Top 10 States People Regret Moving To.

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Top 10 States People Regret Moving To.

Life can be unpredictable, and things can change in a heartbeat. In January I did a survey and I ask people who had done a state-to-state move in the last 2 years if they regret the move, which states, and why?
People more often than not go into a move with high hopes. A new job, new relationship, a fresh start, you're a stalker and just found out your ex moved to North Dakota, whatever. Sometimes those high hopes come crashing down. The job fell through, you have a rough fresh start, your new relationship sucks and your stalker ex moved into town and that is when you regret your move.

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As a person who has lived in Indiana, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Montana, and California, and I have traveled through all 48 contiguous lower states….. any top 10 list is completely subjective. I can tell you plenty of pros and cons about every state… the reality is, the best state to live in is the place you feel at home and have people who love you.


I moved to Florida for a while. I had a good time. I rented a small apartment and drove a used economy car. I had plenty of cash. On weekends I went to Disney and Universal. I went to the beach. It's what you make of it. I only came back to Tennessee because I got cancer. Anyways I'm still happy to be back. It's a great state!

Edit: I beat the cancer.

Second edit: Thanks to all of the congratulatory comments. I didn't expect this many responses. Never had this many before.


I grew up in the Seattle area and went to the U of Washington in the mid 1960s. I lived in an on-campus dorm, where I bumped elbows with students from all over the country. Second year, I noticed that a lot of the students from California, mid-West and South, were gone. Their reason proved to be that they just could not adjust to the Seattle winters. They are not very cold, but they are wet. It rains or drizzles continuously from November through April. When you have to walk across open campus some 2-3 miles a day to go to classes, and you don't see the sun for four months, some folks just cannot do that.


I regret moving to Arizona. The heat is unbelievable. The summers here are literally uninhabitable.


Imagine moving to any of the major US cities and complaining it was crowded, as if you couldn't have known that in advance.


The real problem with Florida: people (usually from the Northeast) come down here for vacation, decide they like it better than the snow, then move down here. That's when they discover two things: (1) they're surrounded by the people they were trying to get away from (especially after they notice that a huge part of Florida's population are not from Florida at all); and (2) vacation mode is OVER. Now you actually have to work here, pay bills, all that stuff, just like back home. It's not "vacation forever". It's not Disneyworld and Mai Tais on the beach after work every day. It's the same crap you were running from, just in a warmer climate.


the two states i regret moving to most are Depression and Poverty..


If you think about it, most places in the US have bad climate, with hurricanes, tornados, excessive raining, floods, forest fires, boiling heat, high humidity, freezing cold, etc. Southern California is the only moderate year-round climate I can think of.


I've lived in Florida most of my life. The thing I think a lot of people don't realize is that Florida is huge and vary diverse. Living in South Florida for instance is a very different thing than living in Central or North Florida. Almost everyone in South Florida is from someplace else and the population in general is very transient. In Central or North Florida, you're a lot more likely to find people who were born there and have lived there their whole life. It's also a lot less expensive than South Florida. A lot of tourists seem to think Florida consists of Miami and Disney World.


You totally need to do the reverse of this. Top 10 states people where very glad they moved to.


My elderly mom and I moved from central Texas to the Adirondacks last August. Multiple reasons why. Except for fuel oil costs, we absolutely LOVE IT It’s unbelievably gorgeous, the people have been more friendly than in Texas and we don’t sweat to death.
As a 4th generation native Texan, I would have never believed I’d move to upstate New York….almost to Canada and love it as much as I do.


So, grew up in Tennessee, moved to Florida in 2016. Trying really hard to move early next year. Our biggest reasons being: the weather (too effing hot), the people (a mixed bag, it's somewhat diverse in Orlando but everyone seems to be grumpy and in a hurry all of the time, and don't get me started on the tourists), and the cost of living (it wasn't cheap to begin with but it's skyrocketing, and wages aren't following suit).


I moved to rural Ohio. I don’t understand why anyone would dislike most of Ohio. I don’t find anything here to be depressing, and my area is really beautiful.


Before retirement I worked for a large conglomerate that owned companies all over the world. We had many companies in California I had to visit regularly. One major thing I found telling was every time I'd visit one of our companies there people would beg me to help them transfer to another area of the country. Most of the people I met who moved to California for work dreamed of one thing, moving back where they came from or anywhere out of California.


I don't get why people hate the rain. It's rather calming to hear the raindrops patter on the window. Honestly Surprised that Oregon ended up on the list for that reason


I grew up in South Florida, it's the best place to be November through February, and Hell on Earth the rest of the time.

Unfortunately, a lot of people experience the good weather and think they'll "just get used to" or "adapt" to the rest of the year, but you won't. There is no adapting to 95 degrees and 100 percent humidity.

Air conditioning used to be for rich people, I grew up without it. Back then, so many houses were owned by retired Snowbirds, but the advent of affordable air conditioning caused a tidal wave of people to move down there and live in unhappiness.


Moved to Ohio from California just over 4 years ago and love it! The house my parents bought back in the early 90’s was a 4 bedroom 2 bath(1800sqft)for just over 200k in a housing track. I bought a 4 bedroom 2 bath(3000sqft) on 15 acres for roughly the same price in Ohio! I went from a hour long traffic sit to and from work daily to 15 minutes in Ohio “traffic” both ways. I would say the Only thing I mildly miss is the food, Cali does food better than here.


My in-laws moved to Florida from Vermont and moved back to Vermont within a year. They said nobody in their neighborhood down there went outside, the garages were closed up tight, and there was nobody out walking around, even when it was cool enough. They're lucky they returned to Vermont. Hurricane Ian wiped out the whole neighborhood where they lived in Florida.


I’m from Ohio and living here now as a retiree. Have traveled extensively around the world, including 7 years in North Carolina, 3 years in Tianjin, China and 6 years in Singapore. While my wife and I plan to spend some time each year in Singapore, FL or cruising, there’s a LOT to be said for OH. We’re a 10 min ride from Lake Erie, 50 mins from Amish Country, and surrounded by beautiful metroparks and rivers.


As someone who lived in Florida most of their life I clicked on the video expecting it to be number 1, and as always Florida doesn't disappoint at sucking
