r/AITA My MOM Exposed My PRIVATE Photos - Reddit Stories

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Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for housing my daughter by not my stepdaugher? **AITA for invading someone’s personal space? **AITA for trying to restrict the number of children’s baths?? **AITA for asking my fiance to not wear his brother's necklace on our wedding day? **AITA for "ruining someone's dinner" because I didn't accomodate a family friend with a gluten intolerance? **AITA for getting the train anyway when my friend missed me? **AITA because I won't pay for my son's car in its entirety like I did for his older siblings? **AITA for not wanting to chop down my family’s “tradition tree”? **AITA for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child? **AITA? I told my high schooler son that if he wants to make an adult decision about his education then he can either get a job and start paying rent at 18 or be out of the house. **AITA for refusing to punish my son for calling his classmate’s food weird?
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#redditstories #redditmemes #aita
Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.
Story 1 00:00
Story 2 03:03
Story 3 05:34
Story 4 06:58
Story 5 07:50
Story 6 10:28
Story 7 12:59
Story 8 15:32
Story 9 17:20
Story 10 18:43
Story 11 21:39
Story 12 23:30
Story 13 25:06
👍 Like this video if you want to see more videos!
#redditstories #redditmemes #aita
Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.
Story 1 00:00
Story 2 03:03
Story 3 05:34
Story 4 06:58
Story 5 07:50
Story 6 10:28
Story 7 12:59
Story 8 15:32
Story 9 17:20
Story 10 18:43
Story 11 21:39
Story 12 23:30
Story 13 25:06