Never Fight For Someone's Attention (Do This Instead...)

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Never Fight For Someone's Attention (Do This Instead...)
⭐️ Make ANY Man Fall In Love With You (Using Male Psychology)
In this video, you'll learn an easy way to get someone's attention and make them want you more. It doesn't involve fighting or manipulation - in fact, it's much easier than that. So watch this video and follow these 9 proven steps and start getting the attention you deserve!

How to get someone’s attention? How to deal with someone who’s ignoring you? How to make them want you more? In this video we will answer all these questions and you will learn the proven 9 steps on how to make them chase you and get their attention according to psychology.


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⭐ Make ANY Man Fall In Love With You (Using Male Psychology)


Detachment makes you free but
Attachment makes you suffer..


Cautioun : If both of the couple watch this and apply the same technique there is a huge possibility of starting to hate each other


1.Understand the problem.Dont be afraid for rejection.STOP CHASING.give them space
2.Take responsibility of your emotions
3.Live according to your values
4.Show you are interested but not needy
5.Become best version of yourself
6.Be patient with them.Give them time
7.Never take things personally
8.Show them that you are wanted by others
9.Be willing to walk away


I tried to distance myself from this girl that I like because she stopped me from courting her. One day we met at a park and as we're walking, she's so close to me like we rub skins. And I 100% feel she wanna hold me cause she keeps on getting close to me. Showing less attention is effective.


Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. Choose to be kind over being right, and you'll be right every time because kindness is a sign of strength.


I think that last point, be willing to walk away, is very important. Sometimes we like someone who doesn't reciprocate that interest, and we should be willing to respect that and move on to someone else. If we don't, we put our happiness in the hands of someone else. Ultimately, the goal isn't to get that specific person, but to be the type of person that attracts others; it's never about winning over a specific friend, but to be the type of person who others want to be friends with.


*If they really like/love you, as friends or lovers, don't worry, they will eventually come back to you* . They need time for them, or to think about themselves before making a move. They can also be passing through difficult times in their own lives, and it consumes a lot of their energy and time (and maybe they don't want you to see them in that state). It's hard for us, because we want them, and without answers, our mind is going crazy, thinking about the worst and disgusting things, but it's how it is. You and them must pass through that period of silence.

As an exemple : it took four months to one of my closest girlfriend (12 years of friendship, we met in hightschool), after an argument, to call me back. I didn't tried to win her back during this period, I just sent her a message for her birthday, or an important date, or just something simple like "take care of you, I hope you are happy and doing fine, and look out for your back pains at work", and stuff like that. Which means 1-2 messages per month at best, but shown her I was still caring for her, even with the distance. When she felt better and had put some order in her life, she was ready to call me back, and did so. The first thing she said was to thank me for all my messages, it helped her during that bad period.


These rules are not bad, but people are very different. What will cause one to pursue another will in another case cause him to retreat. Playing with people's feelings is a double-edged sword - be careful not to cut yourself! That's why I would say - just be yourself, because that's how (and not through any rules) you will attract the right person for you.


Step 1
Understanding the problem: Stop chasing the partner when he / she ignoring you. Be strong and give space
Step 2
Take control of your emotions and be happy without the ignoring partner
Step 3
Live according to values. True to yourself. Be non compromising.
Step 4
Show that your are interested but not needy of that particular partner.
Step 5
Become the best version of yourself. Strive to be the best. Set goal and strive
Step 6
Being patient with the partner.
Step 7
Never take things personally. There may be plenty of other reasons for ignoring you. Give space to them
Step 8
Show them you are wanted by others as well.
Step 9
Be willing to walk away.


In the end, if she likes you she likes you. No effort needed. We can’t force or create emotions.


I've been single and now I'm happily in a relationship so I've seen both ends of the spectrum. I think I owe some insight because relationships from the outside are often misleading and have an illusion about them which makes them seem something out of a fairy tale.
It's never as easy as it looks. Staying in a relationship is a job that you do 24*7, 365 days. Your actual job isn't half as challenging as staying in a relationship. I would suggest before getting into a relationship work on yourself, get a job or start a business, and put yourself in different situations and difficult situations. Know yourself better. Become a well-put-together person. If you can't keep yourself happy no one can. You need all that to understand the depth of your character because without that you can't possibly understand anothers'. Because love doesn't last. After a few years, you'll be left with sheer mutual understanding and respect. People who extemporaneously rush into a relationship eventually find the rope slipping through their fingers in a game of tug of war.


“You are responsible for your happiness “- dang it hit hard


The worst part is that it might be too late since you’ve already chased them a lot and they don’t give a shit what you do. (But this video did help, thanks)


I would like to stop chasing people, but the more I stop giving them atention and focusing on myself the less they care about me. I don’t need them but I would like them to show a little interest in our friendship or relationship .


The question is why i have to do all this to win my love ... while most average people get their love without giving this much effort


This is very effective I do this since day 1 of our relationship before watching this video. And I can say it is all true.. Being a strong independent woman that's the man really want for them you are rare precious jewel


Simply put. Do all you can in your capacity. If it's meant to be, it will be. And if it doesn't work out, well one door closes for another one to open.


I got pushed away because they were scared of their own feelings and emotions. Fear was their e enemy.


No 10: have an open talk about your feelings with the person you desire and see the reaction. In case of denial you can move on without questioning yourself if there would have been a chance… and, yes, with no 10 I‘m addressing men AND women!
