- stretching

Sometimes we actually need to move our body because we sit at a desk or in a chair all day.

Mental rest:
- turning off notifications
- staying away from social media
- meditating
- journaling

Our brains need time to recharge and process information. Sometimes our brains just need a break from all the mental gymnastics and mental stimulation.

Emotional rest:
- spending time alone
- avoiding emotionally draining or stressful situations
- venting to a friend or trusted person

This is *not* the same as mental rest! We need a space for our emotions as well as our mental space.

Sensory rest:
- dim the lights/use natural light
- listen to calming music
- wear comfy clothes
- turn off electronics
- close your eyes
- take a bath
- use deep breathing

Creative rest:
- take a break from your work
- pursue a hobby that is just fun
- do a creative activity like cooking, painting, drawing, knitting, crocheting, etc

This type of rest gives our minds time to explore new ideas and helps to keep us motivated.

Social rest:
- spend some alone time
- spend time with family or friends
- join a club
- avoid social situations
- practice self-care
- go on a solo picnic or date yourself

If you experience a lot of social interaction at school, work, or another place, you may just need to spend some time alone. On the other hand, if you don’t see people in person most of the time, you may need to spend time with friends and family or go out and talk to people.

Spiritual rest:
- meditate
- praying
- yoga
- spend time in nature
- volunteer or donate to a cause that is really important to you

This does *not* mean religious rest! Spiritual rest means fulfilling what your soul and spirit needs. If that means praying and reading from a Holy book for you, then that is great, but spiritual rest can also be taking time to support causes or issues that are important to you.

Anyway, this is a really long comment so I’ll keep this exit short. All of these are taken from Hayley Honeyman’s youtube video “How to ACTUALLY Rest if you have ADHD!” She makes a lot of great points and does so in an easy and educational way, so I highly recommend you go watch her!

Another note: If you are neurodivergent, you may have a delayed circadian rhythm that causes you to feel tired at 1am and naturally wake up around 10am.


This video was exactly what I needed! I used to feel tired all the time, and I would convince myself that I was just being lazy or making excuses. But now I know better! I refuse to let myself fall into that trap again. After watching this video, I realized that there are things I can do to change this, and I am committed to doing so. Thank you so much for making this video - it has truly inspired me!💗💗🤧


4:27 There’s nothing like sleeping against a window with natural light waking you up.


hey, i clicked this expecting to one more of those videos saying the same things: exercise. eat healthy. sleep well. Even though it mentions those, it bring way more info about things I didn't even know existed! Also, I took a quick look at the other videos of this channel, and all of them look very helpfull. I hope this will help me finally get my life together as I am recovering from my depression. Thanks!!!❤


Thank you so much for this amazing video. I am an adult going back to grad school this coming winter semester while working full time so I've been trying to prep. There was so much valuable info in this video I'd never heard before! It's a really good blueprint for setting up a lifestyle that supports productivity and balance.


I can't thank you enough for this video! It's been a struggle to study when tired, and your advice is real help.😊


I appreciate that you called me out in the nicest way possible Queen. You really did tackle a lot of things that I've felt and can't wait to use some of your tips <3


im italian, i drink one espresso as my whole breakfast every morning, me and my family always sit all together after lunch to drink coffee and chat a little bit every single day, if i want to meet with a friend i dont just ask them to go out, i say "do you want to come at the bar and get a coffee?", and you have the audaicty to tell me to subsitute coffee with simply outrageous.


This video is 100/10 it covers all the topics related to energy. I lived many years with some sort of veil and when I went to therapy to treat my anxiety that veil lifted up and something was unblocked.


Your video editing is a work of art! 😍 The aesthetics are breathtaking, and I'm always excited to see what you create. ✨ Keep shining and inspiring us with your remarkable talent! 💫


I hate people blaming the others for "being lazy" even if they don't know the reason of it. I know it just shows their silliness, but it's pretty depressing when u are surrounded by such people 24/7😖

Anyway. I love your video. After a ton of books about mental and physical health I read(they are actually just marketing bullshit) your video is a breath of fresh air💕💕


omg yeah the anemia thing is so real 💀i had moderate anemia and got diagnosed for it by the time i was 15 and now fast forward a few years later i never knew these levels of energy were even possible because i was so tired all the time


After I watched this video, I can confirm that, no wonder why I feel anxious when I keep saying "I'll do the tasks later" until ends up not doing it (I realized that its because unconsciously I thought these tasks is hard) because I prefer to satisfy my self through sleeping (I sleep a lot & I'm kind of bothered with it), also I lack discipline because I'm constantly doing those things like scrolling, eating snacks etc etc. In reality, its the fear that makes me procrastinate and prevents me from being productive at all 😢


Woah, with this video i learned that i have a horrible sleep, eating resting etc. I wanna be more productive soo bad but i feel that im not putting enough effort. This + i have a really bad depression is fcking up my grades!!
