Once Upon A Time 2x15 'The Queen Is Dead' Rumple Is Stabbed (HD)

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Once Upon a Time
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The way bae said "papa" makes my heart melt 😢😔


Every time Neal says Papa as an adult is gold. (No pun intended)


my heart melted when Neal said"Papa!"😢he still loves his father😭😭😭


Henry is so cute here he is such an innocent little kid concerned about Mr. Gold Henry suffers more than anyone I almost think


Hook; "You took Milah. My love, my happiness"
Now, Killian, that's not a very nice thing to say with your happy ending standing right behind you.


Hook: "You killed your wife! Prepare to die!"


Its kinda funny to see on this episode hook and emma kicking each others ass


"Tick-Tock Time's Up Crocodile!"


so cute when bae/neal said "papa" awwww


This scene is really a griping moment, showing, for me, that Neal's relationship with his father had more of a stronger and greater impact on me than his relationship with Emma.. Rumple was his life, Emma just happened to be apart of that life.. That this scene really shows that the moment when Rumple gets injured, Neal immediately pushes aside his anger towards his father and holds onto him showing he cares, he still has love for him. So yeah I love Neal, I love his love for family and his father but I can't forgive him for his actions.. And like his father and his grandparents, Neal feared the consequences, in this case its rejection, so they do something about it.. Letting fear overcome love, family and hope...

Now, to Killian... Here is man who is filled with revenge. Filled with pain and loss. Who lost hope years ago. He thought he didn't deserve any one not even his brother.. So, here, its just pain and anger...but a reminder what he said to Regina, that once you've accomplished your revenge, what is your purpose? He had no one to return to, no one to love.. And for me, I can see that satisfaction in his eyes once he did the deed.. But it's easy to judge him for his actions as ruthless or outrages.. And yeah it is...but only becuase his past wasn't revleaved yet, but when he was in his most darkest moment, Emma was his hope, light and guidance. They understand each other, both Orphaned, alone, both lost love ones...

This scene shows these two things: Neal's will to accept and forgive his father and Killian's getting his revenge.. His heart and mind clouded by pain and loss... And so that's why I love this show.. Showing that both heroes and villains are both flawed... Make mistakes...
That everyone has different reasons for their actions...


I love and hate Neal! I love him because he's Rumple's son and Rumple would go to the ends of the earth (and kinda did) for him, I also love him because he's Henry's father. But I hate him because he throws all the blame on Rumple for his crappy ass childhood and says absolutely nothing about Milah who truly abandoned him. If Milah really cared she wouldn't have left or she would have at least visited him every once in awhile. Yes he and Rumple made a deal about finding a new place to be together but who the crap throws a magic bean into the ground without discussing it first? Even Rumple and Malcolm talked about it before actually going somewhere and Malcolm/Pan is insane! 


I wish Neal had stayed with the show.  In some ways, he could be for Rumple what Henry is for Regina, and he's interesting in himself.  If he and Emma couldn't be together, I could see Neal and Tink.


Someone explain to me why Captain Swan is better than Swanfire.
1. Hook was a villain that gets pardoned for so many things like ruining Baelfire's life, Ursula's life, etc. However, Neal does 1 mistake- abandon Emma and consequently Henry- and he is not forgiven. I mean honestly, the only reason he did so was because he believed that was the only way for her to meet her parents and be happy.
2. Neal is the father of Emma's child for goodness sakes. She cannot just forget her love for him because of 1 thing. Sure, it was 11 years, but she did love him, and looking at Tallahassee, she still does.
3. Neal has always been so honest with Emma, as seen by their first date, whereas Hook has lied multiple times even while they were dating. The only reason Neal sometimes told half-truths was because he knew Emma would not believe his actual past as Baelfire.
4. Finally, Neal DIED! How can Emma move on so quickly, especially to the person who ruined Neal's (or Baelfire's) life? It just seems so inhumane.
Anyway, I do not mean to insult anyone by this post. I am just confused. I honestly respect Hook as a character, but I just feel that there is more for Swanfire than Captain Swan. However, now with Neal dead, I reckon that I should at least try to understand Captain Swan...


Emma: you know how to sail a pirate ship
Neal: yeah * *please don't ask me how especially with the situation right now**
gold: **bae please don't tell me you betrayed me?-puppy-dog eyes**


"what is that?" "it's mustard! One of Hooks own making"


"Guy just stabs another ; we see his hook full of blood"



Haha I was thinking about how if this was Dark Swan Emma, she would've been like "Oh, you're here to kill him? Please, let me help."


The way Emma knocked him out with that umbrella pail - MUST BE LOVE *insert sarcasm*


Hey look, Captain Swans, what a romantic reunion of your OTP. He bursts in and is so overjoyed that he knocks her into a wall where she bashes the shit out of her head. She returns this delicate gesture with an umbrella pan thingy to the back of the neck. Don't get no better than that.

I say the real OTP here is Golden Hook. Killian only had eyes for Rumple from the moment he came through the door. So really, what happened to Emma wasn't so bad. She just got in the path of his true love. :)


Ok. It's one thing being stabbed, but being hooked!? God! Dats gotta hurt like hell!
