People are moving to this Midwest city for one particular reason

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The climate change is raising a question for millions of Americans: Is anywhere safe from the climate crisis? Some say Duluth, Minnesota, is the new "climate refuge."

Seeking your climate refuge? Consider this
Opinion by Jamie Beck Alexander

(CNN)It was the trees that my family loved most about California: the coast redwoods, Monterey cypress and giant sequoias that have stood watch and borne witness to the passage of time for a million years. And it was the trees, now parched and burning in a world radically altered by the accelerating buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, that drove us away.

California's forests are some of the most awe-inspiring places on earth -- as much for their grandeur as for the carbon dioxide that they absorb from the atmosphere and store away in their trunks and roots. But the past few years have seen the most horrific wildfire seasons on record in California. 2018's Camp Fire killed 86 people and burned so many buildings that the metal particles released into the air caused lead levels to spike to 15 times higher than normal in the Bay Area, according to a report from California Air Resources Board. Last year broke records when more than 4 million acres burned, and this year, according to data from Cal Fire, is so far on track to be even worse. This is all fueled by an ongoing drought emergency in 41 of the state's 58 counties, worse than any experienced in recorded history. Water has run out in rural towns in the Central Valley.

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I predict those same people moving to Duluth will leave once they experience their first winter. They’re brutal


I've lived here for 43 years, nobody calls us the San Francisco of the mid west.... figure it out. It's a beautiful place I have been fortunate to live in. But don't try and make it into something else, that takes away from what it is.


I just traveled through Duluth a few weeks ago. It's an awesome town and gorgeous. But the winters are brutal. I'd hate to see an influx of people and all the oldness of the town be erased.


I’ve lived in southern New Jersey for 34 years now, spent all of my life in Philly or the surrounding areas. Make no mistake, summers are getting hotter and longer, spring and fall shorter, and winters milder and bereft of snow. As a boy, I remember snow covering the ground from Thanksgiving to late March or early April (1960’s). There’s definitely something going on.... don’t believe those bent on denying climate change or global warming - whichever name you want to give to it. There are too many of us, too many industrialized machines we believe necessary for our existence, not enough clean water, destruction of multiple ecosystems, too much drought over too much of the globe, and still far too much dependence on fossil fuels. We’ve already begun our own extinction.


I grew up in Duluth. I left 40 years ago for steady employment. Didn't go far, just Minneapolis. Summers are great up there, winters can be brutal. Buy a snowblower, 4 wheel drive and long underwear. Enjoy! Oh yeah, cars sliding down hill have the right of way.


Welcome to MN! Let’s not deceive you though, the clip should’ve also showed someone shoveling 2 feet of snow out of their driveway in -50 winds so they could slip all over the icy roads to get to work. But we love it here anyway dontchaknow!!💕


As someone from Minnesota, it’s really weird to think there may be a wave of out-of-towners moving here. It’s a pretty insular place with a distinct regional culture, so I have mixed feelings about mass migration. Part of the reason Minnesota is nice is because there is so much nature preserved


They're gonna see why people in the Midwest region, specifically northern Midwest are some of the toughest people in the US. We endure 4 seasons.


Californians won't last through their first winter if they live in the city. You have to know how to drive on ice-covered streets that are really steep, and the cold will chill you down to the bone.


Currently, as of Aug 2021, they have a wildfire in northern MN due to drought conditions. It is likely there will be no guarantees.


As a Duluthian, let me just say The housing market is bad enough here as is. Shut up shut up shut up!!!!”


Warmer winters actually are unwelcome. The north needs the bitter cold for long enough periods to kill off the insects moving up from the south as the winters warm. Some are much more destructive to our forests now because the winters are not cold enough to kill off a lot of them as was the case even 20 years ago.


People build houses where they know there is risk and are surprised when risk happens.


"for one particularly reason"? Guess they left the titles up to the interns this week. While the managing editor of the web team was on vaca.
Thats a really bad typo.
DO gotta say it's typical of us Americans to move rather than deal with climate change by changing the habits which produce climate change.


I’ve learned a long time ago, home is where you’re at right now.
I’ve lived in 5 states, three countries, and i believe it’s made me a better person. It’s made my kids more world wise. It’s never a bad thing to see what else is available.


Well, that city's home prices are going to go up. Congrats to those who own homes in Duluth!


From a Minnesotan....Duluth is very cold, heavier snow because of the lake and windy, not much industry. Snow melts in April or May and snows as early as October. Also, our summers get up in the 90’s with thick mosquitoes and high humidity. We are also having more cloudy days in fall and winter here, bring your light box and some long johns.


I left Ca in 1975 for Oregon and have loved it until about 10 yrs ago. The wildfires come every year just when the weather clears. Weeks on end of coughing and living indoors because of air pollution. Living with suitcases packed by the door in level 2 evac gets old. I am resolved to move now because there is only more drought and high hot winds in the future. It is truly heartbreaking.


I like when the local lady said "...if you are going to come here, then you need to support us as indigenous peoples so that your climate solution does not end up in our cultural or spiritual genocide." I found that statement ironic.


When will we learn that no one is coming to save us from ourselves?
