Vader's Thoughts if Anakin NEVER Turned to the Dark Side - INCREDIBLE

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In this video let's look at the excerpt from dark lord the rise of darth vader where Vader wonders what would have happened had Anakin never turned to the dark side and remained a Jedi. What happens to Luke and Leia Skywalker? Would Anakin Skywalker still be with Padme and would the Jedi allow this?

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Light-Side Grandmaster Anakin Skywalker would be unstoppable


Disney should hire John and Dave to adapt this novel into live action - would be crazy to see it all from Vaders POV.


I still want a Clone Wars art style Darth Vader show


I wonder if after qui gonn was killed, the council shifted their mistrust and resentment of him onto Anakin since he was discovered by him. His relationship with the council is very similar to what we know about qui gonn’s


This novel and Shatterpoint are two of the best (my fav) Star Wars novels. Both are so good. I always liked that Qui-Gon was the only REAL Jedi in the entire order with Dooku being the only one close, but Dooku strayed down the wrong path thinking it was the just and correct way to go, only to be mislead again by Sidious.


I absolutely loved this novel! James Luceno is my favorite "legends" writer.

Anakin was right to be concerned that the Jedi would take his kid(s). They did, after all, have the legal right to take/conscript all force sensitive children in the Galaxy. The Jedi had a reputation among some angry parents as baby stealers .


I want a full reboot of the saga as an alternate timeline in which Qui-Gon lives and becomes Anakins master and the whole story unfolds differently. I’m genuinely bored of the story never seeing a different take on it. I always have and will prefer films 1-3 over 4-6 (although they’re also brilliant). I want an alternate story where Anakin is either trained by Qui-Gon, or he doesn’t turn during Ep3.


How such powerful organization like Jedi Order, where some like Mundi had family, didn’t think for a moment to spend a moment of their time and resources to secure Anakin’d mother to not let anyone gain leverage over him is beyond plot hole of any size.


6:02 I have a theory that Luke got stronger faster cuz the comics explain that he trained for longer than we all thought, but he involuntarily used the darkside through fear.


I remember after Anakin told Mace Windu that Palpatine was the Sith Lord and insisted that he join the other Jedi to arrest him that Mace Windu basically told Anakin, no stay here I don't trust you and will only trust you if what you said turns out to be true... Seriously Mace Windu pretty much pushed Anakin to the dark side... Of course Palpatine was manupilating Anakin and tricked him too but that only worked because the other Jedi were not close enough to Anakin... Still the Empire was worse than the corrupt Republic and I wonder if Vader ever realized that fact.


The "what if" series of Marvel turned out awesome! if Dave and John can pull off a alternate Anakin timeline, I would pay left kidney to watch it!


Great video as always.. I wish Disney would've had this in the Obi-Wan Kenobi show I wanted to see Darth Vader in the Jedi temple and at Padma grave


You are doing a wonderful job explaining Legends Star Wars with old school fans like me who only watched the movies and read the initial Zahn trilogy.


Still one of my favorite books, Dark Lord Rise of Lord Vader 🌋🤘 Thanks for covering it Genaral Theory


Hey Theory, love the content, been a fan for a bit now and we all really appreciate the content mate!


Padawan: Grandmaster Skywalker, why do you have us practice force pushing sand into lava?

Anakin: Why sand is the element of our enemy young padawan…it’s rough…and gets everywhere…


Where did you find that image of Anakin in the thumbnail? It’s cool.


This makes me wonder that if Vader felt the Jedis choice to not utilize the Dark Side was wrong then why would he believe that ONLY following the Dark Side was the right choice? It’s just switching from one extreme to another.


They need to adapt some legends material. I don’t understand how they aren’t doing something like this with Clone Wars animation. Just breaking down what would’ve happened


Doing a “what if” show for this would be amazing
