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Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITAH, if I don't want to go onAITAH for blowing up at my roommate for changing plans suddenly because she "disapproves" of an unusual fraternity event? vacation with my friends because they try to micromanage the expenses? AITA for telling a parent to control her 8 year old? AITA for refusing to attend my best friend’s wedding after she replaced me as MOH because I’m “too fat” (I’m pregnant) and asking her to pay me back for everything? AITA for 'critiquing' my partners post about me when discussing the responses? AITA for yelling at my Aunt after she let my parents see my kids? AITA for refusing to leave a wedding because I wore a dress that looks white under a black light? AITA for answering the door in a spicy costume? AITA for changing my wife’s book room into the kids room? AITA for not letting my mom come to my wedding after she ignored me my whole life

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#redditstories #redditmemes #aita

Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 04:45
Story 3 07:49
Story 4 09:36
Story 5 12:34
Story 6 16:24
Story 7 19:42
Story 8 22:11
Story 9 23:58
Story 10 27:23
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I think story one had everyone missing the point. He was willing to pay more but they would not let him. It was the way they were doing arguing while the poor server stands there waiting.


Story 1: NTA, the channel owner has MISSED the entire point of the OP's post and the fact the OP also offered to pay more when needed. OP is tired of the constant nickel and dime during EVERY holiday they've been on, yes costs need to be shared but when u spend what sounds like EVERY free moment going over costs then why are they even going on holiday in the first place?


Woah woah hold up ...is everyone just glossing over how the people on story one earn over 80 000 euros a year?? That changes everything! Usually I'd say you're the AH for wanting to split the bill if you eat a bit more but when everyone is earning that much, why the hell are they keeping score of every single thing like that? If you're that rich and you're on vacay wouldn't you want to just let loose a bit? Pretty sure trying to keep score of every little thing does ruin the mood. At that point it just feels petty. Especially when you're making a minimum wage worker stand there while you're arguing over a few euros. Also, OP offered to pay more for his meal. Maybe he also just finds it embarrassing that everyone is fishing for coins and whatever else while the waiter glares. Can you imagine a bunch of clearly well off people eating a bunch of expensive food but land up scrounging for cash and coins for 15minutes?


Just wanna say that id win that dog breath competition for sure. I can breathe out of my nose but I can’t smell. Even if I could I’ve had dogs all my life and the shit I’ve seen 😭


Small claims. The spending of that money is definitely a conditional gift. They're part of the duties of matron of honor (FYI you're not a maid of honor unless you're unmarried) and once the honor is taken away the responsibilities go away with it. And just like how you are supposed to give back the ring if the engagement ends, the money the ex maid of honor paid in the course of her duties should be returned.


bright yellow glows white under blacklights, it's science


Story 1....I was going to say the same dang thing about how op said he was even willing to pay more but everyone just dumped all over him without stopping to speak about that


Take Clair to Small Claims Court and sue for reimbursement


Story 4:
OP is absolutely not the jerk. That said, OP is very likely not going to get that money back. Even taking the bride to small claims court, it could be claimed that the expenses are a gift. The friendship is nuked, either way.


I WOULD have answered the door Sans Costume!


story 1: NTA bro literaly said he would be willing to pay more. The problem is the way they did it. Why didn't they inform the server that they want seperate checks before ordering? Or why didn't they do it later in the evening?
story 5: NTA op is literaly doing everything to involve and inform their partner of their interactions with the third party. Yes, their partners feelings are valid, but they should understand that op is trying


Story 1. I would be annoyed if each financial interaction promped a separate venmo request. I like having itemized bills for everything and figuring out once a week what everybody owes. Then send out a single payment requests for each person involved. Its how I've done it in the past for similar holidays. And for restaurant visits just get an itemized bill and have one person pay it in full and split the costs afterwards according to who ordered what items. Don't do that in the restaurant and make it the problem of the waiting staff. That's just rude.


12:07 You could always wear white to her wedding...lol!!!


It's easy, as a server, to split a cheque. I have everything written down, and it's a computer. Takes me 2 min. Np!!


"Good man" is always being confused with "normal man". He's not "good" for doing things women are already expected to do.


Yo em i the only person that thinks holding grudge against some one is a fair thing especially on that last story? Like i dont understand how people will say that as if is not a valid thing to do it may not be healthy to do so but i think is valid


YTA easy, don’t talk to your ex unless you have a kid with them. And even then you shouldn’t be close to an ex or someone you slept with if you have a current partner. Ick. It’s not insecurity it’s respect.
