JK Rowling LOSES IT Completely Over Harry Potter Actors, Lashes Out

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Harry Potter author JK Rowling explodes over the idea of reconciling with actors Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson in unhinged posts over their criticizing of Rowling's transphobic views. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

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"Harry Potter author JK Rowling has made it clear that if (for some reason) Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson begged her for forgiveness for their support of trans rights, they should 'save their apologies'.

The outspoken writer, 58, told fans she wasn't interested in burying the hatchet with stars Radcliffe and Watson after they criticised her controversial views on transgender rights.

The multi-millionaire let rip at the the Brit actors on social media as she slammed celebrities who 'cosied up to a movement intent on eroding women's hard-won rights'.

Rowling shared her reaction to the release of an independent review of the NHS' gender identity services for children and youngsters in the UK, which was conducted over four years by Dr. Hilary Cass."


#TheDamageReport #JohnIadarola #TheYoungTurks
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Funny how Rowling states that abused children are overrepresented at gender clinics, but doesn't for a second consider why that might be the case.


"They don't ask for you to embrace or love them, but to understand that this is a shared world, and they have as much right to exist in it as you do."


I am not trans, but I am autistic. I would very much like it if Ms. Rowling would stop speaking on behalf of autistic people. We are collectively able to advocate for ourselves, and if some of us are also trans, that is none of her (or anybody else’s) business. Trans people exist. Trans autistic people exist. And neither group asked for or wants Ms. Rowling to use us to justify her bigotry.

It is my understanding that her position as a TERF stems from some kind of trauma she received at the hands of men. As a result, she is now triggered by penises, and doesn’t want them in womens’ safe spaces. I also have suffered sexual trauma at the hands of a man, and it has certainly had an impact with my stance on penises. (Which has made growing up with one an ongoing source of anxiety, let me tell you.) But I am self-aware to make distinction between me being triggered by something and governments making policy based on my triggers.

The point of safe spaces existing for particular groups is that all members of that group are similarly treated by the group that’s in power. And I defy anybody to tell me that trans people somehow have political clout that they use against cis-women. For example, the recent political campaign against teen trans women in sports… there are so few actual trans girls competing in school sports that the campaign advertising ended up being more than $1Million per athlete.

Further, the “most robust review of medical evidence” is an amazingly low bar. Yet still further, a review is not new research, it’s just a summary of what all research has already been done. In this case, there simply isn’t a lot of solid studies out there, so a robust review of sparse information is necessarily suspect. Even assuming the studies themselves are trustworthy, and the robust review is intellectually honest. As I have not read Cass’ review, I cannot weigh in on its conclusions.

But I can tell you this: even if we accept the premise that autistic children are over represented in gender clinics, there may well be sound reasons for that. As I said, I’m not trans, but I am asexual. There is a higher percentage of autistic people in the asexual community than the general public. Some might call that “over represented”. But there are lot of asexual people who do not want to be touched by anyone ever. That includes sexual touch. “Over represented” does not mean the statistic is wrong or bad… it just means that the factors that lead to being asexual lend themselves to being autistic. If there’s a similar statistical correlation between autism and being trans, then at most that is grounds to do further studies into why. Jumping straight to malicious sterilization is just bad science.

And finally, trans children are neither sterilized nor inorgasmic. Puberty blockers just delay the body developing secondary sexual characteristics until the person is an adult, and can make an informed decision with an adult mind. No doctor in the world would perform any kind of irreversible procedure on a trans child. And the trans community itself is not, nor has it ever, asking for those surgeries to be performed on children. This is just a bad faith straw man argument that only the intellectually dishonest, or the extremely gullible would use.

Trans kids are “lifelong patients” though. Just like everybody else. Get regular check-ups and physicals. If you have a vagina, have that seen to by an ob/gynecologist. Perform regular breast self-exams. And testicular self exams if you have those. I take three different medications to help me regulate my blood pressure, and I check in with my doctor regularly to see if we need to tweak the dosages of each. Nobody has a problem with aging cis-men getting weekly testosterone shots, but Ms. Rowling would have us believe that a trans person getting those same shots is somehow an affront to their dignity.

In summary, Ms Rowling is having a panic response, and is post-hoc rationalizing reasons that her emotional reaction is actual a carefully thought out rational stance. And because she has a platform and a lot of money, she’s decided to make her problem be everyone else’s problem too. But the autistic community would rather that she not advocate on our behalf. Because she’s bad at it; and, because it’s actually quite ableist of her to assume that we cannot self-advocate. I feel safe in saying that the LGBTQ+ community in general (of which I am a member), and the trans community in particular (of which I am an ally) likewise would prefer she not speak on our/their behalf.


to this day, my main issue with that whole "trans people vs women safe spaces" talking point is this: it just doesnt make any sense.

lets examine this for just a few seconds: obviously, what people mean is the scenario "male creep goes to womens bathroom with the intent of a creep, but is disguised as a trans woman and therefore allowed to do so. OMG!"

heres a shocker: creeps who want to sneak into womens bathrooms will do so anyway. *without* first disguising themselves as one of the most talked about, persecuted, hated-on, discriminated demographics we currently have on the planet. why would they go through all that trouble? plus, a man with shady intent would not want to draw attention to him. how would he draw the most unwanted attention to him? by being a trans person. duh.
creeps will just go to the womens bathroom. because theyre creeps. because thats what creeps do.

setting aside that theres enough other reasons to disagree with this argument - its just soooo stupid. it implodes if you really think about it for a mere 10 seconds. and thats the type of argument that rowling and other people who fell victim to the hate engineering around this small minority have not only adopted, but are now repeating it in an endless feedback loop. talk about the textbook definition of a fried brain.


It's ok for her to have her opinion and yet she attacks people for having their own, no Hypocrisy here. Move along and get over it lady. you wrote some popular kids books, it does not make you an expert on science or genetics.


For someone who likes to bathe herself in victimhood, blame the wrong people for the hurt she has been exposed to in life, she sure is extremely willing to attack and be vicious to other people.


She wrote some children's books. She got rich, so of course she thinks HER opinion matters over everyone else's.


Radcliffe & Watson are a DECADE beyond needing Rowling for ANYTHING. JK could cease to exist tomorrow and the 2 of them and Rupert Grint could go on with their lives, not noticing any difference. Rowling is a hazbeen and I would not be surprised if her own kids and grandkids abandon her for her out-of-date attitude.


A trans woman stole her man. That's the only explanation for this level of obsession. Re: bathrooms- less fuss was made years ago over "unisex" bathrooms that were just a big room with stalls and a shared sink for every gender. The only problem came when a door marked "women" allowed trans women. It's so ridiculous. I'm male and my mother would take me into the women's bathroom with her when an adult male wasn't around until I was probably about 8 years old. No one ever cared. Women have ran into the men's room my whole life when it was an emergency and the women's room was full. The idea that someone would change their whole identity to catch a glance at a woman in the bathroom is ludicrous.


So crappy that she has such draconian opinions.


People who “de-transitioned” had a choice and were allowed to make it, i.e. Transitioning then De-transitioning.


Hatred is *always* a bad look, no matter who wears it.


JK Rowling has conveniently forgotten how she was threatened over her Harry Potter books teaching Satanism to kids. But hey all those millions must help.


I can't wait for the day that we get to just live as ourselves and no longer used as a political football for conservatives to scare monger over. I will never understand what is so scary to cis people about us. We are people that just want to live our lives in peace. Early life for so many trans people is fraught with terror, rejection, and violence, but it gets a lot more clicks to talk about how disgusting we are than to stand up for a minority group.
The plight of having your family reject you.
The nightmare of losing your job, or having your hours slashed for simply being yourself.
The pain of growing up hating yourself because you are brought up in a society that hates you.
But hey, she got eyes on her, she generated some clicks, so what if a bunch of people lose access to life saving medical care?
Why stop and wonder if the words you speak endanger the lives of others?
Why question if denigrating an entire group due to your pre-conceived notions is a moral action?
Why do anything other than farm hatred and stoke fear in the hearts of your listeners over a non-existent threat?


All of the young trans folks in my life are thriving. They are terrific students and caseworkers and leaders in the community. They are surrounded by love and support after years of pain and struggle, and have developed this superpower of compassion. All of us could use to follow their example. Strongest people I know.


Oh, the deep irony. Most of the fundamentalists of the world think that everything Potter is “demonic”.


When she writes ""a movement intent on eroding woman's hard-won rights", is she referring to MAGA and the far-right? Or ironically, she bring this up as somehow gender affirming care violated women's rights?


I'm still waiting for people to call out all the house elf stuff in her books as being pro-slavery. The house elves like doing forced labor for free and if they don't have a master they don't know what to do with themselves and become alcoholics. Legit that is a major subplot that spans multiple books.


All that wealth and the power that it brings and she still feels the need to dump on those on the margins. Just scream it into the empty rooms if your Scottish castle and spare the rest of us your bigotry.


When it comes to the trans issue, I listen to what the medical professionals are saying, not what the author of Harry Potter is saying.
