r/AITA | I *BANNED* AVOCADOS From MY Fat Boyfriend!!! - Reddit Stories

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Storytime Reddit Stories r amithejerk? where AITA for serving fake meat and pretending it was real? AITA for telling my coworker I will cover up my shoulders when he starts wearing shoes? AITA for excusing myself to throw up when my boyfriend's family gave me meat knowing I was vegan? AITA for telling my brother's fiancee that the reason she couldn't get a degree was because of her choice to be a mom? AITA for lying to my friend's family about where she was so she could leave the country AITA for leaving on my honeymoon the day after my brothers wedding? AITA for not letting a coworker move in with me when she might become homeless? WIBTA if I told my sister that her trauma from reading my diary is not my responsibility? AITA for telling my cousin to give her daughter her own bedroom? AITA for telling my BIL what happened? AITA for buying my own computer and not letting my brother use it? AITA for telling my sister to cover up her pads AITA for banning avocado from my house after my husband forgot I’m allergic for a second time? AITA for not letting my Ex and his new kids live with me?
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#redditstories #redditmemes #aita
Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.
Story 1 00:00
Story 2 01:38
Story 3 03:09
Story 4 06:49
Story 5 09:34
Story 6 12:44
Story 7 15:16
Story 8 17:41
Story 9 21:16
Story 10 23:18
Story 11 25:58
Story 12 27:51
👍 Like this video if you want to see more videos!
#redditstories #redditmemes #aita
Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.
Story 1 00:00
Story 2 01:38
Story 3 03:09
Story 4 06:49
Story 5 09:34
Story 6 12:44
Story 7 15:16
Story 8 17:41
Story 9 21:16
Story 10 23:18
Story 11 25:58
Story 12 27:51