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Storytime Reddit Stories r amithejerk? where AITA for refusing to babysit ever, paid or unpaid AITA for backing out of paying for my daughters wedding because of her demands? AITA for not opening the door to my sisters kids? AITA for insisting to be called doctor by my boyfriend’s father? AITA for refusing to pay for her hotel room?? AITA for adopting my childhood cat again after my mom surrendered it? AITA for not letting daughter go to music festival after I accidentally saw her texts? AITA for not wanting to invite my 9 year old nephew to my wedding AITA For completely freaking out on my ex husband because of who he let babysit our daughter? AITA for refusing to stop seeing my daughter over her sister? AITA For telling my ex-best friend's mom the truth about why we aren't friends anymore when it caused my ex-best friend to be forced to go to counseling and not be allowed to talk to his friends anymore?

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#redditstories #redditmemes #AITA

Author's names will be said before story, unless it's been sent to us and they've asked to include their name.

Story 1 00:00
Story 2 01:46
Story 3 05:44
Story 4 09:03
Story 5 12:05
Story 6 14:47
Story 7 16:15
Story 8 19:25
Story 9 21:41
Story 10 24:13
Story 11 27:28
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Story 7: Dad should work with the daughter to figure out how to get reimbursed. But, other than that, everything else he did was fine.


He's not wrong for not letting the daughter go to the concert but he should pay her back the money she worked for to get the ticket if she can't find someone to buy it


Story 11: I get Leo’s still 15 so I really hope he grows up and matures from this, and comes to understand what he did wrong because holy shit 💀 if you’re worried about losing friends you need to focus on making sure you’re a good one to the ones you have. The fact that he didn’t apologize to OP and instead made excuses for the actions I’m sure he knows were wrong is honestly very worrying.


Last story. Why arent you talking with me after i bully you? My brain between my legs do not understand


Babysitting story: I can’t get over the fact that op’s sister is single with six kids and thinks she is going to find a man. The odds of her finding a dude who is willing to take on SIX kids that aren’t his are about non existent. Good luck girl!!!


Story 3: Yes she’s a mother and deserves time off sometimes, but sometimes (most of the time) you have to pay someone to watch your children so you can take your time off. Being a parent is a 24hr/7day a week job, and you have to find someone to cover for you if you can’t do it for some reason.


Story 7: NTA and OP has been placed in a no win situation.

If he had let his 16 year old do Molly and alcohol at a music festival where she is surrounded by adult strangers, he would regret it one way or another.
But by removing his daughter from that situation, he is the bad guy in his daughters eyes and all other eyes of teens because "he shouldn't be reading her texts"


In the doctor post OP is right and has earned that doctorate! That dad is a big pain.


The one where the mom returns the cat because it kept asking for food, and she had to change the litter box, makes me question how OP got lucky during the first 3 years, without their mother returning him to the hospital lol.


Omg! That first story where just one sister has 6 kids and is single. She probably should have considered birth control after the first or even 2nd kid if she wants to find someone to settle down with. That OP is NTA.


I'm pretty sure in my state, that tenant is completely within their legal rights to stay in the hotel. If I remember correctly, the landlord is obligated to pay that bill.


Story 2 - I don't necessarily think any of it has to do with the stepmother being a mother figure, but rather it's just plain courtesy, especially as he was paying. But hey, it's her wedding!


Definitely not the jerk for the father if his daughter cannot respect his half of the family be at will respect her step family and her mom that is not his problem to pay money if they do not wanna respect him


The whole thing about the honorific “Doctor”. Originally it was exclusive to academics. Medical practitioners were barbers and other professions. Medicine gradually became a profession that qualified for the honorific. Our culture has wrapped the title too tightly to the medical profession and disregard those from the original group the honorific came from.


Not babysitting story: NTA! It's your choice, regardless of if you're paid or not. As long as you're willing to put up with the flak from your family, don't worry about it. But just remember that when YOU finally have kids, none of your family is going to babysit for you either. But if your one sister has 6 kids, it sure sounds like she's at least tried to "settle down" with a couple of men by having their kids.

Diana wedding story: NTA! Wow, it sounds a lot like someone has been putting ideas into Diana's head. Admittedly, any time a child of divorced parents gets married, some problems are likely to arise with who pays for what and who does this or that, but this seems more than a bit outlandish and truly doesn't sound bridezilla-ish. Someone seems to be whispering into Diana's ear and convincing her this is all a good idea. Are you sure you've been on "good terms" with her mother? If you can, have a sit down talk with Diana and her fiancé, not one just over the phone, and explain what you think and ask where she's getting these ideas. It may save your relationship.

Dropping kids off story: Definitely NTA! Your sister didn't ask, just tried to force them on you, you said no and told her what you would do. She thought you were bluffing, found out you weren't. Tell your sister if she's dumb enough to try it again, you'll call CPS before calling the cops and dare her to call your "bluff". Pass the word to your brother.

"Doctor" story: NTA! Some people's ego's (like the bf's father) are so small they have to puff it up anyway they can, but simply won't return the courtesy. Why anyone would insist on a professional title being used in a social situation is beyond me, it's simply a bullying/belittling tactic to make one "seem" important. Good on OP for paying it back. But I will say this, a Doctor of Psychology does go to medical school (unless things have changed since the last time I checked) and is competent to treat patients on about the same level as a general practitioner, they just specialize in psychology. It would be interesting (not important, just interesting) to know what field OP's doctorate is in.

Hot water story: NTA! The tenant did a lot of assuming and wasn't being realistic. But you may want to ask a lawyer versed in tenancy laws just what you are truly responsible for in such a situation. Given that you both work at the same place and know she could shower there, it seems a bit extreme to go to a hotel. That may not mitigate what's in the laws, though.

Socks story: Not enough information! There also has to be more to the story as to why the cat went back to the shelter. Was OP supposed to feed and water Socks and clean the litter box, but wound up letting mommy do it? I still wouldn't send the cat back, but I would punish OP for not doing her chores. But so many years later to be upset that OP readopted the same cat? Did OP brag about it to rub it in she got her cat back? Something else is going on here.


Not the jerk in last story. Leo was being a bully and became one to his best friend. His mom did him a favor. Yes, I am happy. Learn to make better friends Leo. Better done when you're a good person.


Story 8: already suspended several times and still mommy doesn't see the problem, so doesn't discipline him?
That's a in&out criminal in the making.


What kind of a parent let's their 16 year old go to a music festival with no adult company!!


Story 6 - A child of a narcissist can have a VERY screwed up idea of what is normal and not, they may actually not be sure if they are the jerk


I’m a professional and experienced nanny with a precious ten years of daycare work. I _might_ nanny for a family with 6 kids, but only if they had a very well-structured household. I’d also charge extra, just because of the extra work of that many kids.
