How to Pop a Pimple the RIGHT Way | Dr. Pimple Popper | SLMD Skincare

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SLMD is here to bridge the gap between a doctor’s visit and a trip down the skincare aisle. Address acne & other skin concerns with skincare solutions developed by a real dermatologist — Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper.


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Guilty, have one on my face now I should not have touched, and one that was healing and I picked at it again. Sorry. I’m so glad you told us what to do after we popped it, or tried to, thanks so much. Great information.


Always popped them, never had any issues, guess i'm lucky.


Ok I have one for you. About 15 years ago I had a very big pimple on the side of my private place. I geared up with a sterile needle, betadine, peroxide, gause, and neosporine and yes scrubbed my hands. Just lightly broke the top (surprisingly didn't hurt) gently squeezed from the base. Cleaned the area again after as well as before and by God's grace it healed nicely. It looked like a big white head. Being a mom of 5 girls, that's pretty much the way approach booboo's too.


I remember a friend had a huge pimple that was level with his left eye. He waited until it was ready, actually he said it got so painful that it woke him up early. He squeezed it and a lot of pus and blood came out. It still hurt and he could tell that there was more to come.
Using the wall mirror and a shaving mirror he could see a black hair poking out, so he used tweezers to grip the hair and pull it out. It came out with a white core, followed by more blood and the pain stopped. On investigation of the core he found it contained a tightly coiled dark hair that was about six inches long.
He cleaned up the wound and applied antiseptic and it healed without incident.


My wife is known as the pimple popper of the family

She is literally obsessed with them


yeah your right dont pop it until it got a head, but when it gets a head i say pop it. when theres a white head on mine i pop it with tissue, puss then the blood, keep squeezing till most of blood is out then i put witch hazel on it with cotton swab or toner, next day it is alot better and alot smaller. i dont believe in leaving a pimple when there is white head on it. i guess some people scar, my whole life been doing it, no scars. it actually makes spot better the next day as nobody wants to walk around with a massive white head on top of a pimple.


I’m 13 and I first off love your videos idk why but seeing oozy stuff is interesting to me. Secondly I am normally pretty good at nit popping my pimples but I popped my first one about 3 days ago and..oh boy it was a terrible idea I have a huge scab now. I’m using Vaseline and a few other treatments like the ice and things like that to heal it but I actually have a birthday party tomorrow so I really hope it heels soon.


It would have been nice to show visuals


"You've got to know when to pop 'em, know when to stop 'em,
Know when to walk away, and know when it's done.
And if you learn how to listen
To that time on the counter
You'll win the game of healthy skin when the timers done."


Tried popping a ingrown just now lol but for me when I release the pressure a little it comes out on it's own sooner or later and looks less nasty.


It was this morning actually idk how it happened but
I was moving my eyebrows and the pimple was in between
So like on my unibrow so I kept frowning and I did it so aggressively that
The pressure made the pimple pop by itself 😭😭


I got a MRSA infection once from trying to pop a cyst that was under the skin. It caused a ton of swelling and pain and I had to have Vancomycin infusions for several months. Never again. Even though I hardly ever get zits, I keep my hands off my face now.


I had one on my thigh but it was under a bunch of scar tissue. My gp said it would either come up or I would need surgery. I just used gloves and bought a new needle, sterilised it and then stabbed. It WOULDN'T STOP SQUIRTING! Like, full on peeing pus. Must have got a quarter cup of gunk. Seemed to heal up. I stretch a few days later and the scab came off and even more happened. It was the unending cyst for 3 weeks x


I rarely pop my own, but a paperclip works great for most of them. Every now & then, I get a really deep pressure one that won't come to the surface no matter what - small needle nose pliers with smooth jaws have worked for those, but I can't say I'd suggest anyone using them as using then is exceedingly painful, especially on an area that's already tender and painful. Thankfully, these don't form very often.


Oh man. A bunch of years ago I had one on my shaft. I squeezed and squeezed but it didn't pop. It then got infected and turned my junk into a hideously fat something. Off to the Doctor who reeled back in shock. After some antibiotics that worked very quickly I was then left with a large pimple that had a big white head. It popped very easily and attached to that white head was a rope like thing that stayed in tacked all the way out. This was like 8 inches long. And what it left behind was a clean hole that you could literally look down into so gross....


I have pimples on my face it’s so annoying


I was in high school in my psychology class. I actually probably have more acne now than I did back then. Anyway, so we're reading our giant books on god knows what chapter (because at one time we did have to lug around giant books, for any Gen Z'rs reading this) and I had a pimple on my forehead that just would not go away. So as I'm reading it gets to the point where I just took the pads of my thumbs and squeezed. I don't think I had to squeeze super hard, but either way, it was bigger than I thought. Not only did I FEEL it pop, but it squirted all over the page I was reading. Pretty sure the girl beside me saw, but I never had the guts to ask her.

I also don't know if this counts as it wasn't really a pimple... but I have HS. Have for years and only now am I finding out how to treat it, how to care for it, etc. Well, my then gf was standing in the bathroom with me and I was kind of squeezing at it. Mind you, she wasn't as much of a pimple popper as I am, BUT we did do each other's pimples, blackheads, etc. (and since she's now my ex for multiple reasons, I don't feel so bad about causing her pain with the extractor!). Point being, it was under one of my breasts and it was definitely ready and under pressure. So I squeezed it and it popped... projectile blood and god knows what ALL OVER HER FACE. Most of it seemed to hit her glasses, but still. I stood there in shock/embarrassment and she too was in shock, but also horrified. She was kind of making these noises like 'uh... uh uh... uh' you know, like a verbal shudder. She hurried up and washed her face and stayed far away from my 'bumps' after that.


Hi, I had a large pimple on my face that I did not pop, but it popped on its own and now it is a scar. Can you help improve the scar?


My dad actually got an infection from popping a pimple back when he was in pharmacy school. (Yes I know he should have been smarter than that because he was in pharmacy school) but hey it could happen to anyone. So he woke up the morning after popping his pimple and the whole side of his face was really swollen and he had to go to the doctor to get antibiotics. After that he never popped another pimple again. He told me this story when I was a teenager and told me that your face has an invisible death triangle around it and you shouldn’t pop anything in that area. But I still pop pimples when I need to. I know it’s not the smartest idea but I can’t help it and I’m 28! I feel so embarrassed that I still pop pimples when I get them.


Use a needle into the while area that appears dead already. With blunt pressure all the walls will be stressed before the top pops violently with a big opening, and pus goes everywhere. If the top is so weakened that it pops with a light touch, you've not done much. It would have come open soon anyway. If the pimple is on the back or the neck or in the nose where I can't see then it sucks. I feel it as a foreign object. Sometimes deep pimples get reabsorbed, but it takes days. I can't ask anybody else, and I wouldn't trust them to use a needle on me without pain feeback.
