Once Upon A Time S2E14 'So You Are My Dad'- Manhattan (HD)

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Once Upon a Time
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Awww the ending when Neal copies his pose. How


"Let's not mess up Henry" Too late. Kid grew up in a town where he was the only person that aged for 10+ years. No wonder he believed in magic! It was either that or he was insane!


I'm very impressed with Henry's maturity and how understanding he is why Neal hasn't been around. As adults on the outside looking in, we know that Neal didn't know about Henry. A child would be more likely to see Neal as the POS who abandoned his mother and would have some serious trust issues. Henry is definitely wise beyond his years. He is the truest believer in both the magical world and our world.


You know out of every character that's ever been introduced in OUAT....Henry is still the one who amazes me the most. His ability to just forgive people. He forgave Emma for giving him up, forgave Regina for being evil, forgave Neal for not being there, forgave Snow and David for giving up just has this giant heart and amazing amount of empathy that is just magic, the purest form of magic.


This episode was SO good! I have to re-visit these scenes from time to time to remind myself of how incredibly well-scripted and acted it was. This feels like the most REAL episode of the entire series.


The hero in Henry, he got from his mother, it helps him believe in the best.The darkness inside him, he got from his father and grandfather, this helps him prepare for the worst.Within Henry beats the heart of the truest believer, because his blood flows with the products of both good and evil.


Emma and a lot of people here seemed to forget that Neal HAD to leave as per August's instructions. If he didn't leave, then everyone in Storybrooke besides Regina and Henry would have been forever trapped in their lives, and Emma would have spent the rest of her life searching for her parents not knowing they're Snow White and Prince Charming frozen in time in Storybrooke.


It's so adorable how he keeps making double takes.  Mikey's a great actor.  Very real reaction to meeting your long-lost son for the first time.  It's like Nealfire's thinking, "he looks so much like her...but those are my locks."  So endearing.


This is really sweet and it pisses me off immensely that they killed off Neal. Like fine if you really wanna have your CaptainSwan ship whatever but don't take away Henry's dad!


am i the only one pissed at neal for being angry about the fact that emma kept henry a secret from him? he left her, she went to jail because of him! what did he expect her to do? try and find the guy who broke her heart and tell him by we've got a son?


I can't believe it is already season 5 and i`m still hoping there`s a chance Neal will come back, i don't care if Emma and Neal would get together i just think Henry needs his Father with him. NEAL COME BACK


That is so young for a child to say. Henry is beyond mature for his age.


"So, you're my dad?" "Yup." Total guy talk here, lol.


Neal was the best love interest for Emma.


I love how Neal tried to get close to Henry in the first meet!Emma pushed him away for literally a week or days


Tsk...why they have to kill Neal off
Doesn't the writer care about Neal at all?

For start I think Henry needs his father even if Emma didn't want to go back with Neal
Not just Emma but the writer already rob that chance for Henry to know his father and Rumple to redeem himself to Neal
Aren't that the reason why Rumple make the curse to find Bae and try to mend his mistakes?
Everybody deserve a second change

Second Emma won't let Neal explain what he had to do at that time, being a thief and leaving in a car to run away from cops had its toll on someone
She didn't put the past behind, she just scared that once Neal explain what he had to do what he had to do at that time will make all of her angry for eleven years become nothing
Because it's easy to live in a life where you are angry at someone and not knowing why they did that, than to face the reality that your angry just for nothing...

And last being with Killian is easy because he is just there, while with Neal it becomes complicated with so much heartache
But if TRUE LOVE is easy then everyone can have it....but reality check it isn't that simple you had to fight for it

Everyone who didn't agree with me can mail me or tag me in your review I will gladly answer it


I adore Henry! Best character in this show!


Hopefully in season 3 we get a lot Emma, Neal and Henry scenes. The family that was meant to be


0:15 The dream catcher hanging in the window <3 In season 5 we learn that they hold memories.


Emma couldn't have kept Henry even if she wanted to. She gave birth to him while she was still in prison (she served an 11 month term and was already pregnant when she went to jail), and had no family or friends to take care of him until she got out.
