Z-Review - AKG K240 Headphones

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Whoa I didn't expect you to put the K240s on a mic. I'm literally listening to K240's with my own K240s.


I own a pair of K240's and they sound great in the studio. The sound staging is crazy, the sound clarity is great, but the scooped sub-bass ranges may leave some people feeling they are a little lackluster. I personally have not had any issues driving them (work fine on my Iphone) other than the fact that they are semi-open, which will allow a lot of audio bleeding through either way, in or out. So if you're in an area with a lot of noise do not expect these to handle any kind of noise canceling.


2020 and this is still the best review on You Tube about the K240. Amazing!!!


Actually the first review of headphones with a real sound demo. Genius system to record them! Helped me a lot in my decision to buy these akg k240. I hate creepy bassy headphones. That's why I always loved Yamaha stuff, great balance in frequencies. Thanks from France!


This is probably the most in-depth audio review I've ever seen on YouTube. I'm definitely subscribing.


Just got my own pair of AKG K240's dropped off by Amazon moments ago. Have them on right now, and have been having a lot of fun listening to Apple Music and YouTube on them. I've got them connected to a SMSL SP200 THX headphone amp currently, but tried them with my iPad at first, which was JUST able to drive them at a good, loud level, but not ear-bleeding, that's for sure. While zipping through some of my favorite YouTube music, thought I'd look and see if anyone did a review of these, and low....there was Z-Review. So now I'm listening to Zeos review the K240's while listening to the K240's.

For the $42.78 I paid to Amazon for these, new-in-the-box, I'm very impressed. And yes, I went right to Michael Jackson as well, though did "Beat It" instead of "Don't Stop Until You Get Enough", and was singing along.

They are clear as a bell, and do a great job with vocals. The soundstage is big and wide, they are as light as a feather, comfortable enough for long listening sessions, and have no real downsides. With a little EQ, they can really come alive, though even without EQ they sound really good. Surprising amount of detail, and a fairly warm, inviting sound. No, they aren't going to wow you with bass, but there's enough there for a good, balanced sound.

Even though I have Grado, Koss and HiFiMan cans sitting on the desk right next to me, and just bought these AKG's for shitz and gigglez, I'm quite impressed!

If you can get these on sale, BUY THEM. But even at full price, they are a very good buy.

Thanks Z!


Using binaural microphones to show how open the headphones are was a really good idea


I am not a specialist or anybody similar. But happened to have a chance to use these headphones for a couple of hours with my Iphone 6s. Plugged them directly in (no amp used). I have nothing to compare such setup with - but ended up listening through so many songs in my playlist cause for me it was an incredible experience. Once again - I have not had a chance to try too many headphones. Would rather say that I am a general consumer using anything small and convenient as long as it works. K240 gave me such a great experience of music! Even without an elaborate hifi setup. I found country music and vocals in general to sound the best. While heavy metal was good but when too many things were playing - it tended to intermix and the difference with my earplugs was mostly the volume and range of sound. But definition of separate sound sources was diminished. Overall - in my opinion these headphone can work with your Iphone with no problem


Dear reader, I was in your place, looking at comments. I hesitate but decided to buy these headphones. I can say next: sound is clear, open 'n' wide, bass is not weak and yet detailed. Has feel/hear of soundstage. I would recommend it ONLY if you DON'T listen to new age Hip Hip, R'n'B. If you listen only new age Hip Hip, R'n'B, buy Dr.Dre, Beats whatever (they are hardwired to produce big punch of bass and drums to compensate for bad mixed song (if you are offended, you should be)). I don't understand why people are bashing these headphones on YouTube only. Same for Fender Mustang GT-100, everyone is bashing, but they didn't test it. I bought that too, best investment for guitar sound so far for best price, yes it can CHUGG. Yes sir itsmistersmoke, me too. Me too.


I like Mini-XLR, they are relatively easy to replace using Amphenol plugs and connectors


If you buy the k240 mk II which are the same for 10$ extra you get a shurt coily cable and extra velour pads.. Well worth 10usd extra


By far the best audio review I've ever watched!


I actually used them with a tube amp for a week, and I declare the bass to be adequate.


Amazon has these for less than $55 USD.

I like mine quite a lot. The bass (minus the non-existent sub bass) distorts in fascinating and fun ways with amping. Not a very high-resolving headphone but very lush-sounding. Probably the cheapest mid-centric headphone you can find.


Listening to the part of this where it's on the stereo box on a pair of AKG K240s is trippy af


A pair of these and ath-m50x is available secondhand in my area for 50usd. I'm way tempted. I've got a set of AKG k361 that one of your vids influenced. Only were 50, they were an opened return.


Skvělý test, skvělé snímací zařízení pro sluchátka !! Díky...


Run these straight off my 1985 TEAC CD player and they make 95% of albums immaculate experiences. The only issues I had were with albums that were mixed without taking advantage of the soundstage, or heavy on wall of sound and bass.
e.g. Radiohead sounded amazing and wide, Mastodon sounded muddy and closed in


I got them today 1-9-16 from Guitar Center, they want $ 99, I show them the price from Amazon $49, and they match the price, this phone is AMAZING, I play drums, with Pandora, the volume is controlled, how you explained, from the Ipod, Volume is gain... :), From Youtube, must of the time is controlled, but some videos are already Loud . Playing drums with this AKG k240 become weird at the beginning, because I was used to the RZA Premium Headphones and its Bass is it Extreme, plus they are Closed back or Insolation ones, No way I can listen well my :(, so that is the main reason I got this AKG semi open back... Now I am readjusting my ears to them, after 30 minutes on the drum set, I got a kind of pleasure to performance, i hope this help, thanks Z-reviews.


great review. tyvm. I used to have a pair of these years ago and they were stolen. I used them for studio mixing engineering and loved them. Just ordered a new pair and can't wait for them to arrive. The replaceable cord was also a HUGE selling factor for me as I am tired of headphones breaking. My wife just broke my pair of Senheisers :( (cord, one ear no longer works)
