Who would confess to a murder they didn’t commit? Maybe you. | Nancy Franklin | TEDxSBU

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A thorough examination of how innocent people may end up in jail through false confessions and what can be done systematically to fix this issue.

Nancy Franklin is a faculty member in the Stony Brook University Psychology Department. Her training is in cognitive psychology, and her specific research interests include memory and eyewitness error.
In 2008, shortly after a major New York State Court of Appeals decision calling for eyewitness identification experts in court, she accepted an invitation to testify as an expert in a robbery case in Manhattan. She has been invited since that time onto several hundred cases in various jurisdictions of New York and in other states.
She regularly donates her time to assist in reexamining cases, some of them decades old, that are suspected to have produced wrongful convictions through witness error or coerced confessions. She has also given dozens of public and academic presentations discussing how well-understood psychological principles can lead to errors in the criminal justice system and the measures we can take to reduce these errors.

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Every police interrogation room needs cameras 24/7, and not controlled by that police Dept. We have the technology why not put it to work, with the utmost integrity


Back in my early 20s, I was falsely accused of a crime. I was held for 12 hours, endured endless aggression, was lied to about "evidence", called names and straight up accused. I never feared police before that day. To this day, in middle age, I fear them. So yea...not hypothetical for me at all. I never "confessed" because I KNEW I didn't do what I was being accused of. But I still have nightmares about the experience.


If you ever get put in a room with a detective, just ask for a lawyer. Don't even say yes or no to any questions. Just simply say "I want a lawyer before speaking to you". They'll let you out if you're innocent. Just SHUT UP!


She's been my professor multiple times. She's one of the most engaging, best teachers out there.


Sadly, in some situations the persons own attorney is so corrupt that they convince their client they have no choice and manipulates and coeherse them to take a plea. They can tell you they are going to arrest family members. They do what it takes to get a conviction. I know this because my brother was and is going thru this. Our nightmare started 2009. I became a private investigator a couple years ago to make sure that he has a true defense team for his PCR. And to get the truth. Its a long fight but if you have family in this situation sometimes you are their only voice. And they need you to speak out and speak up in their defense.. Family really can make a huge difference. You just cant give up on them..


Every lawyer, every prosecutor, every judge needs to watch this.


Amazing! Speaker asks many questions that puzzle your mind while pondering over this tangled web of psychology and criminal interrogation process!


That's my teacher! Very powerful, meaningful talk. It's good people like you who can change the system for the better :)


Another thing is that with minors, parents aren't legally required to be advised their child is being interrogated when they bring them in and likely, they have already waived their Miranda rights. Adolescents do not have the same brains as adults either. We know how they don't always make decisions while thinking about the long term consequences. This is why they are more likely to confess if they are "bluffed" or LIED to about being able to finally get it over with, promised they will be able to go home, etc. We do not have a trial justice system, we have a plea system and the prosecuting attorney is under extreme pressure to not have accused go to trial, but to enter that plea.


This is most definitely one of the best TED talks I've watched. What a brilliant woman touching on such a controversial and complicated subject, thank you for this.


The word "interrogation room " trigger's my PTSD ! This is not a joke.


My friend plead guilty to an armed robbery he did not commit. The victims admitted to his attorney that they were coerced into pointing him out in a photo line up because the cop would not let them leave until they did so. He also told them that he robbed an old lady which is not true also. His attorney advised him to take the plea because he's still seen people lose trial despite the facts being in their favor


She's not my teacher but I wish she was!! She's fabulous!! I absolutely adore her!! Nancy Franklin I'd love to talk to you. Please respond, hopefully you get this message. I'm in school full time for Bachelor's in Criminal justice. my research paper happens to be on coerced confessions. Any way, great seminar thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope to hear from you. Thanks in advance!✌😄


This is so true don't ever confess wen being bombarded with options of getting to go home, or cops saying u will be out in a few days, weather your innocent or guilty.. because, u could be, being pulled over, for a bad registration tag or brake light out and because u we're, looking for a better place to pull over . or u wanted to drive your car that extra block to your house. u might get convicted of felony evaiding when in fact u we're not trying to get away, u were trying to save your car from being towed or try to avoid being in a dangerous area, for u as well as the officer on a busy road cause it seems like. Nice honest people finish last ..so don't rush .think bfore you say the wrong thing. or agree to something because you were scared or lied to by government emplloyees and .the justice system .always keep your guard up and beware of liers..stay safe and godbless all.


If there is one thing I have become painfully aware of in the past few years, it is that the people who are supposed to be here to protect me are not here to protect me. Quite the opposite.


@17:37-.-But they shouldn’t be bluffing at all, period, full stop, no ifs, ands, or buts.


This is why a person should just shut up and not talk to the police. In fact, never talk to the police under any circumstances...


That's true the detectives, they press you, they intimidate you, they put fear in you, they lie you, they say got a evidence and not. That's my case I wish someone help me with my case I'm a innocent man.


How do I get in contact with
my father has fallen victim to this exact thing and I am completely lost and at a brick wall with the "JUSTICE" system PLEASE


How about no interrogation unless you have Solid evidence!!!
