How Power Poses Effect Testosterone @Broadminded

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How Power Poses Effect Testosterone
In this video we go through Power positions
In a 2012 TED talk Amy Cuddy gave scientific evidence behind power posing.
She spoke about how our body posture can dramatically influence our thoughts, emotions, physiology, power dynamics and even our hormones.
Depressed and anxious people show this through body posture by appearing small, crouching over, protecting their neck or holding arms. Conversely the opposite of depression is expression, expressive people tend to stretch out, take up space and fidget less.
This can significantly change other people’s perceptions of ourselves, such as being a good candidate in a job interview, how attractive you are, and even lowers the chances of being sued.
Testosterone is the dominance hormone and cortisol is the stress hormone. Powerful competent leaders have high testosterone and low cortisol, as testosterone is associated with leadership qualities such as aggressiveness and risk taking whereas cortisol can inhibit these behaviours.
Amy cuddy showed that doing these 5 power poses for at least 2 minutes can increase testosterone by 20% and decrease cortisol by 25%.
Amy Cuddy Ted Talk:
In this video we go through Power positions
In a 2012 TED talk Amy Cuddy gave scientific evidence behind power posing.
She spoke about how our body posture can dramatically influence our thoughts, emotions, physiology, power dynamics and even our hormones.
Depressed and anxious people show this through body posture by appearing small, crouching over, protecting their neck or holding arms. Conversely the opposite of depression is expression, expressive people tend to stretch out, take up space and fidget less.
This can significantly change other people’s perceptions of ourselves, such as being a good candidate in a job interview, how attractive you are, and even lowers the chances of being sued.
Testosterone is the dominance hormone and cortisol is the stress hormone. Powerful competent leaders have high testosterone and low cortisol, as testosterone is associated with leadership qualities such as aggressiveness and risk taking whereas cortisol can inhibit these behaviours.
Amy cuddy showed that doing these 5 power poses for at least 2 minutes can increase testosterone by 20% and decrease cortisol by 25%.
Amy Cuddy Ted Talk: