Baby Opossum Mighty Bark 😆 #shorts

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We had a live animal call from for a restaurant in downtown reporting a Opossum in their outdoor linen storage bin, and we discovered this momma and her seven little joeys. And yes, since opossums are marsupials their young are called joeys, like Kangaroos. Be sure to subscribe for more animal calls and to watch the entire call which will be published ahead on our channel.
LIVE Animal Calls playlist:
#opossum #wildlife #animals
LIVE Animal Calls playlist:
#opossum #wildlife #animals
Baby Opossum Mighty Bark 😆 #shorts
Bare Hands Beran vs Cute Baby Opossums 🐾🥹🐾 #shorts
9 Orphaned Baby Opossums came into care #wildlife #opossum #wildlifewednesday #babyanimals
This Couple Didn’t Expect To Become Parents To A Baby Possum l The Dodo
Baby Opossum
Baby Possums vs Bare Hands Beran 🙌🏼🦝🙌🏼 #shorts
❤️ Rescued Baby Opossum 🥰 #love #animals #cute #animalsvideo #wildlife #dog #pets #lovesong
Opossum Babies Hitch Ride On Mom’s Back
Opossum Babies Found After Hit and Run
Opossum rescued from dog barking at it. He played possum and had a full recovery
Baby possum #opossum #wild #animals #wildlife #baby
Baby possum came for a visit. #possum #baby #babyanimals #possums #babies #animals #nature #woods
Petting baby Opossum
Saving baby opossums part 1 #cute #cool #foryou #baby #sad #heartwarming #opossums #car 😢😢🥺
RESCUING an ADORABLE ANGRY baby opossum from falling off cliff #animals #rescue #cute
Cutest Baby Opossum Ever 🥰🥰#shorts #cute#opossum
Have you ever seen a baby opossum before?! #cuteanimals #coolanimals #opossum #shorts
When you in someone’s personal space! #opossums #opossum #possum #wildlife #trashtalk
Baby Possum #shorts #animals #possum #babyanimals
#baby opossum
Baby Opossum survived attack and is nearly healed.
Part two of injured CUTE BABY opossum #animals #cute #wildlife
Baby Opossum Adorable sneaky baby!
Baby opossum found at jetty 🥲