Why is EVERY Star Wars planet like this?

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What's your favorite Star Wars planet? Why do you think they all have single climates?


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It's so much simpler when there's a desert planet, a snow planet, a jungle planet, a city planet, and even a fitness planet!


this is jokingly addressed in the EU by one of the authors describing a planet that is super massive and has literally every type of biome on it, so the empire use the entire planet to train storm troopers to save money. they can train a storm trooper to be deployed to any of the other planet types there lol


I feel bad for the waste processing planet.


This thought always crosses my mind. The planet just being one theme rather than a planet with a varied ecosystem like Earth.


Interestingly, Kashyyyk isn't all forest and jungle. The planet has a belt of tropical ocean, filled with coral reefs and large islands and, as a result of no axial tilt and a circular orbit, has only one season. In Legends, across four continents, it also had large plains, and small mountain ranges with deserts as a result of these ranges.


Single biome does make sense on some of the planets. Like Tatooine has multiple suns, so it's possible that it's just hot everywhere due to everywhere being covered just enough to be a universal desert.
What really doesn't make sense is how half of these single biome planets support life.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy parodied this with a "beachfront property on warm oceans on a Saturday evening just before the bars close" planet. No one's really sure what's up with the time, so the citizens just tell each other, "Have a nice diurnal anomaly!"


Remember when Obi-wan knew Luke's aunt and uncle were killed by storm troopers because the blaster shots were so precise?


Come to think of it, Naboo is the only planet so far in the main line movies where there's any variety. They got beautiful cities with big palaces and rivers and lakes. And big jungles, and an ocean with another civilisation living at the bottom, and you can pilot through the planet's core for some reason.

It's like they used their entire creative budget for this one planet, and ever since they only have planets that look like Hoth, or Tattooine, or more recently idk Scotland or something like that? Rolling green hills and/or craggy island cliffs.


I like how Auralnauts refer to the planets as if they were theme park locations or something. Just casually heading over to Sand World or Lava World, etc


0:57 Now THAT'S the kind of thinking Lord Vader can get behind. Give this man a promotion!


Used to have a bit about how Jakku is basically just Tatooine, and both planets are kinda just Arrakis (the spice planet). Think up some cool alien worlds with exotic flora and fona? Nah, just desert or whatever, but at least one had sandworms...then they done it again with Stargate...


One of the Stargate TV series episodes did this- 2 of them pop out in an area of snow & ice. They determine they must be on an "ice planet" rather than just assuming they're on one of the poles. It was the scientist character that said it, too.


Disney: Here's another desert planet.


It's crazy that stormtroopers have this concept of "climate" worked out, having never seen one before.


Utini means a shout of astonishment or surprise. I always thought it was just the Jawa version of “Oh snap son!”


The slightly janky animation is just getting better and better. At this point really maturing as a niche art form. I love it, this video is some great storytelling


This is funny timing, I was just thinking about what Coruscant's climate was like since they showed that mountain peak in Mandolorian.


Alderaan had quite a significant variety in ecosystems as does Naboo. Coruscant prior to being a city did as well. Tatooine has varying degrees of desert, it has sections which are more like the Sahara and some which are pretty North/Central American. Endor also has variety. It has forests we see in the films, it also has grasslands and has oceans and lakes as well. Kamino is an unknown case since it was global warming that caused the ice caps to melt and the entire thing to be covered in ocean, so it may well have been like Earth previously. Kashyyyk's forests vary as well and it also has sandy sections and a good few oceans.
