Astral Projection Exposed! Is It Demonic or Christian? Find Out Today!

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The House of Healing
1095 E. Indian School Road, Suite 301
Phoenix, AZ 85050
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I suffered with sleep paralysis for years. And read that I can have an OBE if I relaxed and "ignored the entities" during my sleep paralysis. I fell into astral projection sort of by accident. I did it many times, however it always felt very dark. I later began waking up from OBEs with 3 scratch marks over my chest on the same side as my heart (look up what that means). After seeing many evil things, in person and during OBEs. I fully realized that God exists because his name was the only thing that could save me from the evil. I have never had another sleep paralysis since I turned my life to him. Which would happen 5-6 days a week. When this man explains this. I fully believe it, from my own personal expierences.


I used to suffer from sleep paralysis (the gateway to AP) from a very young age until about 20 years old. I used to see dark shadowy entities in my room, about 3-4 feet tall. I didn’t see them every time it happened but I could always feel an evil presence. The sleep paralysis happened to me so much that I began to become familiar with the feelings of when it would set in. There were a few times where I called out “Jesus help me” “Jesus save me” when the SP was occurring, after calling out to God, instantly, the feelings of an evil presence went away. the last time this happened to me I called out to Him and said “Jesus help me, I do not want to go through this again” the only thing I remember after that is waking up the next day fully rested like I had peaceful un-interrupted sleep. Jesus is my Lord, my King, my Shepherd. It took me a while to fully turn towards him, even with those experiences, but now I am devoting my life to Christ. I used to try and practice Astral Projection on my own (I could never successfully do it btw) I think I’ll just wait until death to have my spirit/consciousness leave my body lol. Christ is 👑


Thank you I was looking for the Christian views on this subject


i was doing a lot of research on this because i wanted to do this and every video i watched they always said something that made me feel like it was wrong. To start off they said it works best at 3am which is the devils hour then they would say you will see demons just ignore them they cant hurt you. but then i thought well they might not be able to hurt me but who is saying that? then with my 2 billion iq i thought to myself just because nothing can hurt me it still feels wrong so i looked up astral projection and Christianity and i found multiple peoples story's saying that they have even just used the name Jesus Christ around these entities and they have left in his holy name. Im not huge on religion i believe in god but i dont go to church alot and i dont normally pray and stuff but this just makes me belive in him more reading about several people seeing demons and if they have seen demons than that means god must be real.
Edit 2 years later I'm now a born again Christian and can confirm this stuff is wicked and you will most likely receive a demon if you do it


I did fall asleep and then I was floating in a prison cell where my x was, I saw the concrete on the floor and the walls except for one wall I saw bars, at the end of the room I saw David standing with his hands held out, he was praying for forgiveness and I could hear his prayer except his lips weren't moving, I saw his tears falling off his face onto his chest, I remember not having any emotions, I felt someone standing behind me but I couldn't turn around, I woke up in an uncontrollable sense of sadness, years later I spoke to David and asked him about my experience, he confirmed everything, I forgave him that day and he said the blessings are coming, 6 months later he died, I feel in my spirit it was God who was there with me and that experience has changed my outlook on forgiveness,


Brother Mike is right. This is dangerous dangerous territory. These practices load you up with spirits, very very dark spirits. Flee from activities like this. The only time this should ever happen is if the Lord will's it, don't be doing this stuff on your own. It's madness.


omg I was so close to doing this. My body started to vibrate I was one step away then my mom opened my door and then it stop. I'm so thankful that she did that and that I found this video


Thankyou for this, Im slowly losing christianity slower and slower but Im trying to become better, I was going to try this tonight with my friends. Thankyou for this video, helped me before I was to late!


My experience went something like this. There was no light in my astral projection experience, it was completely dark. I kept feeling vibrations in my chest and head as if i consumed caffeine, but 100x stronger. I then saw a figure that was just a bright shining light, that muttered something that I dont remember. After I woke up, I researched astral projection more and came to the conclusion that the figure was unholy. Thank God the birds in my house were chirping loud enough to wake me up. I then had a light headache for 30 minutes. Next time I want to “leave” my body to gain knowledge, ill just read a good ol’ book.


Hi. KE. 99% of those teasimonies are familiar spirit trips.  Don't buy into it.


Many Christians have had these natural experiences. Spread fear if you want but these experiences prove me have a soul and can control it's movements.


3 ...4 times i had this. ...after a loss of a love was a very unpleasant experience. ..depression. ..and demonic hands tried to pull .me intk the abyss until i utter the name of Jesus and they let me go...


I'm glad I tuned into this . I was trying to astral project. My conscious and being afraid of this stuff got me to do a little research, and what you say makes sence.
Thanks for that, but now a feel like I let God down for thinking and trying to do this.I know he forgives, But I/ we have to be more careful.
Thanks again.


I have a friend that was a sorcerer and into black magic and he told me he used to be effective in astral projection where he could knock stuff over.. that testimony alone was enough for me to not want anything to do with astral projection as he was practicing black magic and into the occult when he was doing this.


This is the reason why Christian Monks wake up around 3am and perform prayer and service to Jesus. Astral projection and sleep paralysis occurs between 4am -6am. Attacks are more prominent in the early hours of the morning.
I was under attack by spirits since childhood.
Until i was told(by a Holyman)to get up early(4am).
No more monsters under the bed since.


Thank you I was going to do it but I wasnt sure. Thank you for possibly saving my life.


That was NOT Astral Projection in Corinthians and Revelation! No where does it says they could see their body laying still! Yes we WILL live in Heaven! The NEW Heaven, Earth and Universe will be connected together! We will not just live in Jerusalem!


When I was younger I wanted to astral project so I can travel the world and go to space or the other dimensions. But since it is a sin and I can't do it I may as well go straight to heaven when I die but I believe I will travel across the invisible realm as a resurrected being after the rapture.


I hear people telling stories of going to the third heaven. I am not going  to dispute they went some where, but the question is, where exactly did they go ... being they came back from the expierence that same way in which they left, if not in a more haughty state.  I think that if I went to the throne room and had converstaions with God there would be a noticeable change in me for God's glory. I believe it's available although I have never expierenced it myself, but I believe we must see the fruits of said expierences, such as in Paul & John.


I attempted astral projection 6 x now and 2x of them almost happened and I prayed then it stopped. Some influences happened..
