The Late Queen's Father (2023)

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In our late Majesties’ stead, one doesn’t need to look far to find the influence of her father. A conscientious king who ruled, despite anxiety and public pressure. He carried his own burdens.

As he carried Great Britain through the chaos of the second world war. Overcoming the Nazi regime, which threatened the freedom of the people.
Never straying from the path of his duties…The reluctant yet headstrong Bertie. Known to us... As King George VI.

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He was a brave and good king 🤴, a wonderful husband and a very kindhearted father for his daughters


I will always tune in when King George VI is the topic of discussion. Loved this documentary, well done and cheers!


I live in the USA and he seemed like he was a good king husband and father. I absolutely adored his daughter Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2. One of the greatest women during my lifetime.


King George IV had served in battle unlike his brother in the navy, in the Battle of Jutland. He had seen the pointy end of war unlike Edward VIII. When WWII started, he had a better idea of what the reality would be for the soldier/sailor/airman than any King in recent history, and this I think is where he got a lot of his steel backbone from. He couldn't let his men down during the war years.

Edward, however, was a complete dilettante, had no idea of how crucial the tiniest piece of information could be and considered himself to be untouchable. His lack of security during the eleven months of his stewardship, where documents would be returned in his red box with win stains on them, crumpled and stained with food, showed he had no regard for the seriousness of the position or the ramifications of his actions. It is a pity that he was not sent to an Antarctic base with his wife for the duration of the war for "safe keeping". Kept on ice so to speak.

I have had nothing but the highest respect for King George VI my entire life, and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. I have willingly taken an oath to her on several occasions and will do the same for her son, if the circumstances arise (I'm getting on a bit!)


I have always believed it was Divine Providence that maneuvered King George VI and his daughter Queen Elizabeth into their positions as monarch. I feel the same way about Winston Churchill. Those three individuals possessed great leadershp ability and commitment to their nation. I look at all the events and had Edward not abdicated we all might be speaking German today. We owe the British a great deal.


The father that inspired our late Queen to her greatest heights and surpassed what he once had reach!


Not 5 minutes in and you've already referenced George Vs four sons and Edward's close relationship with his youngest brother, George (not Bertie). The youngest of George V FIVE sons was Prince John. That child had medical concerns and died as a young teen but please don't dismiss him as non existent. He deserves better.


The greatest monarch this country has ever had. He paid the ultimate price in that he laid down his life for his friends as the Christian he was at the time of this countries greatest peril. His life was cut short by the worry, stress and smoking and drinking he did to get through it all in a job he never wanted and for which he was ill prepared.


A video on George VI deserves a better title than “the late Queen’s father”.


Thank you for this video. It's still hard to believe Queen Elizabeth is gone. She was a great queen, a great lady. I suspect Edward viii gave a gift to the British people by abdicating. Even though I'm American I admire George VI for his dedication to his people and sense of duty, the same qualities I admired in Queen Elizabeth. I believe it came from their hearts.🎉


Yes, his greatest gift was the late Queen Elizabeth II. He would had been so proud of her. He had his speech problem but his daughter even did her speech in fluent French.


Please publish a doc on the Queen's grandfather the great but underrated King George V. He was the greatest modern monarch, and its his model of reign that inspired both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. No other monarch saved the monarchy more than George V did. 13 monarchies were wiped during his reign, but George V succeeded to save and strengthen his monarchy, and it was under his reign that the british empire reached its greatesr heights ever


Good heart- Great King! The Crown almost always lands on the right head! ❤


My grandfather met King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) in 1939, when they visited Ottawa, Ontario to dedicate the National War Memorial.


My Mother would often tell me to look to the Queen as a role model, just as she had done with King George the the fifth. We were lucky to have such amazing role models 🇨🇦❤️


Thank you for uploading this excellent documentary!


Can’t say my parents or grandparents who together lived & fought in both wars ever mentioned the RF or the King & Queen in particular were not popular? Very much the reverse both before & after the bombing of BP. A little bit of modern revisionism by the “expert” here? All the people I knew who lived through the war were supportive of the King & Queen & the leadership they gave during WW2. They were all in it together & they didn’t forget that hence how popular the late Queen Mother was all her long life!

George VI was a good king even great in terms of his total dedication & service to his nation & wider (then) Empire, which he inspired his daughter to follow his example. A real legacy for a reluctant king not born to rule.


King George V wasn't perfect, but he was one of Great Britain greatest Kings.


This was nice! I've seen a few on him, but might be my fav. Glaf thr Duke of Windsor's treachory towards France & his brother were mentioned. I also wish his uoungest brother John had been mentioned. I enjoyed the interviews & the footage. Well done & ty!


Moi je suis français, et le peuple anglais, vous avez tenu la guerre face à l’Allemagne grâce au roi Georges VI et surtout à la reine mère Élisabeth ils ont eu une attitude et un comportement exemplaire des vrais chefs d’État
