Why Left Handed was Forbidden Among Samurai #Shorts

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*The content is based on personal studies and experience
There is no intention of denying other theories and cultural aspects
If samurai had their katana on their left or right waists randomly, they might accidentally hit and damage their sheathes with others’ as they both pass by.
Because in Japan, we walk/drive on the left side of the road, samurai were all forced to be right-handed and to keep their katana on their left waist to avoid trouble.
Even today, in almost every Japanese traditional culture such as budo martial arts (iaido, kendo, kyudo, etc.), tea ceremony, or shodo calligraphy, all the movements and practices are designed for right-handed people because of this tradition.
However, there are some famous samurai who could have been left-handed according to historical records and pictures of them.
●源為朝 Minamoto no Tametomo:
A giant, 2m-tall samurai who was famous for being a skilled archer. He was the uncle of Minamoto no Yoritomo who started the first Kamakura shogunate.
●宮本武蔵 Miyamoto Musashi:
One of the most well known swordsmen in Japanese history who wrote 五輪書 The Book of Five Rings.
●斎藤一 Saito Hajime:
The captain of the 3rd squad of Shinsengumi who was called the 無敵の剣 Invincible Sword.
The reason why there are no accurate records is because being left-handed was considered a physical dysfunction and was something you would want to hide from others.
However, in terms of swinging katana, your left hand gives the swinging power and your right hand controls the blade, so once you get used to it left-handed people actually have a bigger advantage.
▼Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?▼
▼Related videos in this channel▼
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“To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in”
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♪Sound effects♪
かわいいフリー素材屋 いらすとや
#lefthandedsamurai #miyamotomusashi #saitohajime
There is no intention of denying other theories and cultural aspects
If samurai had their katana on their left or right waists randomly, they might accidentally hit and damage their sheathes with others’ as they both pass by.
Because in Japan, we walk/drive on the left side of the road, samurai were all forced to be right-handed and to keep their katana on their left waist to avoid trouble.
Even today, in almost every Japanese traditional culture such as budo martial arts (iaido, kendo, kyudo, etc.), tea ceremony, or shodo calligraphy, all the movements and practices are designed for right-handed people because of this tradition.
However, there are some famous samurai who could have been left-handed according to historical records and pictures of them.
●源為朝 Minamoto no Tametomo:
A giant, 2m-tall samurai who was famous for being a skilled archer. He was the uncle of Minamoto no Yoritomo who started the first Kamakura shogunate.
●宮本武蔵 Miyamoto Musashi:
One of the most well known swordsmen in Japanese history who wrote 五輪書 The Book of Five Rings.
●斎藤一 Saito Hajime:
The captain of the 3rd squad of Shinsengumi who was called the 無敵の剣 Invincible Sword.
The reason why there are no accurate records is because being left-handed was considered a physical dysfunction and was something you would want to hide from others.
However, in terms of swinging katana, your left hand gives the swinging power and your right hand controls the blade, so once you get used to it left-handed people actually have a bigger advantage.
▼Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?▼
▼Related videos in this channel▼
-How Samurai Trained Physically & Mentally Through Katana Training and Zen Meditation
-How Difficult is it to Swing a Katana in Samurai Armor?
-Who was the Strongest Swordsman in Shinsengumi? Not Okita Soji nor Saito Hajime…
“To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in”
I will be using the profit I gain from this channel at restaurants, hotels, and cultural facilities in Kyoto to introduce them. The more you watch the videos on this channel, Kyoto and Japan will become a more exciting place, and you can support your own and others’ dreams in the future even more.
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Every single yen we earn from this membership, we will be donating to groups of people who are fighting to solve social problems in Japan, the Japanese schools where foreign students can study, or use it to spread the works of people working with traditional culture in Japan to preserve the arts they are doing.
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*Please ask me questions through the DM here!(⚠️I do not use e-mail)
♪Sound effects♪
かわいいフリー素材屋 いらすとや
#lefthandedsamurai #miyamotomusashi #saitohajime