Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet: What IBD Patients Need to Know

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The Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED) is a whole foods diet designed to limit or exclude foods that may negatively affect the gut microbiome, inflammation, and the intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients or other functions.

CDED excludes wheat, dairy, animal fat, additives, processed foods, and red meat. It includes readily available foods such as fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes, lean meats, and eggs. In order to achieve energy needs and provide an extra supply of protein, calcium, and vitamin D it is recommended, in practice, to combine the diet with a variable amount of a formula as partial enteral nutrition (PEN).
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Oh man, I’ve given up trying to understand my Crohn’s from time, and I’ve had it for over 40 years, (oh wow, I’m old!) All I know is that every treatment for Crohn’s out there I’ve had and my body has rejected, (can’t use steroids as apparently I’m allergic to it as it causes internal bleeding.) Anyway, the one true long-term “treatment” that’s worked for the last decade is that I’m on 3 types of antidepressants because I’m ’highly strung’ and when I get emotional I relapse. Diet wise I haven’t quite worked out what’s in/out as my body is very temperamental and luckily for me if my body don’t like what I’m eating it will be expelled within half a hour and that’s the end of that chapter, but it does make it impossible to go out for a meal or even a dinner party etc. I have trouble digesting fruits/vegetables, for an example I could eat a banana today to my heart’s content but the next day the banana becomes a bullet and my butt the barrel. Strangely processed foods seems to work better in my system than cooked meals and I only eat twice daily, breakfast tend to be dry, toast and a meal in the evening, both times allocated for medications. In truth, if there was a magical pill that you could take to stop food intake, I’m on it. My relationship with food didn’t use to be good as there were (and still is at times) an association with pain in my mind and I’ve had two bouts of anorexia due to C.D. And another thing that text books and even gastroenterologist don’t tell us that your C.D could be under control as in relapses but the other complications of the disease is ongoing like anemia, arthritis, skin problems etc. The trick is you need to have trust in your condition and understand your relationship with the disease. Information pamphlets etc only gives you guidelines but doesn’t explain individual symptoms and difficulties. Learn to listen to your body and its need and always have Buscopan nearby lol However, learn your own journey with your own C.D because the disease isn’t the same between two people who have it, I mean I’ve know people with C.D who can actually drink a pint of milk without clearing the room afterwards


Nutrition formulas are full of inflammatory sugar and multodextrin. Excluding animal fat is terrible advice, you need to introduce it slowly for energy to avoid fibre. Avoiding Inflammatory vegetalbe (seed) oils as they are poly-unstaturated fats is necessary however. EEN studies were performed by the manufacturer of them, Nestle. Even their studies only showed a 60% benefit, thats close to 50% meaning almost no benefit. Yet it's peddled by the medical industry.

A zero fibre, lectin, gluten, A2 casien diet put my severe acute UC into clinical remission after "medical professional" advice sent me back to hospital. 9 months going strong.


Has this diet worked for absolutely anyone here? All I did was get a build-up of resistant starch bacteria. The carnivore diet has a lot more actual results but I keep getting from too much grease or salt too and I still give into carb cravings which I wish I would stop doing/ I also hear good things about tumeric but honestly did this work for anyone?


This is wrong information
I gut crone 3 months ago and I can’t eat anything
Lean chicken breast
Ripped banana with dark brownish color
Sweat potatoes
White starch potatoes
This is all what do I eat now
Nating else if I eat something else I am safer extremely I don’t eat to eat uniting efter I get better
The information she gave is completely wrong
Maybe you can have in future


It's a horrible condition, Blessed be.
