Our possums babies are getting big very fast! Read description for more info about them.

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A lot of people ask if there is a difference between POSSUM and OPPOSSUM or if one is just short for the other. Well....there is. The American possums are actually called opossums, with the O in front - scientific name, Didelphimorphia. In Australia they have an animal called a possum - with no O in front scientific name, Phalangeridae. Both are marsupials, but other than that, they are not really related at all. They also look very different. The Australian possum has large eyes and a cute look to it, while the American opossum has pointy teeth and a sharper look to it.
Our possums babies are getting big very fast! Read description for more info about them.
Watch This Mama-of-the-Year Opossum Carry 12 Babies on Her Back
When you in someone’s personal space! #opossums #opossum #possum #wildlife #trashtalk
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Baby possums
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The girl saved baby possums and released them to the nature