Chicken Kiev Recipe | Sorted Food

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It's a classic. A family favourite... and this homemade version is so so simple, and utterly delicious!! We're talking about some serious next level kiev here.

Roasted garlic and herby butter oozing out of a succulent chicken breast, coated in crisp golden breadcrumbs. WIN!

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Oh, I can tell you a lot about our traditional dishes))
You should definitely try Borshch (savoury soup using beetroot and cabbage), Varenyky (dumplings made with different fillings(the most popular - cherries served with sour creme), Holubtsi (rolls of cabbage leaves with meat+rice inside), Deruny (potato pancakes), Nalysnyky( thin pancakes, usually with syr(quark) + raisins inside), Syrniki ( fried quark pancakes), Uzvar ( sweet beverage made of dried or fresh fruits ) and many others


My favorite Ukrainian dish is varenyky - sort of dumplings with so many different fillings like mush potatoes or cherry or cottage cheese. And you can't forget about the borscht with sour cream


I binge watch SORTED a lot, and this is one of my fave things to eat, and I got so excited to see it was on my birthday!! I hope they post another great recipe on my birthday this year!!!


I always freeze my butter before assembling the kievs. It helps to retain the butter center.


Pierogi! They're super tasty dumplings from the countries that used to be part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which the Ukraine was a part of.) While they aren't solely Ukrainian, in Western Canada where there are many, many families of Ukrainian heritage they're typically attributed to the Ukraine. The most popular filling (in Canada, at least) is potato and cheese, though they can be filled with a variety of other things (a popular local variant, for example, is a dessert version filled with a local berry called saskatoons)


"I'm not sure even ducks would appreciate this." CLASSIC SORTED BANTER. Such quackers! You made my day. Thank-you!


Taking a moment to watch Sorted videos in the morning is one of the more relaxing and enjoyable parts of my day. Thanks for the food boys!


Sooo.. Ukraine resresent here :) First of all, thank уou for recognition! Second of all, orignal recipe actuallу calls for chicken breast, don't know what part frozen version use, and also we use much more greens in the filling and sometimes even add a little bit of mashed potatoes! Anуwaу, уour version looked (and I bet tasted) incredible :)
As for the other Ukrainian dishes - borscht is quite famous, vareniki (dumplings with mash or braised cabbage or mash with mushrooms or the most ukrainian version - with cherries!) and holubtsi (rice, meat, onions and carrots inside big soured leafs of cabbage) are considered somewhat Slavic dishes but are also verу popular in Ukraine. Hope there are more Slavic recipes to come! +SORTED Food


You guys deserve your own TV show, I find you more entertaining than most of the other shows i see on TV.


That looks unreal! Will keep the vampires away too!


Finally guys! THE ONLY ORIGINAL recipe of chicken kiev on the Internet! I lived in Kiev for many years! and there they never open the chicken breast! there they ALWAYS open; like you did! a small cut on the top and later use their finger to open it carefully to insert the butter! WELL DONE GUYS! What you did is THE TRADITIONAL CHICKEN KIEV!


Considering they are filming in Ben's house, I am surprised Tyrone hasn't interfered much in the recipes, maybe he will have a cameo in a future video instead of Barry


I'm one of those people who loves to cook, but has no time due to school, but because of the delicious food I see being cooked by the Sorted crew, I promise myself to cook one of their dishes after I'm done with my exam.


I love how knowledgeable all the boys have gotten about cooking by doing this with Ben. If you look back to the early episodes, they really didn't know what to do 😊


I would definitely recommend Borshch. And then do a recipe on it as well!


Looks amazing! Love the garlic butter!!!


Ukranian food you should be eating/trying: Cabbage Rolls. So many good memories around Christmas Time. We'd go to this Ukranian Church in Surrey, BC where all the Babas would just make homemade Pierogis and Cabbage Rolls and sell them. But you would have to pre-order because they were so popular! Salivating just thinking about them!


When I lived in Britain as a student I ate so many chicken kievs and then I came back to Spain and realized they're not really much of a thing here. So this is awesome!! I need to make theeem


There is an easy way to understand Slavic cuisine. It's hearty it's wonderful and it's pretty much all comfort food.


Borshch, which is a beet and cabbage soup, and almost all the times I've had it, it's had a mushroom broth! It's literally my childhood
