Mercedes Benz Transmission Reset

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How to put an Adaptive Transmission into Relearn Mode
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First of all I want to thank you for your lifesaving tip. It happened to me tonight, I'm 73 years old, can barely walk, half deaf, can see well at night (I still can drive) and I'm broke. Well, tonight while on an errant the car stop shifting gears, then the devil whispered in my ear, "you can find your answer in YouTube and boom, there you are with this exelente video, I tried and CHEETOS it works, the tip works, so I saved the money that I don't have, the car running nice and smooth and I'm happy as a dog with two tails. Again thanks for your tip.


My heart almost dropped out of my body when my car wouldn't change gears! So grateful for YouTube and videos like this. You know pulling into a MB dealer for repairs is automatic $200-$300. I'm saving this


The way I understood it was (and I may be wrong, I don't know a ton about this) but that the transmission is in adaptive learning continuously. Meaning, it is essentially "learning" all of the time anyway. It should 'adapt' to your driving habits over time. However, what this does is kind of reset that learning "data set", so to speak, which kind of accelerates the smoothing out of the transmission, opposed to waiting for it to catch up. So, it's not that the transmission stops learning at a point, it's that the input data gathered is cleared and has no further affect on your the current condition of the transmission. This is why they say that it needs a number of shifts (I've heard 40 too) because there needs to be 'some' input data to adapt to. Further recommendation would be to drive it for a little while after you reset it according to your typical driving pattern. I believe that's why you say that it gets better over time, because the data set becomes more averaged and gets closer and closer to your driving style. If your driving style changes from month to month or week to week, then resetting is where you'll notice the most difference. Anyway, that's kind of what I gathered from a non-technical background. :)


I have 2006 Mercedes S 500 low mileage and best of all it was given to me. Then the check engine came on and I'm thinking that nothing is for free. Followed video and it worked like a charm. Thank you for putting this out there.


I had a car scare on my E320 W210. First, I stopped at a light, and when I pressed the accelerator to go, the engine revved up and seem like it was stuck in 4th gear but I limped to the nearest parking lot (no first gear ). I worked the gearshift to reverse then drive then park for a bit. Put car in drive BUT it would not switch to 2nd I was close to home luckily. Drove rest of way home in first gear. Remembered something about a transmission reset from 4 or 5 years ago. I found this blog and decided to try a reset. Hooray! It worked. Took the E320 out for a test drive, and the transmission shifted through all gears very smoothly. The reset took all of 5 minutes. If I had taken the car to the Mercedes dealership for service, I can guarantee that they would have charged probably $300.


I have to add a big thank you, I’ve been having the pre-safe stuck in third gear, so far this did the trick, I’m gonna drive it over the next few days and hope this works. Thanks again.


This worked in getting my 2013 ML550 unstuck out of park where it would not shift into any other gear. Many thanks.


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! After having to drive home at 20mph, I thought I had torn up my husband's car! LOL. I performed this relearn/reset and it worked and he is none the wiser, lol.


Thank you so much. I noticed my car really running bad after getting some bad gasoline. I took it to my mechanic and he changed the plugs and coil packs. The car was still shifting rough. Did the relearn and now my car runs perfect. I was just getting on my computer to look for another car and saw your video.


Thanks very much David for your video. You have solved my 2005 W211 E200K upshift issues. I thought I need to change the transmission oil since its overdue at 60000 km and I did it at But still getting a delay upshift. So after watching your magic video. I reset it . And it FIXED> you are the best ...


This video is excellent.
I have a Smart forfour and after the battery drained one day and was jumped back into life, I couldn't get any drive in forward or reverse gears and had the following message on my car screen:
Brake force distribution inoperative STOP
The smart car is also an auto, so I tried your procedure and it wiped the message off and the car was able to start and go back into transmission.
Thank you my man.


It is still relevant in this present time even for the current model, even for E53 AMG.

Kudos. Just did mine. Excellent. Brilliant.


Wahooo!!! We’re back baby! This procedure worked like a charm on my 09 E350. Key words (smooth buttery shifts)

Thanks! For that a video and clear directions. Really appreciate it 🙏🏽


Brilliant (unknown by me) tweak that WORKS! Now, I do that monthly to my E320 and especially before days of highway driving and upon returning to local, stop-and-go driving. Thanks for sharing it.


Thanks for the tutorial, I did it to my W211 and it was like driving a different car afterwards - BRILLIANT!


I was feard when my W211 start jerking during slow acceleration... here i am and will do what you adviced.. thank you for your sharing... love from Singapore


There we have it. Excellent, it is said that this need to be done after you change the fluid in the box. And that you need that star computer hooked up, i suspected there was another way!


Yes sure, good video. As a Benz owner it's important to know all these tips. Thanks


Thank you very much Mr. Prokity. This video was very well done and I will gladly view any other things you learn and pass on to fellow MB drivers. Have a great day and post soon!


I must say thank you - along with everyone else. And the post about the S500 being superior warms my heart. I'm driving one, a 2006 that has more than 300 thousand miles on it; essentially, it's maintenance free. Yes, I add oil and antifreeze when instructed to do so. I really love my Mercedes Benz S500 4Matic.
Thanks again !
