r/AITA | I *BANNED* AVOCADOS From MY Fat Boyfriend!!! - Reddit Stories

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Storytime Reddit Stories r amithejerk? where AITA for serving fake meat and pretending it was real? AITA for telling my coworker I will cover up my shoulders when he starts wearing shoes? AITA for excusing myself to throw up when my boyfriend's family gave me meat knowing I was vegan? AITA for telling my brother's fiancee that the reason she couldn't get a degree was because of her choice to be a mom? AITA for lying to my friend's family about where she was so she could leave the country AITA for leaving on my honeymoon the day after my brothers wedding? AITA for not letting a coworker move in with me when she might become homeless? WIBTA if I told my sister that her trauma from reading my diary is not my responsibility? AITA for telling my cousin to give her daughter her own bedroom? AITA for telling my BIL what happened? AITA for buying my own computer and not letting my brother use it? AITA for telling my sister to cover up her pads AITA for banning avocado from my house after my husband forgot I’m allergic for a second time? AITA for not letting my Ex and his new kids live with me?

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Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 01:38
Story 3 03:09
Story 4 06:49
Story 5 09:34
Story 6 12:44
Story 7 15:16
Story 8 17:41
Story 9 21:16
Story 10 23:18
Story 11 25:58
Story 12 27:51
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First and Second story…you’re automatically the jerk. Anytime you mess with someone’s food you are the jerk. There are no exceptions. It does not matter what your motives are. That is an incredible violation of trust.


Soy intolerances are common. And to lie about what you are feeding someone is an asshole thing to do and is not acceptable.


Tricking someone into eating a food is unethical, and depending on whether they are allergic or not allowed to eat as part of religious covenant, illegal. You are violating someone's autonomy by deceiving them into eating it.


People should stop calling forced marriages "arranged marriage"
In an arranged marriage the parents presents you with possible partners but the choice is still your own, in a forced marriage the parents decide on who you marry no matter your opinion.


I like how story 1 u say it ok to trick people in to eat something but story 3 it bad. Like pick one


Story one: yes YTA flip it and how would you feel plus don't mess with other's food


Too much soy gives me intestinal discomfort, so it can work both ways.


I live in a 3 bed 2 bath house by my self and hell would freeze over before I would ever let a coworker live with me!!!

If it was so important to the manager that the employee move in with someone the manager should let her move into the managers home. It was a major butt hole move that the manager even asked OP if the coworker could move in with her.


I think they were the a hole in the first story, you don't mess with people's food. And if someone doesn't want to go vegetarian, you don't have to right to make them go vegetarian just like you don't have the right to make them eat meat. Her husband and son are going to have trust issues with their food now, and you shouldn't have trust issues with your food.


So sure, out of the gate giving meat to a vegan is a little bit worse than giving soy to someone expecting beef. However, I personally have a condition that makes it hard to digest soy (it can cause kidney problems in really high amounts for me) therefore feeding me faux-meat without my knowledge can put me in the hospital. The real golden rule isn't "if it won't kill you, just eat it." The golden rule should be "If someone has a dietary restriction, don't trick them into breaking it under any circumstances. It is the same as poisoning."


Story 1:
Replace serving a non-vegetarian a meat-free meal with serving a vegetarian a meal containing meat.
I do not see why it makes you any less of a AH to do so.


Story 1 - YTA
And so is the reader. Good intentions? "I fed my nephew who was is supposedly allergic some nuts to expose his attention seeking and now he is in the hospital. AITA" "of course not you had good intentions. wtf


I disagree with Storytime on the first one. OP violated the trust hubby and son had in her that they were getting what they wanted and expected.


OP should've waited until their parents weren't around for the call.


I'm friends with a single mother who worked her ass off to support her child and make it thru college. It was an intense sacrifice requiring her to constantly work every waking moment for years. But now she's in a MUCH better place.

I have no room in my heart for a single mom pity party.


6:41 It's too bad that OP didn't just barf all over the table? Just unleash and let it fly all over the place like a wild sprinkler just covering the table and everyone else's food? If you are going to be called a jerk then you may as well make it count?
20:51 No OP is not the jerk. She snooped and it was not her business what she saw and yet she saw what OP had written about her. She got what she deserved! OP's diary is their personal private property and not for anyone else and if anyone else reads it and is offended it's their own fault.


In the third story, where OP was just "voicing her opinion, " I'll just go with Paul Simon's line from his song "Tenderness": "There's no tenderness beneath your honesty." That hurtful opinion didn't have to be voiced.


"Roommate" story: 1 once again we have critics saying 'you're TA for not helping' but are themselves not helping; 2 coworker is getting let go from job, so technically she's no longer "family"; 3 manager should have stayed out of it, it's none of their business.

Flower child story: Entitled parent showed her true colors here. That daughter is getting spoiled out the wazoo and dad is trying to fight it.


In the last story with the avocado, they have been together for five years and he made a mistake twice saying you want avocados banned from your house isn't a butthole thing to say in the moment but is definitely an overreaction. The simple solution is to ask if it has avocado in it but I digress


story 1: TA
People get to decide for themselves what they will eat.

They should make their own food from this day forward and see what other things mom is doing wrong. Might be time to cut mom loose
