r/AITA My MOM Exposed My PRIVATE Photos - Reddit Stories

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Reddit rSlash Storytime r amithejerk? where AITA for housing my daughter by not my stepdaugher? **AITA for invading someone’s personal space? **AITA for trying to restrict the number of children’s baths?? **AITA for asking my fiance to not wear his brother's necklace on our wedding day? **AITA for "ruining someone's dinner" because I didn't accomodate a family friend with a gluten intolerance? **AITA for getting the train anyway when my friend missed me? **AITA because I won't pay for my son's car in its entirety like I did for his older siblings? **AITA for not wanting to chop down my family’s “tradition tree”? **AITA for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child? **AITA? I told my high schooler son that if he wants to make an adult decision about his education then he can either get a job and start paying rent at 18 or be out of the house. **AITA for refusing to punish my son for calling his classmate’s food weird?

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#redditstories #redditmemes #aita

Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 03:03
Story 3 05:34
Story 4 06:58
Story 5 07:50
Story 6 10:28
Story 7 12:59
Story 8 15:32
Story 9 17:20
Story 10 18:43
Story 11 21:39
Story 12 23:30
Story 13 25:06
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The gluten lady story, I'm gluten intolerant and always ask before even going if I will be able to eat.
She waited last minute and expected OP to cook more!? Nah tell her to cook for herself lol


Being someone who has a wheat/gluten allergy, I always take my own food so that I will have food to eat.


Story 3. Do ppl actually not shower everyday, I feel nasty when I don't shower 2x in 1 day


Story 9: Wait there was an open seat and Op didnt think "she can sit on my lap" yea YTA and a massive one


Do not chop down the tree. Do a cover up of the names like they do for tattoos. Keep an eye on him


The guy who wouldn't pay for his kid's car is the jerk. You treat the kids equally. You can't take his gift from grandparents


My question is how many times a week OP takes a shower, if he even takes one every week which terrifies me if it’s even less


story 2=NTA your friend is used to being taken advantage of


In story 10, the parents weren't controlling their adult son's life like the neigh sayers were accusing. They were giving him the option of either continuing with school and staying at home rent-free or live the adult life of getting a job and paying rent. My mom gave me a similar option, go to school, get a job, or move out of her house.


"You invaded his personal space!"
No, actually, the rude passenger invaded everyone else's personal space with their loud iPad.


Story 10, the parents gave David 2 choices, then he saw the error of his way and stayed in school.


Story 8: is this guy out of his mind demanding this?! Op is not the jerk and should never give in to this cheaters request.


Kids get dirty. I always bathed mine everyday


In story 10 - we had similar rules for our now adult children. One of them is still fighting it and currently learning the hard truth of "you are now 18 we've done our part housing, feeding, and clothing you while you were in school but if you think you get to listen to no one and do whatever you want, whenever you want while under this roof- you are wrong". Like these kids (the challenging one in particular) don't help around the house, play video games every moment not in school or sleeping and think that will continue after high school. The one child even said they were not getting a job until after they finish post secondary education even though their parent laid out that we can't afford to support someone who doesn't contribute to the household especially not an angry, aggressive, bullying person. My partner and my private discussion there is if the kid would just try we'd give them grace but they want to do nothing but get everything. One of my own adult kids talked about moving in with us and the rules we gave included things like do a fair share (not all) of the housework, pick up after yourself, and you will get a job and pay rent. Our rent even wasn't about market because rental prices are stupid high instead we talked about a percentage of their income up to a TBD cut off point based on our own bills and them paying a "fair" share.


18 yo quitting highschool - bad, bad move. Being legally an adult doesn't mean you understand adulting.
I am facing my oldest hitting that milestone and likely not being able to afford to move out due to lack of opportunity where we live. While we have a savings going for him and his siblings, it won't last a long time and is intended as a leg up but they will still have to get jobs to be on their own. A lack of education means lack of opportunity. However, I won't threaten to give them the boot; I try to be honest with them and help steer them around the hurdles instead.


Story 10. NTA. They provided him with the options of what would happen as a consequence of that decision and let him decide if he wants to take that option. Content creation is a lot like acting, you can't simply focus on that because it's not paying the bills at first. It's ALWAYS done on the side until you've become established enough to make that your career until your established enough to rely on it as steady income. And only a small percentage ever make it. Dreams are worth chasing and worth working towards, but you can't eat dreams and need to have a job to support you chasing those dreams. That kid should already be making content if that's his goal. If it's not making him enough money to pay rent right now, then it's not time to focus on it as his only career.


Hearing the story of the guy getting mad at his wife giving his kids baths once every other day feels so wrong. Daily my dude. Hell con etiquette which is just for your own well being is 621 every day- 6 hours of sleep 2 meals 1 shower.


30:00 Let your kids emotions. Let them exist.


Story 9, why not ask Any Other Passengers if they'd stand?


story 3: I don't get it aren't you supposed to shower everyday
