What does your sleep position say about you?

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Hello. Do you sleep? I sleep all the time. It's my hobby. Is it my hobby? Yeah. Most people sleep 8, 7, 6, 5 to 12 hours a day or a night. And when we sleep, most people sleep in different positions. Some people, like me, we toss and turn. "Toss and turn" means one position, another position, you go through all the positions and you sleep well, I guess. Other people do not change positions when they sleep, so they're kind of like they're frozen.

For me, my sleep position changes, so I can't really choose something about my personality, but you maybe can choose or understand more about your personality by your sleeping position. So, when you go to bed at night, do you sleep like a little baby, or do you sleep spread out, or do sleep very stiffly? What we're going to go through is teach you some vocabulary-you like new vocabulary-about your personality. Exciting. Let's go to it.

So: "Sleep Positions And Your Personality". The first one is the "fetal" position. The fetal position means basically you sleep like a little baby. If you watch a baby sleep, they're curled up. Their legs and their arms are close to their head. If you sleep like this it means you have a tough exterior. Now, "a tough exterior" means that you don't really show your emotions well. On the outside, you're like: "Everything's great", but on the inside-oh, oh, oh-you are actually very shy and sensitive. Kind of like a baby. So, if you sleep like a baby, you're just a big baby. Aren't ya? Your position would be a fetal position, and it means you have a tough exterior, but your inside is soft and squishy.

The next one is a "log". Hmm. A "log" in English is a piece of a tree. It's a big piece of a tree. So, if you picture a tree, trees don't move. The... The bottom of the tree. So, a log position is you would be sleeping on your side, and you don't move ever, not even to go to the bathroom. If you're a log sleeper, you are social, so you like to hang out with people, you like to go to parties. Log party! Your room. And you're easy-going, but-oh, guess what?-you're gullible. Do you know what "gullible" means? Do you? Okay. "Gullible" means that you believe what people tell you all the time. So, for example, if I told you that I really, really like raisins: I love raisins, I eat raisins every day - you'd be like: "Oh, Ronnie likes raisins." No. I actually don't eat raisins every day. You're gullible because you believe what people tell you. You don't question people. This is a bad thing. Being gullible is not good. Okay? So, if someone tells you something, like me, check it out, make sure you know that this person's not telling you fibs.

The next position is called "yearner". Yearner, yearner. So, this is how I sleep a lot. I sleep with my one leg straight, and my other leg curled up, so it's kind of like a fetal position, except the one leg is extended and the arms can be any way you want them. And if you are a yearner, you have an open personality. I guess I have an open personality. So it means that you like to talk to people, you like to show your emotions. But we got a problem with this. You are suspicious of others. "Suspicious" means you do not trust people. Hey, that's me to a tee. That means that... Yeah, this would definitely describe my personality. I'm very suspicious of people. These two would actually be the opposite, so "gullible" and "suspicious of others" are opposites. Which one are you? Are you gullible? Do you believe me? Or are you doubting what I'm telling you right now? If you're doubting, you're suspicious.

The next one is a "soldier". So, if you think of a soldier lying in a bed without moving unless he or she is told to move, this would be the soldier position. You would lie on your back with your feet and your arms straight out. This person has quite short arms because they're a soldier, and one of their arms is missing. Okay? So, be careful if you're a soldier. Just like a soldier, you are disciplined. "Disciplined" means that you have a very, very strict routine, and you do things as you are told to do, and you don't do things strangely or you're not that crazy.
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