Arrows vs Medieval Oak Door

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Can a longbow shoot through a 3" (75mm) oak door as described by 'Gerald of Wales' in 1188?
A simple question, but the answer, like all of the Lockdown Longbow series, is complicated, but here I take 3" of seasoned oak and shoot type 9 needle bodkins at it and we all get to see if Gerald was a liar or truth sayer!
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This comment was made by Erik Fossheim (thank you) and explains what Gerald saw.
"It's Geral de Barri, known as Giraldus Cambrensis, or Geral the Welsh-man. It's an account from 1188 when he wrote about his experience in Wales, named Itinerarium Kambriae.
It's during the Siege of Abergavenny Castle in 1182. "Two soldiers ran over a bridge to take refuge in one of the Castel towers. Welsh archers, shooting from behind them, drove their arrows into the oak door of the tower with such force that the arrowheads penetrated the wood of the door which was nearly a hand thick; and the arrows were present in that door as a memento."
Giraldus saw them six years after they had been so effectively shot. A hand is about 4 inches or 100 mm. The correct phrasing is "palmalis fere spissitudinis transpenetrarunt" - "they penetrated nearly the space of a palm. So maybe 3 1/2 inches or 89 mm. My palm is 103 mm across."
We have this account above, but know basically nothing else.
How thick was the door, was he talking about the planks of the door or the reinforcement crossbars, did it hit near a join or a split, if it didn't go through, how could he actually know how deep it went because he didn't know the length of the original head, was the door old wood or new wood, how far away was the shot taken, was it shot square on or at an angle and so on and so on.
A simple question, but the answer, like all of the Lockdown Longbow series, is complicated, but here I take 3" of seasoned oak and shoot type 9 needle bodkins at it and we all get to see if Gerald was a liar or truth sayer!
If you would like to support this channel, I don't do Patreon etc, but I do have some great shops to go and check out - it all really helps
This comment was made by Erik Fossheim (thank you) and explains what Gerald saw.
"It's Geral de Barri, known as Giraldus Cambrensis, or Geral the Welsh-man. It's an account from 1188 when he wrote about his experience in Wales, named Itinerarium Kambriae.
It's during the Siege of Abergavenny Castle in 1182. "Two soldiers ran over a bridge to take refuge in one of the Castel towers. Welsh archers, shooting from behind them, drove their arrows into the oak door of the tower with such force that the arrowheads penetrated the wood of the door which was nearly a hand thick; and the arrows were present in that door as a memento."
Giraldus saw them six years after they had been so effectively shot. A hand is about 4 inches or 100 mm. The correct phrasing is "palmalis fere spissitudinis transpenetrarunt" - "they penetrated nearly the space of a palm. So maybe 3 1/2 inches or 89 mm. My palm is 103 mm across."
We have this account above, but know basically nothing else.
How thick was the door, was he talking about the planks of the door or the reinforcement crossbars, did it hit near a join or a split, if it didn't go through, how could he actually know how deep it went because he didn't know the length of the original head, was the door old wood or new wood, how far away was the shot taken, was it shot square on or at an angle and so on and so on.